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  1. I think one of the appeals with your writing this sequel is that you care so much about the characters. This heroic chapter is certainly setting things up for having the upcoming defeat really mean something for the reader. If you pull it off is of course not given, but I am really looking forward to it.
    2 points
  2. For that, I will definitely take your word for it. Lol. Kind of, but the idea I had was just that Adata had been there walking by and was like "Wtf?" upon seeing the Stellar Navy guy backtrack.
    1 point
  3. Everything I’ve read up until the end of part 8 in draft form is AWESOME. So I think he pulls the next parts off, but I guess I’m biased
    1 point
  4. I should probably not answer how many demon summoning individuals there are in the story. By the way...it would be nice if you consider to start some of your reviews with the spoiler tag. I don’t mind it very much, but for a new reader wondering if they should read the story and checking the reviews they might want a warning that the review reveal a large plot point. I do the same mistake myself quite often, hopefully it is for minor things but in this case I think the spoiler tag is called for. Get it? 'Cause he's having sex on a desk and...I'll shut up now. Seriously, though, that made me laugh. I don’t recall if I thought about the double joke when I wrote it, but I certainly get it now. The whole exchange is meant to be funny so good that you laughed. CALLED IT! Actually, that's a pretty good twist, and I only figured it out last chapter. It's the reverse of Clarke's First Law. In this case, any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from (alien) technology. Actually I think you mean Clark’s Third law and not his First law. The first law is the one about the scientist if I recall correctly. If think the twist is possible to guess at the start of the story when we learn that the aliens dissolve into nothing when defeated, but it is kind of subtle in the middle of the action. A barricade is a barrier, often improvised. If you meant "a bunch of stones being thrown at her at once", the word for that is probably barrage. Both words originate from French, though. Great catch. I will fix it. Thanks for the assistance.
    1 point
  5. YAY! Another review from @InBrightestDay. It's always a pleasure, just like with SinfulWolf on Hunted, to read your reviews, InBrightestDay. From InBrightestDay on February 23, 2019 Chapter 7 Sorry I didn't review this before Chapter 8 came out. I was kind of depressed for a while and didn't have a lot of motivation to write reviews, so now I'm playing catchup. Well, this was short but definitely enjoyable. I don't know if it had been established before that Celeste had a problem with compulsive sexual behavior, but that's definitely another layer of sad on top of everything else that's happened to her (five times a day seems like a problem rather than a healthy sex drive). I can't decide whether Adara helping her is sweet or sad, given their baggage. On the funnier side, apparently Celeste found the busiest closet in history. I mean, seriously, what were the odds of that? *** Sorry I didn't review this before Chapter 8 came out. I was kind of depressed for a while and didn't have a lot of motivation to write reviews, so now I'm playing catchup. Firstly, you don't have to apologize. Taking care of yourself is a lot more important than reviews. As much as reviews are nice, it's better knowing that you're doing good. Secondly, it's kind of my fault; I pushed 8 in a little early because work schedule bizarre this week. Well, this was short but definitely enjoyable. I don't know if it had been established before that Celeste had a problem with compulsive sexual behavior, but that's definitely another layer of sad on top of everything else that's happened to her (five times a day seems like a problem rather than a healthy sex drive). I can't decide whether Adara helping her is sweet or sad, given their baggage. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't believe I made it explicit in Chapter 1 or 2 and this was much of an afterthought, as I had already written Chapter 7 (now 8) and someone reading it pointed out that it just seemed the first solo was out of nowhere. So this was kind of to remedy that and explore a little. And yeah, 5 might be pushing it, but I read that occasionally, people have gone for upwards seven... And yeah, Adara is fun to write because she's more a gray area than anything. On the funnier side, apparently Celeste found the busiest closet in history. I mean, seriously, what were the odds of that? I will not argue that. She got the worst closet ever. Originally it was only going to be one who found her (one of the Marines), but I could think of a good reason for them to find her or who would... So I wrote the Stellar Navy guy in and had hoped the implication was that Adara saw him and had to investigate. Lol. But thank you, InBrightestDay. I'm always glad to read your reviews. I sincerely hope that the depression is vanquished as well as you can.
    1 point
  6. Obviously any chapter with more than 12000 words is lots of work...but the troublee is also getting the characters right. I seldom write fanfiction since I hate when characters go out of character. In some senses With the Mirror Came.. gives me the same feeling. When I discover I have written a bad line for one of main characters it feels kind of betrayal and my flow is disturbed.
    1 point
  7. I should have known! Well, the last of the reviews for Part Five is in. Thank you so much! I really liked playing around with the different creature designs. The Charnel Spider might be my favorite, but there are a few more (Wrath, Sloth and Gluttony will be making appearances). Yeah, I tried to pull back a little on the gore, but this is a sequel to Whore of Heaven, so it would be wrong to get rid of it entirely. The students impaled in their seats, as if attending a lecture, is a reference to WoH, where it’s mentioned that many of Eparlegna’s mutilated victims were left posed in grotesque parodies of life. That’s a very good point, though as you point out actually integrating it is something of a challenge due to pacing. I’ll see if I can work it in without messing things up. Well, based on how positive the feedback was here, I think I can safely say I’ll never match this high point. Seriously, people, I’m pretty sure it’s all downhill from here. I can only hope that downhill is still entertaining. Next time, well, just in case you forgot what this is a sequel to...
    1 point
  8. Juan

    Billion Dollar Harem

    I think that a competition would be really good. I think the girls can turn off their inhibitions for a fun, special day just like they did for the pool orgy. Gotta go with what's hot, what escalates the story, and what degrades the characters the most. I'll vote option 1 and put my trust in Mal to do a great job with it.
    1 point
  9. I also like that kind of secret touching scenes. In this particular case I decided to run with the idea even if the foot part felt kind of silly since I wanted to show John how immature he is. He is taking a big risk for very little reward just because he cannot control his urges. Mikaela in an earlier discussion with Ronja revealed that she intended to end the black mailing since she thought Ronja was would soon stop care about any nudes spread around. Ronja take this as a threesome is safe without considering the danger Maria is placed in...it will be fun when she realize her mistake. As for what Mikaela understand about Ronja there I have not really decided. Maybe she could take the view that Ronja must be masochistic because she obviously push herself on even when she seems to be really suffering, Maybe I should let Mikaela reveal that observation during the a talk with Maria…I need to give it a thought. I am actually in middle of deciding if shall continue with the theme about Jonathan abusing her or if I shall focus on other things. Jonathan messing around has been great fun, but I have been using Jonathan rather heavily for some chapters so perhaps now could be a time for him to restrain himself after realizing how he has messed up. Pretty much that he trusts Roy...on the other hand there is also the question of how many woman he knows that Roy would trust. Eventually he will of course realize that it was Ronja that offered herself to him... Interesting observation about the tone of the ending. This is basically the first chapter when I did not align the ending with a sex scene and it might be true that this combined with the Ronja’s thoughts drag the mood down. Possibly this might explain why this chapter has been kind of slow to attract attention. As for the upcoming chapter 7 you must not expect it to appear in the near future. With the Mirror Came.. is the one of my stories that take most time to write and each chapter takes months. Unless I find something more interesting to write in the meantime then chapter 7 will take quite many months. Probably it will be me collecting ideas slowly until I must start writing. A fun fact by the way is that I recently read an article in the paper about people living in the building of the asylum from the first chapter. The planned reconstruction of the building has thus during my work on the story actually been finished and people live there now. The train tunnel from a later chapter is also opened by now. If I get around of them doing more urban exploring I need to decide about taking them to exciting sites that exist today or if I should research places that existed five years ago when the story begun.
    1 point
  10. And honestly, even that might not do it. Actually the reason the US is so often target for demonic invasions is probably due to not having switch to metric…
    1 point
  11. It's gonna happen. Decided to talk to HR and see what they can offer to me. I'm going to quit work and start my own business.
    1 point
  12. Mal

    Billion Dollar Harem

    Hey there gang! I just wanted to pop on real quick because, as Joe pointed out, Billion Dollar Harem has just hit 150,000 dragon prints! I won’t go into a lot of mushy stuff this time around, but, I do want to thank all of you guys for reading along and offering up your comments, criticisms and suggestions over these past few years. I also want to especially give a shout out and a huge thank you to my editor, you know who you are! Thanks so much, my friend! I also wanted to announce there will be a fan poll in the works for hitting this milestone! But, before that, I thought I should clear up the resolution to the last poll. I never officially announced it, but I closed the voting on it a while back after it seemed most of you had cast your votes.I wanted to quickly share those results with you guys. The winners are: Newcomer: Ariana Grande (by one vote!) Veteran: Emma Watson (won by 3 votes) Scene: The winner was scene 5 (by an overwhelming 11 votes!) Just a reminder, scene 5 was: As a gift to their master, the veteran asks the newcomer for their help giving him a present he’ll never forget in a scene featuring a “moderate” to “hard” fetish of my choosing. I can’t of course say how long it will take to work this scene into the story, but I honestly could see it happening within just a few chapters, depending on how long it takes to wrap up the current day/events… My guess would be within 3-4 chapters. Now, here is my plan for the new poll. Since it seems at least some of you really like lazyninjas idea, and I know I think its pretty cool, I want to try and incorporate it. But, here is the caveat, there is no way I could write a smut scene(s) depicting the entire sex competition. Mostly, this is because it would probably take 2-3 chapters just for that one thing. With 5 pairings, then the grand finale that right there is a serious page commitment. I’m simply not willing to commit that much of my time for what would basically amount to a small side plot. But, I want to stay true to what lazyninjas proposed. So, here is my idea. I will generate 5 random pairings (this won’t occur until after the final two ladies are announced. Which will, by the way, delay the implementation of this poll at least until a few chapters after all the ladies have arrived in the harem. Which could right there mean that this scene won’t happen for 8 or 9 maybe even 12 chapters... (Random pairings will be determined by me using dice) I’ll have you guys vote on which pairing should win the competition. (Those pairs which didn’t win will receive a much shorter synopsis of their attempt to seduce Alex, which I would feature as part of a different chapter.) The winning pair will get a featured section of a chapter where I detail how/what they did to win. Then that lucky couple will be included in a second scene with Alex being more intimately involved. I would imagine this scenario right here would take one entire chapter to put together. Alternatively, if you guys don’t want to wait that long for the next poll to be featured in the story, I could create some different scenarios similar to those I’ve created in the past and just have you guys vote on those. So, for the first stage of this poll, here is what I want you guys to vote on: Sex Competition (assuming the caveats I’ve detailed above) Standard Poll created by me In a month or so, I’ll announce the winner and then create a poll for you guys to vote on. (keep in mind if option 1 is selected, this poll will not be posted to the forum until after the final two girls are announced). As always, please do email me with your votes if you don’t feel comfortable posting them here in the forum. If you have any questions, email me or post them to the forum. I will be more active here this next month in an attempt to resolve this poll. Once again, thank you guys so much for 150,000 dragon prints! You guys mean the world to me and have fun with the voting! Till next time, -Mal
    1 point
  13. Billion Dollar Harem has just surged past 150,000 Dragon Prints! I knew it was going to happen, I went to sleep needing around a hundred more and when I woke up, it was almost 80 prints over! I’ve spent the past few years working on this project and I still cannot get over the amazing response this story has had. It seems like every week I get an email or a forum post asking me about it or just some wonderful person telling me how much they loved it. This is a huge milestone, and I have you guys, my fans, to thank for it. Without your comments and your support, BDH would have died off a long time ago. But its because you guys give me the motivation to continue on that has allowed this story to shine. Remember this guys, Billion Dollar Harem is your story as much as it is mine because without you it never would have gotten this far. Thanks again so much to all my fans out there, and now, lets push forward to 200k!!!
    1 point
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