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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Twinpregnation reviewed! I just realised it has hit 5k hits so folks must still be reading it. I hope we’ll be seeing a lot more of the reviewer InBrightestDay here now they’ve registered! AFF likes writers! Also, they’re working on a really really really good story. But on to the review! Thank you for reviewing this again! I’m really glad you liked it and that the long term element works. I just like the idea that it isn’t some dirty lust thing but a deep affection that’ll last a lifetime. After all the bad ends I’ve written it is nice to have something positive. As a piece of pornography the big element was writing sex people found hot so I am glad that came across well too. Funnily enough it would have been connected to something else you read, but previous reviewers persuaded me it worked better without the appearances from other characters. I do see where you’re coming from with the criticism and it feels like doing more of that would have improved it a hell of a lot. I re-wrote it from another of my stories of about half the length and added quite a bit on at the start, but I really feel now I could have done more. It’s definitely something to keep in mind if I did anything similar. I really appreciate the criticism. Thank you again for this review and welcome to AFF! Oooh! and to point out for AFF users that of the 100+ stories I have loaded on AFF there’s only 2 or maybe 3 of them that meet Literotica’s terms and conditions (I haven’t tried the third one yet). I’ll surely never have anything else I could load there! I’m not going anywhere unless, of course, the moderators finally decide they’ve had enough and place me under Damnatio memoriae.
    1 point
  2. Thank you for the greatly encouraging review. Considering that I am the author the information that there is a plot twist should not be such a surprise, but I really appreciate that you avoided spoiling the twist. As for the parts that you needed to reread I am not totally surprised. With English as second language and uneven access to proofreaders there are bits that most certainly can be improved. I am glad you could enjoy it despite this.
    1 point
  3. For the newest comments on Frankie’s Christmas Wish: rolay7: Good to be back! And Ember reignited is pretty high up on my list of priorities. ;) ArcDragoon: Aw shucks, thanks. :) I may be a purveyor of smut, but I’d like to think I turn out a decent story nonetheless.
    1 point
  4. “A Visit From Shota Claus” seems to be coming along nicely; I expect to have it ready by the weekend. When I took a break from that, I unexpectedly finished chapter 7 of “Make It All Better,” a story that has been in progress for three and a half years now. I have to be in a particular frame of mind to work on it because the characters are so complex, and a lot goes on under the surface. Yet, at the same time, the story is relentlessly pornographic. Trying to be deep and shallow at the same time is tricky, but I love making the attempt.
    1 point
  5. I am pleased to say that my laptop is working properly again, not least because of the substantial efforts of a nice fellow at the Knowledge Bar at Micro Center. Also, a surprise announcement: Earlier, I wrote that once again, I would not be writing a Christmas story this year because I had no good ideas for one. Then, a few days ago, such an idea struck. So if I can finish it in time, and if they do some kind of holiday story jam here on AFF, I’ll post “A Visit From Shota Claus” there (although as the title implies, it will have Minor1 content, so a fair number of folk won’t read it). Otherwise, I’ll post it on its own in the Originals section. SWP1: Some answers to your questions: The next chapter of “Little Rose” is about two-thirds written, but right now I’m trying to spend the majority of my writing time on “A Visit From Shota Claus” in the hope of getting it done in the next week or so. Once I’m done with that, “Little Rose” will be back on my priority list, along with my various other in-progress multi-chapter stories. Christmas prep is going well. We don’t have a full-size tree this one, but we have a cute little fake one that looks very festive and that we put in the front window so people can see the lights at night. How is yours? I appreciate your enthusiasm for this idea, but I just have too many other ideas that I’m excited about to pursue that one at this point. And my excitement is renewed now that I don’t have to do everything on my phone.
    1 point
  6. Hello, all. I haven’t been posting much lately because my laptop has been on the fritz; the power supply isn’t working right, which is slowing the whole thing down. (Makes me extra-glad I wasn't trying to do NaNoWriMo this year.) Hopefully, the new adapter I ordered will fix the problem. News: Chapter 3 of “The More, the Merrier” is now in beta. (I had to finish it on my phone.) It is huge – 8000+ words – so the beta could take a while. BTW, my friend who lost his father and grandfather is the beta on that story. He asked for a distraction, so I hurried up and finished the chapter to provide him one. SWP1: Of the movies you mentioned, the one I’m most interested in is Aquaman. Although if it gets terrible reviews, I'll probably just wait and watch it the next time my cable provider has a free-premium-channels weekend (which is how I watched Batman vs. Superman and Justice League). I’m iffier about Bumblebee because the recent Transformers movies haven’t been great, but focusing on one character might make for a better movie, so I’m keeping an open mind. Last night, I watched Murder on the Orient Express (the new one with Kenneth Branagh), and now I wish I had seen it on the big screen. Lots of magnificent vistas. The story is good, too (I guess you can't go too far wrong with Agatha Christie), and the movie is chock-full of good actors.
    1 point
  7. A friend of mine has lost both his father and his grandfather in a tragic accident. In the hope of providing him a distraction, I put the pedal to the metal and finished chapter 4 of “Little Rose” this afternoon. SWP1, chapter 3 of “The More, the Merrier” is probably the next thing I’ll finish. However, my laptop is on the fritz (needs a new battery that I have to have shipped to me and then installed by a technician), so I may not be able to post it until next week. Also, I will probably continue my trend of not contributing to this year’s holiday story jam. All the Christmas-story ideas I have are weepy things involving dying children, and I’m not doin’ that.
    1 point
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