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  1. Pretty good, just remember the golden rule. Every woman is different, just like every man. What might work for one woman, might no be the case with another. There’s lot of factors to this stuff.
    4 points
  2. Sinfulwolf

    The Big Question

    May seem lame, but regeneration and immunity to disease.
    3 points
  3. CloverReef

    The Big Question

    I don’t think that’s lame at all. Like lizards that can grow their tails back? And immunity is awesome as it is, but doubly awesome in a zombie apocalypse.
    2 points
  4. Here is a little something, in honour of all of our wonderful sisters. For anyone wondering how to write female characters properly, and who doesn't want to wear corsets, bras, or high heels to do some necessary research, BoredPanda comes to your rescue! (Or you could just actually have sex with a real woman, but you know...) https://www.boredpanda.com/dear-men-writers-women-tumblr-post/
    2 points
  5. CloverReef

    The Big Question

    Ugh isn’t that the worst, when the words on paper just aren’t cooperating? That would be a handy super power, especially during a particularly nasty bout of writers block.
    2 points
  6. SightSoBlind

    The Big Question

    "If people could fly we would consider it excersise and never do it." ~ George Carlin That's always the first thing to come into my mind when someone says that. I want the abilty to take my ideas and fluidly translate it into a finished product. I have a full half dozen books fully written in my head but when it comes time to apply it to paper it disappears. I know how to do it. I know how I want to do it... it just doesn't translate.
    2 points
  7. Very informative. And I will forever remember the phrase “boob turbulence.”
    2 points
  8. A bird recently shat on my head. Apparently that’s lucky, although I can’t say it felt lucky at the time. Still, perhaps the lucky bit was that it was a seagull and not one of the 28lb pelicans we were surrounded by.
    1 point
  9. BronxWench

    The Big Question

    Oh, I like that one!
    1 point
  10. KassX

    The Big Question

    The ability to enter fictional worlds and never return please
    1 point
  11. CloverReef

    The Big Question

    Based on my personality and plethora of anxieties... The ability to fade from attention. Like a stranger sees me and is all like "that creature looks totally approachable and not terrified of me at all so I'd better make it converse with me." Then i could just smile and nod and with my epic power i could make them lose interest and go away. I think I'd get that power because i already kinda do it with awkwardness. Edit: excuse the errors. Wrote this on my phone.
    1 point
  12. GeorgeGlass

    The Big Question

    Long-distance teleportation. I’m tired of getting hosed by the airlines. But here’s what I think is the more interesting question: Not what superpower you want, but what superpower you think you would actually end up with if you got one. I think I’d get a power that seems lame but is actually kind of useful, like the power to make people ignore me.
    1 point
  13. BronxWench

    The Big Question

    Well, yes, because stealing my wallet is up close and personal, so I can smack you for that. But usually the parking offenses occur when I’m not looking, so it’s either I get to vaporize the car, or I channel 6 sumo wrestlers to pick it up, move it, and drop it into one space. And I do mean drop it.
    1 point
  14. CloverReef

    The Big Question

    I like how specific your power is going to be. Someone steals your wallet, you try to vaporize them and all you get is a little steam kuz they’re properly parked.
    1 point
  15. BronxWench

    The Big Question

    The power to vaporize idiots who take more than one parking place. Really. I’m generally pretty easygoing, but I absolutely explode when faced with that sort of self-important, self-indulgent, self-centered behavior. And after I vaporize their car, I’m going to disintegrate all their participation awards, from preschool right on up.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Tcr

    The Big Question

    Well, shit... Here I thought there was a marriage proposal... Well... I'm disappointed. Back to bed for me… (close enough...) Damn, still here... Ummm... look at the pussy! Fine, I'll answer… To be honest, probably be able to get rid of the idiots in the world... Like (fwoosh)... Or maybe that's just work talking.... and this city... Hmm... Higher level intellect? I wouldn't mind having that... Intelligently rule the world ;).
    1 point
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