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  1. Thanks! Amusingly enough, I’ve learned just about enough Japanese to give it an anime title: Watashi no Atarashi Rumumeito wa Tenshi Desu My Japanese grammar might not be perfect, but I think it’s pretty close. Amusingly, it’s not really my cup of tea either, which is why this story exists in the first place. Ten years ago, I read something by JayDee, a fanfic I’ve long since forgotten. All I remember is that I realized it was going to be a Snuff fic and I backed out, but I also realized that I liked JayDee’s writing style, so I decided to look for a story where the female lead didn’t die. I found Whore of Heaven, saw that it wasn’t Snuff, and figured that this meant that our female lead would suffer, but would ultimately be okay. I grew up on Don Bluth movies, so I can take a lot of emotional torque and Nightmare Fuel as long as it ends well, so in I went, reassuring myself that Luzurial would be okay. She...uh...she wasn’t okay. So, feeling really, really, really sad for her, I ended up emailing JayDee and asking if I could write a follow-up where things got better for her. He said go for it, and while it took me ten years, I finally got around to writing it, and here we are. I appreciate that you’re giving me that much credit, but don’t give me too much, because while the hip dislocation is never explicitly explained, by about Part Six, we do find out what caused that belly wound. Thank you! Keep an eye on the chapter tags. As we get to later chapters (starting in about Part Three), we do start getting flashbacks to the events of the previous story, so things may start getting kind of unpleasant. I assure you, though, that while I’m no Don Bluth, there is a happy ending beyond the scary and upsetting stuff.
    2 points
  2. Next up, without a doubt the longest review. Shh! Don’t be mean to the guy who came up with it! He might be reading this. About Kevin’s actions in general, the funny thing is that while he’s not a self-insert in the traditional sense, a lot of what he says and does comes from me going “Well, what would I do if presented with this situation?” So, for instance, what does he do after he finds out the mystery woman is recovering upstairs? Well...I guess I’d go out and buy her some flowers and try to introduce myself, so that’s what he does. She’s holding up amazingly well, considering what she’s been through. Most humans would probably be a lot worse off than she is, but something I realized while reading your story is that she’s very, very tough, both physically and emotionally, so while she’s hurt and upset, she’s still holding herself together. However, after what she went through, both before and after being put into the statue, any semblance of pride has completely inverted, and now she has some self esteem issues, which is why she couldn’t bring herself to give Kevin her real name at first; she doesn’t feel worthy of using it with him. Ultimately, though… That moment is, to me, an example both of Kevin’s empathy and of Luzurial allowing herself to be vulnerable. He doesn’t really know who this woman is or what she’s been through, but he knows he can’t let her cry herself to sleep or face nightmares when she does drift off, and holding her hand is really all he knows how to do for her, based on his own experiences as a younger kid. For Luzurial’s part, she’s been a support system for others in the past, and in your story she tried to stamp down her own emotional vulnerability in an attempt to help other people. Her taking Kevin’s hand and telling him her real name is her accepting that whether she thinks she deserves it or not, she wants someone to reassure her and tell her that things will get better, and maybe that’s okay. And on a meta level, I just wanted to see Luzurial experience a level of peace after all her suffering, so it was a personal moment for me. Granted, I suppose this entire story is a personal moment for me, but still, the H/C bits are particularly so. Actually, I kind of feel like we inadvertently worked together to co-write a giant Hurt/Comfort fic. You did a bang-up job on the hurt, so I only needed to go for the comfort. Off topic, but that is actually one of my favorite Trek characters. They may only have hired Jeri Ryan for hotness, but at some point it obviously dawned upon the studio that she could ACT, and Seven ended up with a lot of great moments throughout the show (in my opinion, anyway). That was something I always wanted in the story. Kevin is, after all, an eighteen year old boy, with all the associated hormones, and Luzurial is, following on from your story, this kind of intense, preternatural beauty, deeply sensual without actually trying to be, so it’s natural for him to feel attracted to her, but I didn’t want him to come across like a creeper, so he accepts that yes, he thinks she’s hot, but then refocuses on trying to help her, because it’s just the right thing to do. Kevin’s not an action hero (in spite of a scene or two in later chapters), but what he does have is a good heart. This has been kind of an incredible thing for me too. I never expected that the answer to “Can I write a happy ending to your rapefic?” would be “Go for it, and show it to me when you’re done,” and that even after it took me so long to write it, that I’d finally be able to show it to you and have you actually like it! Sometimes the internet is an amazing place.
    2 points
  3. I mean, if you read Whore of Heaven, it never gets any worse than that. The flashbacks are to the events of that story, after all. I was thinking more of another reviewer, whom I’ll get to shortly, potentially getting upset. As for Little Brother’s Lesson, Ryan is 18 and his big sister Cindy is 23, so no Minor1 or Minor2. Like I said, it was posted first on Literotica, where all the characters have to be at least 18.
    2 points
  4. I have a fairly high threshold for most content, to be honest. My absolute walk-into-the-walls firm limits don’t include incest, but I’m not always comfortable with Minor1 content, and I flee from scat and watersports. But I have a feeling what you have planned for Luzurial isn’t going to send me screaming into the night, and I’m going to be very happy when I get back from a rare and much-needed vacation to have a chapter of The Woman in the Statue waiting for me to enjoy. The Spider House does sound right up my alley, and depending on the ages for the characters in Little Brother’s Lesson, I might just dive into that as well. You’re an extraordinary writer, and I’ll push my own limits when I enjoy someone’s work as much as I’ve enjoyed your first chapter here on AFF.
    2 points
  5. This is happening way faster than I’d anticipated. That’s not a bad thing, though! Let’s kick this off with what I think is chronologically the first review. Well, this is either going to be a very happy review or a very unhappy one. Happy it is! Thank you so much for the kind words. Since this is my first story here on AFF, and given what it’s a sequel to, I was pretty nervous as to how it would be received. Granted, upset reviews may come later, when Luzurial’s PTSD flashbacks start and the disturbing imagery really kicks in, but this was a really nice first review to get! More is definitely on the way. Out of the story’s nine chapters, I’ll have eight of them done by the end of tonight. I’m planning to update this once per week, so hopefully Part Two will be up next Monday! Be careful saying that on the first chapter. Things may get less intriguing for you as we go along, but I do hope you’ll continue to enjoy it. I don’t have anything else planned at the moment that’s going to be as long as The Woman in the Statue, and not all of them will be to your tastes, but I have two other stories that I want to have on this site. Little Brother’s Lesson is already up on Literotica, but I figure I’ll post it here too. It’s a brother/sister incest story (like I said, not for everyone), which will eventually have two sequels: Our Secret and Ever After, to complete the story. The Spider House may be more up your alley. It’s about a teen named Cody who starts falling for his neighbor Yua, who lives in the neighborhood haunted house and may or may not be human… If I can have that one ready for one of the AFF Halloween parties, it may be my contribution. At any rate, thank you again for your kind review!
    2 points
  6. Having had the extreme pleasure of reading the first chapter of The Woman in the Statue, I’m really, REALLY looking forward to more stories from you!
    2 points
  7. For the moment, this is just for The Woman in the Statue, but I figured I’d use this thread for my other stories as well, once I actually start posting them. Edit (2021): I figured it might help people who stumble upon this if I linked to my stories, since I have several originals now. The Woman in the Statue My flagship story, effectively, and my most popular so far. Kevin frees a mysterious woman from her magical prison. Yua & Cody After Party – Yua and Cody have their own private Halloween celebration Parlor Games (co-written with JayDee) – some unpleasant men break into the wrong house. Social Distancing – Yua and Cody cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Aldreda & Elis Moonlit Snow – Paladin Aldreda and her squire Elis escort a caravan, and grow just a little bit closer along the way.
    1 point
  8. BronxWench

    Spam review

    I deleted it for you. They’re rare, but once in a while we get one...
    1 point
  9. I did it for the Holiday collection this year. If I did it, anyone can…
    1 point
  10. Thanks, Fanbay! I’m an editor in RL, so I’m pretty meticulous about spelling and grammar. And I have good betas.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Howdy, all. Sorry for my lengthy absence. Been a bit busy with various things – including a couple of chapters! Specifically, there are new chapters for Little Rose and Country Summer. Regarding SWP1’s comments: I really appreciate that you consider 3 chapters in a year and a half to be good progress. I’m not being ironic; I think it’s decent progress, too, but a lot of other folks might not. “Truth or Dare 2.0” wasn’t exactly a fan favorite, but I really loved writing it, so I appreciate your mentioning it. One thing Truth or Dare 2.0 and Hot Yoga have in common is that they pull in a lot of 2nd-tier characters from the PnF world. I sometimes like doing that, because a character that hasn’t had a lot of screen time leaves a lot of I do make an effort to make my stories consistent with canon. And now that the show is over, the events of “Hot Yoga” and “The More, the Merrier” could have happened sometime after the finale. Yes, definitely. Thanks for the comments. Hope your 2019 is off to a great start!
    1 point
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