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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Don't worry, I didn't take the review badly. The biggest issue I had with it, was that by “she went too far” I wasn't sure if you meant Wendy or Pacifica, as Wendy also made the impregnation joke that got Dipper a neck-breaking slap, but I guessed it had to be Pacifica. I enjoy all reviews I can use for improvement, whether they are regular, extensive, or even flame reviews. For me, the worst kind of reviews are those along the lines of “good chapter, can't wait for the next one”, because I can't learn anything from them to apply to future chapters. And even in this case, it's not like I dislike them, but I always prefer reviews to be specific so that I can put more of what they particularly liked, or less of what they disliked if I agree, on the next chapters. I do indeed have 2 beta readers, something I'm not sure how it leaked out because I always only mention 1, and this is because I consider it 1.5 since one of them only solves my grammar doubts and doesn't actually get to read more than a couple of separate sentences of the story. The other one reads the whole story, although in short 2-4k words parts, and I find it as a fantastic motivation to write because, especially with these long stories, any part you can mark as “proofread” and forget about, helps greatly with writing the rest. I did promise him as compensation a scene where Pacifica forces Wendy to look like a lady instead of like a tomboy, so I have to see where I can fit that in the next chapter too.
    1 point
  2. Maybe Dipper's immediate reaction at that point would have been a good place to close and then give the situation "time to breathe" in the next chapter. Regardless, I love what you were doing with Pacifica being mean after her plan – which was supposed to allay her insecurities – backfired so massively (at least from her way of looking at things). Perhaps after reading so many fanfics where Dipper gets abused it just felt a bit dickish for Wendy to gang up with Pacifica – the person who did the bad thing – to mess with Dipper even while he was in such a fragile state. Though my ill health etc. has been making me pretty cranky lately too; so take my criticism of style with a big honkin' grain of salt. Also, I know that you had a decent beta reader or two look at it first, and judging by their input and other responses, it's pretty clear that I'm the outlier. Whichever direction you explore next, I look forward to seeing where you take it from here. (…though cross-Dipper sneaking into ladies rooms with Mabel sounds adorably sexy.) Thanks again for all your hard work (and patience with my mood ).
    1 point
  3. From Lucius-Walker on July 01, 2019 Wow, I never even thought of that. That’s kind of brilliant. In any case, glad you liked the story, and thanks for the comment!
    1 point
  4. Re: Little Rose Glad you liked it.
    1 point
  5. Re: Little Rose From FlutteringWings on July 01, 2019 I knew it was a bit of a risk adding two new major characters so late in the story, because it could be seen as jumping the shark. But I felt that in order to give Randy and Rose a direction for the future and a way to live happily ever after, they needed to find some kindred spirits. Plus a bonus dog. Aw, don’t go putting sequel ideas in my head. I’ve got more story ideas than I can write up as it is. Me too. Sadly, being their creator doesn’t mean that I get to join in their games. You’re welcome. Thank you for the review!
    1 point
  6. It does blow my mind how long it takes me to complete some of these multi-chapter stories. Little Rose took a year – which actually makes it one of the faster ones! I’ve been working on Country Summer since August 2015, and let’s not even get into Delta Delta Delta. After that bit in one of the earlier chapters where Rose gets excited by the idea of being fucked by men, boys, AND dogs at the beach, I really wanted to pay that off. Having additional participants in the sexcapades creates a lot of new opportunities, especially for voyeurism. I wanted them all to be having a good time, and an easy way to do that was to make them all enjoy watching one another while taking breaks from their own sexual activities. When I wrote this chapter, I had a lot of trouble at first because I couldn’t decide exactly what ought to be in it. Then I asked myself what the essential sex acts in this chapter would be, and I decided on Randy fucking Evie and Rose getting dog-fucked. Everything else was pretty much meant as gravy, because I didn’t want to get so far into it that it made the chapter as long as all eight preceding chapters combined. Thank you! When I was trying to figure out how this story was going to end (which I did not do before I started writing it), I tried to think of what could give Randy and Rose’s relationship a new direction and new possibilities for the future. Having them meet two kindred spirits – plus a dog – seemed like a good way to do that. Plus I wanted Randy to have another loli to fuck. In any case, I’m very glad you enjoyed Little Rose, and I thank you for all of your comments.
    1 point
  7. Chapter 9 of Country Summer is posted! It’s Franny’s birthday, and her party is gonna get wild – before it even starts. I can’t believe I have three reviews to respond to – two of the finale chapter of Little Rose, and one of my Steven Universe short story “P. F. A. S. (Post-Fusion Attachment Syndrome).” An embarrassment of riches!
    1 point
  8. How about things like struggles with addiction (Smoking, drugs, alcohol, gambling), is not good spouse but is a great friend and/or parent. Someone struggling to make ends meet yet is terrible with money that opens them up to exploitation. A crooked cop that believes the system is fucked anyway so they’re just going to look after themselves (or perhaps some loved ones). A soldier that enjoys killing a bit too much, but has learned to channel it to the battlefield.
    1 point
  9. Yesterday for my birthday, I finally got around to watching Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. It was dope.
    1 point
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