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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2020 in all areas

  1. I am absurdly jealous of how fast @InvidiaRed can write. It’s going to take me longer before Social Distancing, my Yua/Cody story, is going up. In the meantime, for those who don’t want to dig through his profile to find it, Invidia’s story is here.
    3 points
  2. [Cody’s Grandfather, Japan 1945] “You know, half of these Japanese girls are Jorōgumo. The other half got TB. Make sure you only fuck the ones who cough.” sorry Stanley Kubrick and InBrightestDay
    2 points
  3. I am having a super super hard time getting anything written. At all. Like, even a short “oral sex under table in gamer cafe” story I have some fun ideas for. I wish you all all the best in knocking some out though! I’ll try and read/review as many as I can .
    2 points
  4. Sounds interesting. i’m game
    2 points
  5. so this popped into my head yesterday while at work, why dont we write about our favorite OC or Cannon charaters dealing with the corona virus! It can be funny, or serious! heres what i am thinking so far but will change! post links here when you are done! im working on the big bang theory one! PRompt: one chapter no limit on how long or short it is just have fun! yes you can kill characters off or give them hilarious senarios! Lets bring happiness to others who might be stuck at home or stressed about this stupid panademic. HAVE FUN!
    1 point
  6. Chapter 2 of “Twist My Arm” is posted!
    1 point
  7. Almost done <3 with mine.
    1 point
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