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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2020 in all areas

  1. DirtyAngel

    non villain bad guy

    Increasing testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone can increase a woman's libido but can also create a she-monster from the deepest depths of Tartarus lol being the recipient of HRT I can tell you it's a toss up as to what you get lol
    3 points
  2. Well freakin' happy birthday, you whippersnapper! Usually I try to let others have a say if I'm involved with a story, plus as you've seen from my other recent reviews, my concentration isn't working so well these days, but I do have good things to say about the crossover (even if I repeat myself a bit). I really thought it'd get more love too. Bimbo – WHERE! Dark seems like a very good way to go for Halloween, though sometimes you're a bit too good at it. (Which is actually perfect… I think. ) Now get out there and have some fun! …within the pandemic safety restrictions for your area, of course. (Besides, with everyone in masks you can't really tell who the vampires/demons/aliens/exes/zombies are.)
    1 point
  3. Ah, I think my thought was edited by Mr. Cockup: Lincoln, Jordan, and Stella all have had moments where they consciously can't believe how forward or pushy they're being in the moment (or even well in advance with Stella). A youngster usually only feels that in retrospect. (And an oldster doesn't feel that often enough.) But again, when the thought pops up usually something else does too. I won't ask for a spoiler because it could be many things, so I'll just call them "options" for now.
    1 point
  4. It seems my story "The Cartooniverse Mother-Daughter Crossover Sextacular," which I was very excited about, is a bit of a flop. Chapter 1 has been posted for eleven days now, and not one comment. On a separate note, anyone heard from Star Wars Player 1 lately? He hasn’t posted here in a dog’s age. On another separate note, I’m getting nowhere with my Halloween story, “Night of the Were-Bimbo.” However, I have another, much darker story idea that I was going to save for next year but that I am now seriously considering writing for this year (thereby giving myself another 12 months to work out an actual plot for “Were-Bimbo”). Final note: Happy birthday to me, God help me.
    1 point
  5. I usually respond to reviews in the order received, but I let this one get past me. Nonetheless, your review is very important to us, so please stay on the line and- sorry. From Aegis999 on September 30, 2020 Well, we don’t know for SURE that she’s knocked up. (Although that would be a tad anticlimactic, wouldn’t it?) Could be... No spoilers, but there’s an upcoming chapter titled “Extra Credit.” That could mean anything, though. I’ll be blunt – I’m not planning that for this story. But this thing could end up becoming a trilogy… Thanks for the review!
    1 point
  6. BronxWench

    non villain bad guy

    Speaking from the increasingly uncomfortable vantage point of being female, let’s toss Logic on its long-suffering head, please, because Logic is standing there with hands on hips and insisting that sex is 90% mental for most women. If the head isn’t into it, it’s not ever going to be earthshattering, or wonderful, or even remotely addictive. Yes, hormones are involved, but not in the way you seem to think. While estrogen, progesterone, and especially testosterone have an effect on causing a woman to desire sex, increasing those hormones doesn’t have the end result of increasing sexual desire. Estrogen makes you look feminine, and progesterone is essential to carry a pregnancy to term. Testosterone can affect sexual desire, and yes, women make and use testosterone. Increasing it would however have some nasty side effects, unless you like very masculine, hairy, infertile women. Unless you want to dabble in the feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin, which makes you happy, or dopamine, which makes you feel good, or oxytocin, which seems to induce cuddling, I’m not seeing a way to use hormones in any logical manner. There isn’t a way to medically/neurochemically/biologically make this happen without taking that leap in the fantasy this truly is, and try to create something that will allow readers to suspend disbelief long enough to not want to skillet into insensibility both your character and you for creating him.
    1 point
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