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  1. yeah unless someone can come up with a better name, im going with a Hamlet
    1 point
  2. InvidiaRed

    what do you call it?

    Finally, someone else referenced Hamlet.
    1 point
  3. Great that you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for the review. I thought this was a good point of include the world building aspect of why the forces of Heaven are not around so to say. There is really lots of talk about demons in the story and barely a mentioning of angels and this might come across as weird to some readers. Having the demon revealing her ignorance give an explanation why Jennifer has not really thought about the theological implications of the demon attacks. Patric improving...*chuckles*...but people can be dangerous in different ways. LOL, yep that is pretty much how the scene reads. If I get around to write a future story about this setting I should have Mindeye really have psionic tech support as occupation. If you really consider what happened in the previous encounter between Linda and Eagle where she overload the G.S.P. protective gear and compel him to have sex I think the news that she have mental powers is possible to anticipate, but I also suspect I make it kind of hard to spot since I work hard in the previous chapters to make Linda seem like a very minor character. ...was pretty funny, though it is a serious matter, and a reminder that a teenager with her level of power can accidentally do some very real damage (what she does to the nurse and her accidental self-brainwashing being other examples of how dangerous that could be). Of course, he did use her for sex, so some level of karmic retribution was warranted. Very karmic indeed. You know that prickly feeling when the hairs on your neck and arms all stand up? Yeah, that one line absolutely did that, because it changed the context of so many things. It was the coolest thing as a reader, watching puzzle pieces I didn't even realize you were adding all suddenly lock into place. Congressman Winthers hiring a PI to keep track of his daughter, not wanting her to leave home, the cuts on her wrists, her poor performance in school, all of it takes on a completely new meaning now. It's outright chilling, and the best kind of plot twist: the kind I didn't see coming, but that makes perfect sense in hindsight. You have literally have made my day perfect. When you asked me by PM if the story was safe to read considering you liked the story hook but was a bit worried about the story codes I had to think hard exactly about this scene that is very very far from feel good. Not that I can promise the rest of the story is a pure safe read, but this was the actual scene that I was not sure how you would view. Good that it got exactly the right response. About the maze thing...the maze is not locking her memories away but is actually the psionic defense Mindeye put there to protect what he had done to her mind. Psionics cannot have slaves that knows all their secrets and is an open book to other psionics. The solution is to put traps there that will be dangerous for eavesdroppers. These are in the setting called logical mazes and trick the intruder to become lost inside the maze. The only reason Linda manage to get free from the trap is her great mental strength. The reason why Carol does not have access to her memories is more basic suppressed memories due to trauma like it work in the real world.
    1 point
  4. I look in the other directions for a few days...aka working overtime on my real job...and bam...there is suddenly two new reviews posted since I visited AFF last time! I really appreciate these very well written reviews that you provide for every chapter. It is good that my earlier guess that you would enjoy the story seemed well founded. You are approaching what I consider to be the better parts of the story. Thank you, the bad guys that return is very much a deliberate act made possible since I planned it in advance. I would argue that it also is a team effort even if Mindeye is the one that makes the sacrifice that allow them to turn the battle. Blade getting Fang to finally start to come over her gun shyness so she can participate in battle also plays a pretty big part. Fighting a furious werewolf that is immune to psionic powers is narrow rooms...not the favorite things to do if you are psionic that used to disable attackers with your telepathy. The super hero team is meant to have super powers that fits together for the battle task. The Firefly and Thundercloud combo is one of many reasons the government decided to recruit them to the team. Yep, Firefly is really on the suffering end. It will eventually get better. Great that you liked it. I can completely understand where you are coming from with bit about enjoying it. A bit like lots of real world asian porn that I cannot stand since they far too often show girls that is not enjoying the sex for most of the sex scene and is forced to stuff they don’t like. I understand most porn participants does it for the money and just act but if there is not passion but sex without passion is just dumb violence to my ears. I am actually quite pleased for the dialogue in that original sexscene. Linda recognize her sister but cannot understand how she can have turned into a sexual bombshell and this give Patric the time window needed to order Jennifer to have sex with her and Linda does not get enough time to say enough for Jennifer to realize what she is doing. When Linda talks with Eagle about Jennifer being Blade in a later chapter she talks about her mother dismissing the idea that Jennifer is Blade, but Linda actually avoids revealing she knows the truth since that would require her to reveal her embarrassing encounter with her sister. . The aptitude part of the test is meant to allow the government to filter out candidates that have a personality that does not work in a team and does not have right kind of hero quality. Exactly what the agents are measuring is not something I spent much time to define...but heroes like the marvel hero Captain America would max out on the aptitude test. Fang and Jennifer run into trouble here because it is impossible to create a test without including bias from the culture ofthe person creating the test and Fang and Jennifer are not really sharing the same kind of culture as ordinary people due to their special background. Their aggressiveness is of course part of this but only a part of it.
    1 point
  5. JayDee

    what do you call it?

    They said the same thing to Ophelia, look how that turned out!
    1 point
  6. It’s entirely possible you’re overthinking this. Go with hamlet and move on, that’s my advice.
    1 point
  7. JayDee

    what do you call it?

    North Dakota?
    1 point
  8. So truckstop?
    1 point
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