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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2020 in all areas

  1. I find that there are a lot of fandoms that I enjoy, but only so many that I want to write in, porn-wise. My criteria are more or less these: The fandom has to present a lot of opportunity for turning situations porny. Any show where there’s mad science, magic, or characters from other worlds with totally different cultures is good. If it’s TV, it has to be animated. I feel weird writing about characters who are physically portrayed by real actors. If the characters are young, they need to be precocious in some way. I think this explains why I write lots of stories about fandoms like The Loud House and Phineas and Ferb but not, say, Milo Murphy’s law or Person of Interest. How about y’all?
    1 point
  2. I started writing fan fiction for the CRPGs I play, mostly because the writers for the games absolutely suck at writing relationships. (Yes, David Gaider, I am talking to you.) Honestly, even with a ratings-required fade to black, the older games managed a great deal of heavy innuendo that the later games lacked. Well, until Dragon Age, thank the Maker! Then I sort of slipped into a bit of LotR fan fiction because I like elves, particularly Tolkien’s not-at-all-fluffy elves. But I will say, while I would never speak ill of Lee Pace’s portrayal of Thranduil Oropherion, I write based on the books and not the movies or actors. I have to really geek about a fandom to want to write for it.
    1 point
  3. For me it absolutely just depends on whatever idea something gives me and my ability to actually get it written down from my head. I’ve been happy to write in fandoms I know nothing about from requests because of that. My only real “won’t do” for a fandom now is real person fic. I’ve was doing more original stuff when I was writing last because I kept having thoughts about the same characters.
    1 point
  4. Just got a desktop computer for the first time, and feel like I’m staring at a giant screen… the forum is HUGE now…
    1 point
  5. GeorgeGlass


    Click on the “Archives” tab, and a world of wonders will open to you.
    1 point
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