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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Corrupt the Midwife Part 2 update I have finished the second draft of part 2. Needs a bit more polish and re-write and then when it goes up I’ll be sliding the story firmly over to the misc FF catagory (at least until the day when the site gets a Call the Midwife subcat!) I have decided to gratuitously cheat with the prompts, by not tackling the weeks in order. I’ll move slightly further ahead with the weeks for part 2, then back to cover more for the future parts. This is partly because the story structure they suggest to me works better with a library scene in part 3 to part 2, and while cranciform suggested something cool that goes better in part 4 than either of them. Was a bit put out to click on one prompts week, think “Those would work great!” and then realise I’d already done a prompt story for that one. I mean, I’m just amazed I am still able to write anything at all at this stage so if cheating gets it done… I mean, I still might not get it done. I’m not great at finishing stories. Part 1, posted last wednesday, 127 hits. The pitfalls of tiny fandoms! Maybe ramping up the Porn in part 2’ll spark some interest.
    1 point
  2. “It was Samhain 1942. There was a… misunderstanding. “ “Did you know you can kill a fairy with a machine gun?”
    1 point
  3. Well, I’ve been making progress on a lot of things, but not enough progress on any one thing to actually finish it. Most recently, there’s been action on the next chapters of “The More, the Merrier” and “Little Rose.” Chapter 3 of TMTM is up to 8000 words and it’s STILL not finished. Also, a new story has joined The List. With the working title of “Twist My Arm,” it’s a Loud House story in which Bobby and Ronnie Anne return to Royal Woods for 4 weeks during the summer and go on a series of double dates with Lori and Lincoln at a retro drive-in theater. Lori wants to get seriously physical with Bobby but knows that Bobby won’t approve if the kids are in the car – unless, Lori reasons (okay, “reasons” in air quotes), Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are doing the same thing in the back seat. So she starts pressuring Lincoln to go farther with Ronnie Anne on every date. Of course, I really need to get some of my in-progress stories done before I start posting new stuff, so it might be a while before this sees daylight. SWP1, my favorite horror movie is the original Scream. I like it because it turns a lot of tropes from the horror genre on their heads and because it’s a mystery as well as horror. In the days leading up to Halloween, though, the wife and I watched the new The Haunting of Hill House series on Netflix, which was very good.
    1 point
  4. So, Dr Who made an alien race with “Mpreg where men only give birth to boys” canon. There may be fanfic repercussions on this one.
    1 point
  5. Thanks! What's Halloween if you can't visit horrific death on the deserving? Thanks again!
    1 point
  6. Necro’ing this thread after two years on account of Corrupt the Midwife, a story that I am hoping to be able to add FF tags onto starting with the next chapter. It should be canon characters doing all the FF’ing, so as to reduce any accusations of boring people to tears with tedious fake-Irish OCs, should any appear. Cough. As mentioned in the note on the story I originally wanted to write a story called “Ball the Midwife” but since this story as planned features no testicles (the first plan went dickgirl) I seem to have started writing a different story. Some reviews!: Thank you for your review! I have seen the show, but I’ll admit it’s been a good while – and even longer since Season One This bicycle seems like a good idea sure, but it’s going to be mightily distracting for Chummy from Saturday through to the next Friday if circumstances insist she needs to keep using it. It’s almost like it’s cursed. Insert evil laugh here. I think my take on things is sometimes to be avoided, especially when writing around the less polite story codes. None of that stuff here though, although corruption can be problematic. I am sure Chummy is capable of remaining pure. Probably. Maybe. Oh dear. Thank you again! Thank you M’Lord. *Tugs forelock* I am ever so ‘umble, and appreciate most be-heartedly your kindness. But enough of the period words (which, before anyone gets funny, doesn’t just mean ‘cramps’ or ‘blood’ or ‘sanitary towels’.) I actually hope I get it all pretty much right. Dialogue has always been my weakest element, along with character survival prospects. Although this story is going to be entirely death free. I guess it’s always nice to find something that ticks the old fetish box – I know that in a lot of cases it can make an otherwise un-interesting story really quite tempting. Sadly, the bicycle will probably play a lesser part in the rest of the parts, with more focus on FF fumblings, although Chummy will find cause to use it daily. As for Downton Abbey, I actually didn’t get to see more than a few episodes of that. It just didn’t grip me the same way. I could certainly see me writing something sometime, (Lady Grantham “disciplines” her maid type filth) but probably not for a while. Thank you for your interest and I appreciate your review!
    1 point
  7. Is it the 20th yet? Anxious to post my Christmas… I mean “halloween” story
    1 point
  8. Toss in another idea ... Do those halloween/holiday round robins that we like to do, submit a oneshot and maybe pick up some readers that way.
    1 point
  9. All of the responsibility rests with the Dom. It is hard to write a responsible story with a good Dom, keeping in mind the controls the D would want in place and the boundaries that the /s wants to push or experience. It isn't the relationship most outsiders think it is. The D is the responsible party and the /s has all the power. That makes a D/s completely different from a M/s IMHO.
    1 point
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