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  1. Thank you so much for the recommendation!
    1 point
  2. I support this recommendation! But be warned, That ending is ‘emotionally’ touching, not in the ‘Chris Hassen shows up to interview Lady Aldreda’ sense.
    1 point
  3. From InBrightestDay on January 17, 2020 Well, considering the effect Immunda had on me, there was no way I wasn't going to swing by and review this! You do an interesting thing here with regard to Adala's perception of Mortane, which is that we don't actually see any of it for quite some time, instead being told of the seeping foulness of the place purely on a spiritual level. Only later, when Adala enters her fortress, do we get the visual detail of grass beginning to grow. It's a cool way of hinting at the way the gods perceive the world, using senses we don't have. Another cool thing is the disparity between Adala's attitude and what's happening to her "body", a nice way of showing that the aspect is disposable and more of a divinely crafted tool than anything else. Recapping the violation from the goddess's point of view is quite effective, showing how upsetting it is for Adala, and yet how in spite of her need to defend the fortress, she still wants Trias to call for her help, still wants to help her. And that description of the sun being replaced by the moon and then the sun again, implying that this went on for something like twelve hours... Yeah, no wonder Adala wants to rally her fellow deities for war. I am definitely on board for this, and will be checking up on it in the future! You are too kind <3 Aspects are indeed tools. Think of it as the ability to isolate, refine and focus a specific part of a a person’s personality. Until, that facet of a person’s personality is the defining trait. Independent but also connected to the divine whole of that person. This is the reason why gods are not confined to a single place. destroying or imprisoning an aspect doesn’t affect a deity other than essentially break or confiscate a tool. Their task is their purpose and when that purpose is finished they return to the fold. The other aspects of the deity doing other tasks will instantly know what happened and investigate. Any would be godslayer or would be jailer foolish enough to think it was that easy doesn’t survive the retaliation of the other aspects arriving. What one knows the god knows but not visa versa. So even if the slaying or imprisonment succeeds…. Well the deity in question undoubtedly knows who the perpetrator is. And if they decide to take offense and send an Avatar well… That world is so screwed. A nuke to take out an ant but hey they’re asking for it at that point. A single aspect is still beyond mortal capabilities to take down. With only one known exception. The Lich King himself slew an aspect at the black gates of the Detestable Valley after a prolonged bloody war whose casualties includes flights of dragons, nations, artifacts of indescribable power and entire populations. And this info makes Ghoulneedle much more interesting Haha. Spoilers =p But a hilarious thing of this. Is that treacherous deities all have one thing in common. They only have one aspect at a time otherwise. The aspects would be too busy backstabbing each-other rather than getting anything done. So they are limited in the same way lesser powers are except the destruction of an aspect doesn’t hobble them. Adala empowers her Justicars. They’re more than mere mortals but while they may never be able to take on immortal servants of other deities they’re still a force to be reckoned with. They are the men and women who have taken Adala’s trials and tests and have been found worthy of her investment. She knows each and every single one as a doting mother to her favored child. Think of Knight/Samurai. Only her demon saints rank higher than them. Spiritually they are her adopted children. They dispense justice as impartially as possible. The wicked hate them. The deceptive rightfully fear them. Adala was right there and its a torment far more insidious in the fact she was in a position where she could do nothing but witness it. Like an invader breaking into your house, locking you out and attacking your family. Just close enough to hear what is going down but too separated to do anything else meaningful and yes Adala was forced to endure this witnessing for twelve hours. And to a god who is practically omnipotent in the mortal realm. Unable to do anything about it is like a constant heart stab. Mortane didn’t just torture Trias but her goddess at the same time. To say Adala took it personally is an understatement. And like all web of alliances every god is going to get pulled into the fray one way or another. To put this in another way this event is just like Archduke Ferdinand was just assassinated. The spiritual opening shot of a deific world war.
    1 point
  4. I’m insanely late in doing this, but I’d like to recommend “Moonlit Snow,” the story that @InBrightestDay wrote for the AFF Holiday Party. Lovely world-building (especially for a short story), action that’s not only great but historically accurate, and a really touching ending.
    1 point
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