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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2020 in all areas

  1. You know what’s really lame? The biggest reason why I want to get the COVID vaccine is that I want to see Wonder Woman 1984 in a movie theater.
    4 points
  2. Ze story, she is up! Link is in the top post. I somehow managed to add my story twice, and since there’s not an obvious way to delete a chapter without deleting the whole story, I just erased everything and put [add story here] in the chapter title. So whoever posts next, please just overwrite that with your story.
    2 points
  3. Sinfulwolf

    AFF Holiday Party

    Will try and get something finished for a party, but I’ve got so many damn projects on the go right now. When will the due date be?
    2 points
  4. Time to get merry, ‘cause the 2020 AFF Holiday Party is happening! Stories must be A complete oneshot (less than 50k words Original fiction Holiday themed (any December-ish holiday: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus) Tagged with all applicable warnings at the top of the story Jolly writing and reading, all!
    1 point
  5. Here, authors can reply to any reviews of their stories for the 2020 AFF Holiday Party. Let the merriment commence!
    1 point
  6. That moment you realize you’re describing a dental cleaning...
    1 point
  7. “Checking It Twice” is posted, and so the AFF Holiday Party begins! Now I’m going to bed again.
    1 point
  8. GeorgeGlass

    AFF Holiday Party

    Due date? This isn’t homework, ya know. But I suppose if you want people to be in the holiday spirit when they read it, you might want to post it by New Year’s or thereabouts.
    1 point
  9. From Fairy-Slayer on December 20, 2020 Lincoln may have the worst case of the Loud-hormone-madness, but his sisters all have it, too. I should have guessed you would. Boning remains Lincoln’s top priority, for better or worse. I should think not. But I think Lisa’s initial motives were to satisfy her scientific curiosity and to see Lincoln get it on with Darcy. Only when Carol rendered Lincoln unavailable did Lisa realize how much she wanted to fool around with Darcy. No, Lori had no clue, or she never would have drunk the tea or let Carol drink it. But once she had that exogenous loudamine in her system, she got a lot more open-minded (to speak only of her mind) about a lot of things. Maybe, maybe not. The placebo effect can still occur even when what you’ve taken isn’t a placebo. Darcy is so cute and sweet and emotionally intelligent in her own way that, it turns out, she’s pretty fun to write. Thanks! Let’s see if I can manage that when...well, no spoilers. Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  10. Thundercloud

    AFF Holiday Party

    I also thought that it was not that confusing. Just some minor edits and I would been totally stand alone...but JayDee wrote in those dark times when he didn’t know you could edit contributions to collections of stories. Speaking about something else...I do have an entry in progress for this year that will finish on time. If somebody would be around for exchange of beta services it might turn into an even better. Anyone that feel up for it?
    1 point
  11. InvidiaRed

    AFF Holiday Party 2020

    Master Override When Cybersort Industries’s AI murdered its CEO and shareholders. That was supposed to be the end of biological interference. So what’s a silver eyed fellow doing intruding on gifting day? TBA Nearly ready
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. InvidiaRed

    AFF Holiday Party

    You are far too disparaging and harsh with yourself. Be good to yourself JayDee.
    1 point
  14. From InBrightestDay on December 19, 2020 Oh my God, this chapter...ok, I have to pace myself. The couples stuff with Logan and Duncan is cute, and I do appreciate the fact that logan is trying to keep himself under control and not take up the offer of sex at every rest stop. He may not know about all of Duncan's past incarnations or exactly what happened in them, but it is clear that he's trying to keep his husband from being unduly stressed (hence letting him sleep as much as possible). We also get some little bits of info on what it means to be a jotunn in this world. I liked the detail that they wouldn't approve of two men marrying but probably would have shown up to the wedding anyway, just because it was an excuse to drink and party. I also like the idea that while he was born in the US, Logan still knows the others in his clan. And then...Glykon appears. This may be the funniest thing I've read in anything you've written. I can't begin to tell you how hard I was laughing at the sheer absurdity of this scene ("Gaze upon the glory that is me."). For anyone reading this after you've read the chapter, and who might have gotten a little confused, Glykon was a snake deity worshipped by a cult in ancient Rome. The primary source on him is Lucian, a Roman satirist who wasn't a fan of the cult, and among other things portrayed Glykon as being a hand puppet, hence why the snake is wearing a hand puppet on his head here. Personally. Its Logan’s rebuttal that made me laugh until I teared up when I wrote it. Logan just no selling a god’s entrance was and still is hilarious. The fertility blessing was an amusing idea. I know the story establishes that Duncan has children, but given the personality Glykon has on display, I half-imagine a fertility blessing would result in Logan getting pregnant. Don’t give him ideas =p Also just a mandatory reminder that this scene features a death god in transparent pants and a bright red jockstrap strangling a handpuppet. I was reading this in the break room at work and had to try and keep from snorting with laughter. Logan's a great audience surrogate there (I'm assuming he's pulling sort of an O_o reaction) and it gets even better when the cards go missing from his wallet. Yep, Its why he laughing hysterically for a moment. He doesn’t know how to process the sheer absurdity even when his husband is calmly choking out this serpent god. Glykon doesn't even have hands. All you need is a dream. Glykon’s weakness is hands. Anyway, our regularly scheduled shenanigans have now been interrupted by Fomorians, so we'll have to see where that goes next time! Historic route 66 straight to Cali!
    1 point
  15. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey gang, I wanted to come on and give you guys some much overdue news and I wholeheartedly apologize for how long I took to give this update. First off, I want to preface this by saying I am fully recovered from my bout with COVID-19. What I’m about to say has nothing to do with my sickness. Okay, I finished my Secret Santa project for CSL a few weeks or so past. I will post that here shortly after it goes live on CSL for my Secret Santa to read. I think it is pretty good. It is certainly very fucked up and nasty I will say that. I can’t really say which celeb the story features or what exact content you can expect from it without potentially alerting the recipient of the story (in case they read my forum). I want it to be a surprise, in the spirt of the event and thus, I will wait to post it until after its been up on CSL for a few days at least. Now, I know I told you guys that after I finished this Secret Santa project that I would be plunging ahead into Billion Dollar Harem pt. 51, but… I’m afraid that just won’t be the case… I have tried, believe me I have opened the doc more times than I can count with the intention of working on it…. I just can’t seem to find the motivation. These summary chapters can be rough for me because its basically impossible to have a connected story. Its more like writing a dozen mini stories with much less detail. Now, I want to assure you guys, I’m not abandoning the story or anything like that. But I do think that I’ll be taking a break from it until I feel motivated to work on it. Forcing myself to write something I’m just not feeling will only do a disservice to the story and to you guys who want to read it. I don’t know what I’m going to work on in the meantime. All I know for now is that BDH just isn’t motivating me and trying to force myself to work on it only makes me not feel like writing at all. I’m going to give it some thought over the next few days and once I’ve decided what I’m going to work on, I’ll likely do another post to let you guys know. Most likely it’ll be a brand new project. Probably a one shot with a celeb I haven’t yet worked with. There is also the potential for me to pull out an unfinished story, Emma’s Blowbang maybe or Going Gonzo… who knows. The point is that my previously posted schedule has been officially thrown out, and I’m going to be working on something other than BDH for the time being. Well that’s what I have to say about that. I hope that I can get back to BDH soon, and I really hope you guys are patient with me and maybe willing to read some other stuff in the meantime. Now I just want to take a moment to address the comments: Caligula: Hail Caesar! LOL! Great user name! I wanted to thank you for your post. Over the years I’ve found a lot of different places to post BDH, but this is the site I like best. AFF will always be the first place I post my stories with very few exceptions. It really makes me feel good to know that people like you love my story, come back to read it a second time or just simply like it enough to post a simple comment telling me so. It really makes me feel good to hear from you guys and it justifies all the work I put into this story. Its true that I don’t make any money from this work. Partially, that is because I could potentially be sued for doing so, but also, at this point, I work on it more for you fans than for anything else. I want to finish it for you guys and I’d hate to think someone couldn’t finish it because they didn’t want to pay for it. I really appreciate the kind words about my story. I would agree that it is certainly no masterpiece of literature, but I am glad that I can bring a little joy to some people with it. I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a long and thoughtful comment and I thought you should know your “one stroke” comment made me laugh. Hopefully it was good for more than just that LOL! Anyway, thank you again for the comment, and I hope you’ll bare with me while I take some time away from BDH to work on something else. Sazbi: Physically I am doing just fine. I’m not sure if its the holidays or just shut in fever or something else, but mentally, I have been kind of bleh lately. That feeling might partially be due to anger at myself for not being able to work on BDH, but I really don’t know. I’m hopping that by switching gears and working on something fresh I can turn that mood around. In the meantime, thank you for the comment and the concern and I hope to have an update for you real soon. Okay guys, that’s about it for me. I know this wasn’t good news, but hopefully it will work out, and maybe whatever I come out with next will tide you guys over till I can get back to BDH… Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
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