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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2021 in all areas

  1. So I'm working on a Star Vs the Forces of Evil story, and I was amazed when I started typing the phrase "magical princess from another dimension" -- which I had last typed several months ago -- and my phone actually pulled up the correct next word. At least, up to a point. magical princess from another recipe Good try, phone, good try.
    2 points
  2. Re: “Monsters” From DreamWorlds on April 03, 2021 Then I have done my job right.
    1 point
  3. As of just now, I have finished the "cycle" that I started a week ago, adding at least 200 words to every chapter of every story that I'm working on. This did not result in my having a huge burst of inspiration and making massive progress on any one story, but it did cause me to do a lot of useful thinking and, in some cases, additional outlining of stories, along with the writing. I'm a big believer in the concept that a lot of our thinking goes on subconsciously. So it didn't surprise me that in the later parts of the cycle, I suddenly got ideas for things to add to or mention in stories I had worked on earlier in the cycle. I hope that will keep going for a bit. In any case, now I'll go back to sort-of focusing on the things I most want to finish next: the next parts of "Cartooniverse" and "The Power Arcane." Whether those will actually be the next things I finish remains, as always, an open question.
    1 point
  4. Re: “Wishful” From IttyBittySkitty on March 29, 2021 Aw, crud, I crashed Skitty. Who do I call for tech support? I almost forgot that the request for chambermaid shenanigans came from you. Glad you enjoyed. When life hands you lemons, make porn. Or however that saying goes. That would be me. *head overinflates and explodes* That could happen, yes. Although, as Fairy Slayer pointed out, it might be a touch awkward if a traffic copter lands in the back yard. Thank you! And I hope you like where that ending leads in the next chapter. Joma, try turning her off and back on again. Anything? Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  5. Re: “Wishful” From IttyBittySkitty on March 27, 2021 Oh yeah. That bit about Athena putting herself directly between Jace’s face and his tablet screen is what one of my cats used to do to my wife all the time. Have I mentioned how fetish-compatible you and Joma are? She’s probably a G-cup. It’s hard to say for sure, though, because the Benata use an ideographic language instead of an alphabet. *whistles casually* Oh, my. That thought puts a smile on my face. Thank you! No worries, feel free to pace yourself. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
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