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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2019 in all areas

  1. So, having managed to somehow wangle the day off work, I have spent most of it rewriting and redrafting an original story based on an idea by JayDee. There’s a little bit left to go, but I think I’m going to leave that to tomorrow since it concerns the ending, and I want to pitch it just right. I have no idea if this is any good at all, but I’ve decided to just wallow in the feeling and use it should I ever need to describe performance anxiety. I mean, who knows? One day, I might finally have gotten Elrond off with so many people that he really can’t… you know… face it. That’s a lie. If that ever happened, he could always face it… There’s no sex in this story. I’m going to need to write some after this. I’ve got several smut-filled unfinished tales to choose from. Maybe I’ll pick on Brienne & Co. Or Rikki. Mmm… Iason. Okay, I am sleeping!
    3 points
  2. So, I need to rewrite two scenes in Part Seven to varying extents (one scene is getting shifted from Kevin’s PoV to Luzurial’s, and another scene just has the setting changed), and on top of that my muse called and wants to throw something that will (hopefully) be kind of sweet and romantic at the beginning of the love scene. Combine that with the fact that my work schedule the last few days has been somewhat rough and the result is I have to try and do all of this tonight. Should I not be able to manage it, nobody be surprised if Part Seven doesn’t appear until Tuesday or (at the latest) Wednesday morning. This will not affect when Part Eight is uploaded, since Eight just needs a little polishing instead of the work going into Seven, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
    3 points
  3. Your rambling there did make sense. But, while it’s good to have a support system, my exact concerns are going to be these two make love, and everything gets fixed (there’s only a few chapters left after all and at least one of them is going to be stopping the threat to the world). As JayDee said, making it F/F wouldn’t have made this particularly better. And I’ve not said you’re going to go that route… it’s just kind of primed for it right now.
    2 points
  4. Woo! Hunted has become the most viewed and Blood Prize has hit 1400! Now... if only reviews would come as freely. Lol
    2 points
  5. Jude's Tale (original title Fate of a Fagottist) Thank you for your review! Gotta love getting reviews. There’s an old joke about someone wanting to write a story about camping, but found it too in tents. I said it was old, I didn’t say it was good. Everything involving the Pack has at least a little bit of comedy! I love both the fact that the "competition" sounds almost like something serious and is then revealed to be Mario Kart and the "I hope your fleas get fleas!" which is just funny in general. Thanks! That’s what I hoped for. And for everyone know doesn’t know Mario Kart, it’s confusing as heck! Naturally Kate doesn’t actually have fleas. Since her last treatment bath. There was water everywhere. Thanks! Lupa really appreciates having friends, to the point where it once seemed a really good idea to make them vampires too. That is such a cool mind-bending idea, that the colorlessness is actually hard to look at. It really makes it feel unnatural. Thank you! It’s definitely unnatural. Making a Void Blade had obscene costs and lots of suffering – the Duchess, needless to say, delegated it all. All for one, one for all! Plus they have an understanding with Kizzy now and don’t find here anywhere near as scary. From Lupa’s point of view, Kizzy stopped her from making the mistake of trying to turn her friends into vampires like her. That’s probably something I’ll try and cover when finishing Blood on the Hay Also funny, and very Shannon. In addition, one wonders how Trenna is feeling about this, given that she may have seen Shannon sprout wings there. Picking up Kizzy and Jude at the same time is a cool showing of Shannon's demonic strength as well. Gotta feel a bit bad for Trenna here. She’s going down on Shannon, she just knows her lover’s about to boil over, when suddenly she’s gently but firmly pushed aside and Shannon jumps through a frickin’ wall as screaming starts below. I mean, the wings, the transforming outfit, and the inhuman strength are icing on that interrupted morning lay. On the other hand, If I do finish the story of how they hooked up the night before she’ll probably be well aware that Shannon isn’t actually human, by the time they go to bed– seeing wings appear would be a shock for anyone though! And I’m glad you found that funny! I really wanted to include it, but had no idea if anyone else would find it amusing. I am kinda puerile and immature sometimes. I’ve got most of Lupa’s backstory worked out in my head now. How she became a vampire, what happened to her family, why she’s a vampire alone and what it was making her think turning her closest friends into vampires would be a good idea. Also why she decided she wasn’t gonna believe in no creator or heaven and hell and the rest anymore. I don’t know if I’ll get to write the story about her becoming a vampire, but I hope do manage it. S’gonna have a golem in it! I don’t recall what I was thinking with the offer in WoH, but I’m pretty sure for the TSPoED that Kizurial was offering a total cessation of existance. From her point of view the fallen were sent to Hell as punishment, and that punishment has continued for billions of years despite some of them briefly making it to mortal worlds like Earth before being sent forcefully back. To Kizzy oblivion is a way to end that torment and be free so it feels like a better option to her, especially if she doesn’t see much hope of them ever being redeemed – and I’m sure it can be done painlessly, too. The Void Blade is not painless and doesn’t come with a “Waking up in Heaven/Hell” option. The other option Kizzy could have offered was Shannon remaining on Earth. She didn’t consider that until Shannon sided with her against Eparlegna and redemption seemed possible. Neither of the demons who were offered oblivion agreed with the offerer that it is a better deal and jumped to take it! I guess their perspective is different to the angels and probably closer to yours. I mean, sure, some of the fallen are probably pretty miserable in Hell, but others seem to like it ok – Chastia got bored down there while old Lucifer prefers to reign etc etc famous Milton quote. What happened to Eparlegna in the current non-canon-ish ending of TSPoED part 3 was basically erasure/rebirth so it’s possible that they think they’re getting nothing while part of their energy lives on. Eh, with my sloppy approach to continuity and often half-assed philosophy I’m sure there’s multiple options that all work! I hope it lives up to the plan I have in my head! You might decide it sucks, or makes no sense, or doesn’t fit with other stuff established. All of this could be true, though I hope not. If it is terrible though, please tell me! I’m happy to have negative feedback – I can sometimes learn from it, while other times it generally matches my own perspective on my writing! Thank you again, I really do appreciate the review. I hope your sorting out part 7 of 9 of The Woman in the Statue goes well. If it gives you trouble just tell it “Resistance is futile.” If you were a grievously wounded seraph, where would you ask to be taken?
    1 point
  6. I fear you may have overstated there, but as it happens you did sum up my feelings throughout the last chapter of Whore of Heaven. You can look at my review of Part Three for the full explanation, but the TL;DR version is that I started at “this woman needs a hug” and ended at “Ooooooh God someone please hug her now.” Which, of course, is why this story exists. Its alternate title could pretty much be “Hugs for Luzurial.” Like I said, I’m kind of emotionally sensitive. Don’t worry; it wasn’t supposed to be obvious. Never actually seen Fallen, though Denzel is awesome in pretty much everything.
    1 point
  7. Whohoo! Also headway sounds unaccountably dirty in connection with Mia, even though it isn’t in the slightest.
    1 point
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