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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2020 in all areas

  1. JayDee

    AFF Holiday Party 2020

    The Succubus’ Gift A short story of Mike, his girlfriend Lupa, and a Christmas Eve visit. ChallengeFic MF Oneshot Oral Loaded! Please let me know any typos, grammar errrors, and the like!
    1 point
  2. Note to self: Do not use banishing charms while bowling, all those strikes on gutter balls might get suspicious to the muggles.
    1 point
  3. Sometimes the right soundtrack can get the creative juices flowing again.
    1 point
  4. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey gang, just popped on for a quick update. I’m working on 3 different stories at the same time right now, just kind of working when I feel like it and on which story I feel like writing… One of the three features Sabrina Carpenter in a kind of pseudo post-apocalyptical near future where Trump won the election and the US went to hell in a hand basket… Think of the Purge (never seen those movies) but with some celebrities… It will likely be a multi part story, but so far the only one I’ve got plans to work on is the first chapter that will have Sabrina in it. The second story is in a kind of similar vein to the first, where some out of control ICE agents take matters into their own hands and detain Isabela Merced. Both of these stories will be of a rough non-con style and will likely be fairly similar in some ways. But I think both will also be very hot in their own ways. These are two ladies I’ve been wanting to write about for a while now and just haven’t found a chance to put hand to keypad in order to put something together. Finally, I’ve been plucking at Billion Dollar Harem chapter 51 here and there, mostly as ideas take me. I have no idea when any of these stories will be done. I’m fairly obsessed with Cyberpunk 2077 at the moment and it has been occupying a decent amount of my spare time. But I have been trying to at least write a paragraph or so every night when I’m at work. I know that the further I get into writing these stories the more likely I am to feel compelled to write as opposed to sitting around watching Netflix or playing a video game. It is my hope that I can bring one or two of these stories to you by the end of January, but I don’t want to make any promises as I really hate disappointing you guys. Anyway, I wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been up to. I hope you all had a happy holiday and that you all have a safe and fun New Years. I’ll briefly respond to the comments and then I’ll get out of your hair. ArcherNexus: Thank you for your patience and your well wishes. I personally don’t know of any story like BDH. I don’t read a whole lot of fanfiction to be honest because I find most writers who do this just aren’t very skilled and I get pulled out of the stories they are trying to tell by bad grammar, horrible plot holes, or just ludicrously inadequate set up… There are a couple of writers on CSL that I do like. You can search by author on that site. I recommend stories by Dark_Swordsman, Muhabba, and MiamiLyfe. That is by no means me suggesting they are the only good writers on that site… I just don’t read enough to know more. I have read works by all three of these and can attest that they are good. I don’t know if that answers your question lol… but its all I got… Juan: A guy here at my work seemed to go through something similar where he realized months after the fact that he probably had COVID. It worked out well for him, as I hope it did for you, in so far as his symptoms were so mild he barely noticed, and likely gave him the antibodies to protect him through some of the worst months. I too enjoy Emma’s Blowbang and Going Gonzo. I have every intention of finishing, at the very least, Going Gonzo. And as I’m just sort of tinkering with writing at the moment, I might pluck at these some… But I’m going to try and focus my piddleing to three works at a time lol…. I’m kind of hoping by working on multiple things at once that I don’t get too burned out on any one thing. It might make things slower though for at least a little while… Sazbi: I didn’t see Ariana’s music video, but she is so hot that I’m sure it was fire… I haven’t gotten far enough into the chapter to be working on any sex scenes yet, but I do plan to at least mention and describe in some detail the important ones. Obviously, the Ari/ Chloe match up will be in great detail, but if Taylor/Ari comes up, I can assure you there will be at least some description. Thank you for the sentiments, I hope not to delay the arrival of chapter 51 too long, but I am, at least for now, planning to continue my plan of working on a few projects at once as the desire and interest takes me. Alright guys that about does it for now, Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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