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  1. Hey, SWP1. Chapter 4 of “For the Price of One” is coming right along and is probably the next thing I’ll post. I’ve gotten a good start on chapter 6 of "Wishful,” but it’s going to be a while. A lot happens in that chapter.
    1 point
  2. Thank you! I originally had a more maudlin ending in mind, with Dad dying of cancer and explaining that he wanted to get this story out before he goes, but that was when I was planning to make this a shorter story and skip over certain days of Angie and Daddy’s adventure. But as I was writing the story, I realized that I didn’t want to skip over anything, which made the dying-Dad ending unnecessary (not to mention that it that wouldn’t have been a good tonal fit with the rest of the story). But I left in a bit of conflict so as to be able to end with that last line of dialogue.
    1 point
  3. I’ve just posted chapter 1 (of 3) of “Keene’s College Weekend,” which is a sequel to “Keene’s Really Good Week.” Eleven-year-old Keene visits his big sister Kiri at school and learns a few things about college life—and college girls. (furry, straight shota, big boobs, brother-sister incest, anal) Probably the next thing I’ll post will be chapter 4 of “For the Price of One.”
    1 point
  4. Logan meets Duncan for the first time in The Fomorian Crown haha.
    1 point
  5. All in all I found the ending very satisfying. I like that he felt the conflict at the end but equally enjoyed that it was presented in such a way as to keep from bringing down the story as a whole
    1 point
  6. You kidding me? It’s always an honor to work in this shared universe (the Angelverse?) with you! I also figured that the events of MRaD came just before WoH, given that the fics were posted so close together. It was what inspired me to include Michael in WitS to begin with, actually. It didn’t. As the National Guard (including the LTV Private Flynn was in) advanced into the area within Eparlegna’s barrier, they were swarmed by id constructs. They dropped several waves with automatic fire, and were holding well, but that was when the Screamer attacked. An avian horror forged of Wrath, the Screamer resembled a giant vulture, its black wings spreading twelve meters across, hooked thumb talons sprouting from feathered flesh, its beaked jaws bristling with tooth-like projections of sharp bone. Its name came from the weapon it employed as it attacked, swooping low over the soldiers and releasing a piercing , deafening shriek, a focused beam of sound that shattered glass, rattled the metal frames of the vehicles and stunned humans in its path, leaving them easy prey for other monsters. After its second pass, the Screamer landed in the middle of the National Guard formation, knocking stunned soldiers away with the hammer blows of its beating wings. Moving on its feet and wings like a bat, it moved to the LTV and tore the driver’s side door off, dragging the screaming redhead out. The Wrath construct made to seize her in its beak, to rend her flesh and scatter blood and viscera across the battlefield, its snakelike neck drawing back and striking, jaws spread wide...only for the Archangel Luzurial to step in front of it and catch its jaws, holding them open as it tried to bite. Private Flynn scrambled back, and the beast tried to scream, but Luzurial slammed its head into the asphalt, blunting the sonic attack. One of its wings reached for her, the thumb talon meant to slash at her, but she kicked it aside. Still, she could not reach the machete she carried and slay the beast, forced as she was to hold its head with both hands. Of course, she didn’t have to. About ten meters away, Colin Gibbs had managed to rest his Gungnir on some wreckage while the rest of Chloe’s team fought off other id constructs. Luzurial held the Screamer in place, and he fired a single shot, the hypersonic projectile piercing one of the monster’s eyes and erupting from the other side of its head in a gory explosion. Or, you know, something like that. I didn’t just make that up, by the way. What you just saw was a deleted scene from The Woman in the Statue, which would have followed the bit where battle is joined. I cut it because I realized that the important part of that scene was Luzurial’s big decision to trust humanity and not try to generate any incarnate virtues. It would have been more detailed had I actually written it into the story, but I figured I’d explain it here anyway. Moving on! Okay, so… You just almost made me spit my drink all over my computer while laughing. I may have to include this in New Year’s Visitation now. No problem. I always like seeing your work.
    1 point
  7. Well, I’m certainly no expert in that sort of thing. I tend to follow the philosophy of a novel editor whose YouTube video I watched: Think of all the scenes you want to include in the story, then find a way to string them together. Joseph Campbell I ain’t. Oh, and BOOBS!
    1 point
  8. Another review for Pandemic Head Thank you for the review! I appreciate it and also following the note at the bottom I’m very grateful for you spotting the three typos I’d missed like some kind of crazy fool person. Oh, and thanks for being cool with me tying in the details of the VD building with The Woman in the Statue lay out! I figured that the events of Mike Rapes a Dyke probably happened a little before Whore of Heaven and that’s why there was no mention of them in WoH, but if Mikey’s birthday is at the right date him being 37 there and 50 here and 112 just past New Year later it still fits! But, well, me and math… I think the only reason he would want to go to heaven would be to try to do something unpleasant to an angel. A sound thrashing with the butt of Temira’s spear would no doubt put an end to that before he even made it through the entrance. He’s an unpleasant guy and yet his business was claiming a social benefit doing pro bono defences for men without money for a good legal team. Got them some solid aquittals too. But, well… He doesn’t want to be forgiven and he definitely doesn’t want his victims to forget. He likes the terror and the trauma. That's brutal, befriending Declan, or at least earning his trust, even as he has the man's traumatized daughter murdered. About what you'd expect from the character. After what happened to the guy who was caught red handed hurting Declan’s daughter after Mike had finished with her – Michael probably had a massive, massive oh shit moment when he realised who Declan’s daughter was. Declan explaining she didn’t speak after what Vinnie did to her would not have calmed his fears. I think unlike, say, Cadence he wouldn’t have had any direct pleasure out of getting Lily killed. Still that fear probably kept Declan’s neice Caitlyn safe from being assaulted. That nice single mother of twins, with the helpful and doting brother, whose granddaughter might well have a fine military career. Well, if an ID critter didn’t get her. He’s got it coming. Oh yes indeed. Unless you mean it literally, like have someone tug off the spider gag and hold Cadence’s head to his ass to bite it. Still, could be worse. “Calista, what’s that?” “This head in a box? Cadence. Found her in the VD tower. She’s the subject of my new research project.” “IT JUST BLINKED! IT’S STILL BLINKING!” “Morse Code. ‘My nose itches. Scratch it peasant.’ Now ‘Kill him! Bash his brains in! All men must die!” “It, uh...” “She mostly demands killing, yes.” Thank you! She’s part of that Eparlegna tradition, keeping heads alive. If it was good enough for his mortal mother… I suspect Cadence didn’t even need to murder those six people. Michael was probably there explaining there was a simple, easier version of the summoning, nut, well, homicidally insane. With her dear Daddy passed on since ABGBE there wasn’t anybody to rein her in. So, in a way, Eparlegna probably saved a few more lives. Thank you again for reading and reviewing!
    1 point
  9. You shouldn’t compare so much. Your stories are delightful and sweet and we’ll wait with patience for whatever you decide to give us <3
    1 point
  10. Sexy off the table is fine -maybe have it under the table, or up the wall or… No I kid, I kid. I’m sure whatever ya do’ll be great. You’re a talented writer!
    1 point
  11. So, yeah. My dog died. So sad :(
    0 points
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