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  1. I think I got everyone who was gracious enough to review Synth? Again, Thank you, everyone
    2 points
  2. From JayDee on November 01, 2018 I didn't quite know what to make of this one, but I am not the brightest to be fair. The first bit I followed easily, and then it got quite trippy in places although with careful reading I could see the same things from different points of view in some of them. The synths are pretty hardcore! Some really good turns of phrase and imagery throughout. I especially liked the Dragon and the Interation POVs. This bit - “Scales, wings and broken flesh. Her children fell. With every flash, a moment of indescribable fear. As rent bodies. Limbs separating messily. Timeless moments of murder. Several moments of brutal precision.” Really good! Thank you that bit is actually personally my most hated passage. I aimed for a strobe light effect. Ur Dragon looking up from the ocean sees with every contact with Synth’s Hypervelocity rod barrage. Her children exploding from the impact. To say she’s traumatized is a bit of an understatement. She’s an apex predator of immense magical and physical might. To see her children each mighty in of themselves. Physically shredded without a chance to counter act. There are things in Oceania that can prey on dragons successfully. Yet, this was not a predator, prey interaction. This was an act where dragons weren’t even given the pretense of dignity in self-defense. Falling to a bigger predator she could at least respect. Yet, these fleshy puny things could just delete her children. It's not something she can process. Its irrelevant to her that the watchers were barely involved. They enabled this to happen. She won’t challenge the watchers nor synth after this. Not after, this display. She makes it the southern continent on the other side of the world. It doesn’t take her long to piece together enough information to hold the elves culpable. She only understands blood for blood and she fully intends to rectify.
    2 points
  3. I’ve made it a habit to contribute to them, ever since my first 2015 one. I even submitted two for the Holiday 2015.
    1 point
  4. Flame Grilled Elves: Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside. Edit – Just BW’s to read now! I am going to re-read Feed the Land first (forum posted review here :p!) and then read The Price of the Land which I seem to have missed from being a bit busy last year, and then read the new part. Looking back at 2015 and even 2017 it’s interesting to remember users that come and step back. I do it myself regularly.
    1 point
  5. While I’m not going to sign up for NaNo, I’ll make a goal. Add 70k to my adult version of my potter fanfic. We’ll see how well this fares at the end of the month.
    1 point
  6. Y’ever worry that after you leave a review someone’s gonna check out what you’ve written yourself and then decide humanity is beyond redemption and set out to destory us all?
    1 point
  7. It is a really bad sign when your NaNo crashes and burns on day1. I was using a new (to me) technique that has been stifling my muse. A total rewrite is just depressing even if it’s only one day.
    0 points
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