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  1. Ooh! Ooh! I can be useful! You actually can do that. If you go to the archives, and sign in, then go to “My Control Panel” and to “Originals Story Manager”. On the story manager page, it should have “Stories Written” at the top, but then if you scroll down (you have a ton of stories, so it may take a while for you), you should then come to “Stories Co-Written” and finally “Story Contributions”. That last one is where you can edit the chapters you’ve added to anthologies like this one. I’ve used it to edit Moonlit Snow after spotting a typo.
    1 point
  2. Part Eleven is up! One more week and this thing will be done.
    1 point
  3. From Thundercloud on November 01, 2020 @Thundercloud Thanks for the review and detailed thoughts! I’d settle for one or two a year like this too In a sense I have been working on this for ages – the original flashfic version (Which started with Bradley and a drunken, lecherous, asshole, version of Tommy supposedly arriving at a reststop to buy drugs but really so Bradley could murder Tommy for his demon master) must be five or six years old, but I didn’t like how it came out. InBrightestDay suggested it would work better with Kate than Lupa and I’d say that’s absolutely right, so with the basic plot worked out over ages of thought it was a simpler thing to smash it out for Halloween. Although, due to leaving the final draft so late some errors slipped through. Like that evenhanded one. And Hahahaha, aw fuck. Yeah, the line “ He looked over Tommy instead;” should abolutely be “He looked over Reuban instead;“ I mean, he’s not gonna check out his own ass. Definitely a downside of the system here we cannot edit added chapters on the multi-story things. Ain’t fair to keep bugging George to do it. I’ve edited the original rtf anyway Glad you liked Reuban. He’s a good looking guy! Thank you! My one regret is leaving it so late I didn’t have a week or so to wait and re-read before posting. Ronnie’s gone all bambi’s-first-steps legs on Reuban there, so it made sense to have him holding her up. Glad it all worked for ya! Thanks again! “There’s something strange about this girl…” *Sees the unshaven arms and legs* “Dear god! A Hippie!” Can never have enough gory werewolf stories! They might not contact her about the case – no doubt they’ll find a reason to contact her about other things if they’re less professional :p Thank you! It is very kind of you
    1 point
  4. Yep, that detail was meant to be rather funny. I also think that the stress about the state of apartment give a plausible reason why James might not be at the top of the game so to say when they return at his home. It is part of slasher-movie rules of engagement that the killer is super efficient in every encounter with a super natural sense of opportunity for getting away with murder...at least until he tries to murder the lead character and cannot land even a single blow. *smiles* Trying to write something thrilling and getting a Hitchcock reference back feels good. Feel free to send me a PM about it. Good that you enjoyed the read.
    1 point
  5. One ofthe story gremlings I spoke about earlier that was making progress hard were more scenes from previous murders at the sorority house. I originally added the violence tag due to these...but eventually decided that they did not progress the story much and they was kind of hard to write without foreshadowing too much. Yep, hard to fetch the camera without being seen on tape You are welcome, I enjoyed writing that. It was obviously chosen for the reverse reason in reality. My reason for using that particular movie is that I really liked it and thought that prompt for people to watch it might be useful. It was also a great way to mark the age difference between the characters. Good to hear. To be honest I decided that the readers guess is as good as mine. I considered writing in the detail that the phone was left in the kitchen and had been moved by somebody, but then decided that James reaction on this would just slow down the urgency of the scene. In the end it is not like James objection about the water pitcher in the living room is very convincing evidence. I can imagine plenty of reason why Jane would like fresh water from the tap and watch the phone. I am glad you like it. I have carried this idea for like 15 years, but never got around to write it since the story twist felt kind weak on its own for a stand alone story. Good to have the story finally out of my system.
    1 point
  6. From Thundercloud on November 01, 2020 Tricked by InvidiaRed This is the kind of story when you start reading and more once have to pause when you realize that there is yet another cross reference to another story you have assumed is unrelated...and then you start to smile and move on. Thank you, You are far too kind. Maybe it would have worked better if I had the other stories in more recent memory, but even though I found most events understandable there was a couple references that left me scratching my head in confusion. When there was talk about Hel in the context of a wife and the references to Hel's mother I did not get it at all. Melinoe is a a two fold goddess much like Hel is. She is a goddess of nightmares, madness, The restless dead of whom did not receive proper rites. It was important to hightlight the bickering of poker buddies even if Mic was being cruel. Ooof. I’ll try to clear it up as I consider Holiday canon to be Powdered Sugar first, Then Temporary and finally Tricked. As for the parts that I understood I liked the interplay at the ranch. One of the thoughts I had while reading Death Always wins was that some of the tension was lost when not much was at stake for the participants. This story surely delivered something quite different. The missing associate for the devil, the bitchering between the gods and the combat meant this was a good read. The ending with Uber driver was very funny...and then afterward there is an extra scene with somebody named Duncan that the others were talking about earlier (and I think you had the character in a story last christmas). Duncan seem to have been in battle...or something that he does not remember...is the battle at ranch house???...and he shall do a quest that seem totally unrelated to everything so far. Incarnation shenanigans, Simply put for the day of Halloween Angrboda a past incarnation had free reign after Duncan was infested by a underworld parasite. I suppose there is series of stories you are supposed to read to understand what is happening, but for me it just left me wondering and confused. Had it ended with the Uber drive and no resolution on what happened at the ranch house it would have made sense from narrative point of view but now we got something that feel like the beginning of new (and promising) story.
    1 point
  7. The Italian cabbie in Night on Earth picks up a passenger who ends up describing his rather bizarre sexual history, which includes having once fucked a pumpkin.
    1 point
  8. I read it as a very funny joke about the libido of juniors. Speaking from experience there need to be certain thickness on leather for it really to make sounds. When I wear my leather armor it is quite easy to make it creak by breathing deeply. A modern leather trench coat is often more plastic than any leather and those will not make any sounds,, but if you have an older one that has not been oiled for some time I can imagine it giving sounds that make it sound that it is on the way to break...creaking heavily sounds fitting provided we are speaking about leather that need to be oiled.
    1 point
  9. From Fairy-Slayer on October 30, 2020 Given Coach Pacowski’s use of barbed wire in his obstacle course, one could argue that sex with Mrs. Johnson was the less kinky activity of the two. By this point, he’s had quite a lot of practice. Which, really, is the thrust of this story (as it were): precociously horny boy with precocious sexual and interpersonal skills is turned loose on his elementary school, and wackiness ensues. My feeling is that Mrs. Johnson’s good judgment has an OFF button somewhere in there. Thanks for another day-brightening review!
    1 point
  10. Next year, I really need to create a trick-or-treater bingo card. Items would include at least 3 girls dressed as Elsa at least 5 boys dressed as Batman a whole family in themed costumes a mom wearing a decidedly inappropriate costume while escorting her kids around (This year’s was a slutty cop.)
    1 point
  11. JayDee

    Halloween Party 2020!

    I’ll get this read and reviewed later today, great to see another one for it! (Still holding out hopes for a BronxWench entry!) I am on the edge of my seat to find out if it is a slasher of teens or a teen who slashes, or a slasher of teens who is also a teen. I likes some title word play.
    1 point
  12. Hi, I took a look at both profiles, and it looks like they belong to the same person based on information in our records. Given that we only allow one account per member, what I’m going to do is remove the Kirara_Grey account as a duplicate account. I do want to thank you for catching this one. We haven’t finished clean-up in either Inuyasha or Originals, and the older stories are rife with this sort of thing. But we really, really dislike plagiarists here on AFF, so we always are grateful to alert readers! Thank you!
    1 point
  13. From InBrightestDay on October 27, 2020 Tricked What have you done, Invidia!? You've crossed over that which was never meant to cross over! You've opened the seals and we're all doomed! DOOMED I TELL YOU!!! *Ahem.* Muhahaha!How could I resist? The doorway was clearly unattended and now through the archway they come! Dun Dun DUH!!!! Ok, so I started this review wondering whether or not you'd cleared this with tcr, seeing as this is clearly a direct sequel to Death Always Wins, albeit with some rather noticeable changes, one of which is that you have it in your Powdered Sugar setting (which admittedly was inspired by tcr's story, but wasn't a direct continuation). Then the story went in a direction that raised several questions, leading me to the assumption that this is the setup for a Duncan adventure (Duncan himself appears to have blacked out after the end of Temporary and then woken up here), and then… (OOF!, Its not a direct continuation and events do significantly differ. I did message them so its all good. Gods are public domain. Duncan's on a road trip to find Yua. This is deeply flattering, and it would be very cool to see Duncan and Yua interact, but also might cause some potential problems depending on how it relates to the other stories. I am very interested in seeing where it goes, mind you. (Holiday canon can matter just as much or as little as a holiday episode haha its own separate little timeline). Uh...sorry this wasn't more of an actual review of the story itself! I kind of got distracted when Yua was namedropped. (I did also reference The Woman In The Statue. It impressed me highly) The story itself feels more like the first act of something larger, which works in the sense that it makes people interested, but at the same time has the inevitable side effect of storylines here ending on cliffhangers (like whatever's going on with Lucifer at the end there. (Big J was his Uber driver, Luci played the fool this Halloween tricked so many times and he didn’t even realize it. Hel usurped him as the hero of the story) One of Duncan’s previous incarnations was solidly revealed. Angrboða herself. The Norse Mother of Monsters and Wolf Mother) More importantly their personalities are vastly different. They do however share a hostility to Aesir in general and an irrational hatred of angels) Its also the reason why Lucifer couldn’t reap her. Yes, She is dead but essentially she’s but a single thread in a massive spider’s web. Or a single link in a chain. It shouldn’t have been possible since she’s definitively dead and Duncan is multiple incarnations removed from her the rules however are significantly different on Halloween. Someone actually did guess correctly that his other incarnation was none other than Dagda’s Doom- Cethlann
    1 point
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