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  1. so fantastic news that i wish i could post to facebook but I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE FOR REAL! my blood sister is 10 weeks prego! cant post on facebook because my sister told me not too but i am bouncing off the damn walls!!!
    5 points
  2. Responding to reviews from Inbrightestday and JayDee~ @InBrightestDay I loved your review. It's been a while since I wrote this fic, so I totally forgot the research I did and the lil things I incorporated, so having them pointed out was a whole lot of fun. I'm also super glad a little characterization got through. I've been dying to use Rowan for something longer, and this was my first toe-dip outside of my character pool box of studs. Thank you so much for this awesome review! @JayDee Woo! Anything I write getting described as dark and gory makes me unbelievably happy. Especially after the uber vanilla challenge fic I did last month. One day I'll post that here... maybe... "Kinda had to imagine a Serbian Guy Fieri as the mayor of Fucktown." That made me laugh because FUCK YES. Now I'm gonna imagine that too. Thanks a lot. Also, I'm working my way up to that sex dwarf thing. I'm fucking determined to get Rowan laid. Thank you very much, JD!
    2 points
  3. You know it’s gory when a dwarf has so much blood on him he can play the greased up deaf guy road in a room of horny Serbians! Also them descriptions of the pained noses. Ay! And, yes, Rowan deserves a little action! Get someone to throw the little guy a good fuck.
    1 point
  4. you can do all three. i’m trying. though my party story may have to wait a bit…. i’ve found a roll on a fanfic halloween story
    1 point
  5. Thank you for the story! There are times I desperately want to see a quote posted somewhere, completely free of context, just to see how people react. One of these is now officially... Phone: “Rowan? Where are you?” Rowan: “I’m in FUCKTOWN and Guy Fieri’s the mayor!”
    1 point
  6. Oops, I meant supernatural action-romance. But now I’m thinking about comedy for next year...
    1 point
  7. Me: “I’m gonna read and review one halloween fic a day from the AFF halloween party!” Sudden real world stuff taking up free time: “Bend the fuck over JD.” ...fuck, hope I can read another one tomorrow at least!
    1 point
  8. Well, to christen it, here's some replies: From InBrightestDay: This was a fun little idea! I love seeing all these deities from different mythologies interacting. It's cool how all the souls they're using as chips are tied to their respective cultures (Agamemnon and Paris for Pluto/Hades, Hitler's as close to a Norse bad guy as Hel can get, and Cortes is...well, let's just say him being reaped by an Aztec death god is pretty amusing). It's also kind of an interesting idea that the Greek and Roman gods all have like Dissociative Identity Disorder now, as I'm assuming that what applies to Pluto/Hades would also apply to Jupiter/Zeus, Venus/Aphrodite, Mercury/Hermes, etc. And of course, the action scene. I was really puzzled at first, since that little bit of domestic terrorism felt kind of random, but then you clarified that the death gods had their game here because this was going to happen: dinner and a show. Also, this is purely personal, but I love scenes where somebody picks on a defenseless victim only to discover that their target is not defenseless at all. Final note, it was pretty funny to see Mictlantecuhtli (I can see why you shortened that to "Mic") go completely over the top on his kill, dancing around and demanding more blood. From what I know, the Aztecs did have a habit of getting a little...enthusiastic about stuff like that. This was a fun little idea! I love seeing all these deities from different mythologies interacting. It's cool how all the souls they're using as chips are tied to their respective cultures (Agamemnon and Paris for Pluto/Hades, Hitler's as close to a Norse bad guy as Hel can get, and Cortes is...well, let's just say him being reaped by an Aztec death god is pretty amusing). It's also kind of an interesting idea that the Greek and Roman gods all have like Dissociative Identity Disorder now, as I'm assuming that what applies to Pluto/Hades would also apply to Jupiter/Zeus, Venus/Aphrodite, Mercury/Hermes, etc. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was definitely an intriguing idea to write anf I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even if I got a little stuck halfway through. Lol. As for the Greek/Roman pantheon, yeah, I feel in this work, they would all have Dissociative Identity Disorder. Especially since they are mostly the same with only a few differences. (As for Mic reaping Cortez... Let's just say I had the thought and it was too good to pass up... lol). And of course, the action scene. I was really puzzled at first, since that little bit of domestic terrorism felt kind of random, but then you clarified that the death gods had their game here because this was going to happen: dinner and a show. Also, this is purely personal, but I love scenes where somebody picks on a defenseless victim only to discover that their target is not defenseless at all. (I owe a big thanks to SinfulWolf for this one, lol. She made the suggestion and I kind of ran with it, worked it in after the fact. Lol). That said, after I did work it in, I deleted some mentions earlier, too. I kind of wanted things to just seem like it was just a poker game. Lol, until shit hits the fan. Final note, it was pretty funny to see Mictlantecuhtli (I can see why you shortened that to "Mic") go completely over the top on his kill, dancing around and demanding more blood. From what I know, the Aztecs did have a habit of getting a little...enthusiastic about stuff like that. Yeah. Lol. I liked writing him after shit hits the fan, because I tried to keep the Gods/Goddesses tied at least partially to the culture and the mythology they were from. Glad it shone through .
    1 point
  9. It’s shaping up to be another great year! It only took me three months to start sleeping with the lights off again after reading BronxWench’s last one.
    1 point
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