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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Future is a fairly vague term after all. Besides, torture is bleak. Even if it’s just scratchy wool on your skin.
    3 points
  2. *Whistles as DP works on the software to his story database...or plays around with 3D modeling architecture in Blender+Unreal*
    3 points
  3. My friend had knee replacement surgery, and we finally got the Jeep windshield replaced. Making progress is a good feeling. My friend’s finally on the mend and won’t be confined to a walker much longer. For all the craziness in life, I’m feeling pretty good about the last couple of weeks now that they are done. Now to focus on the next thing on the must do list.
    3 points
  4. Jeff has to live for a while, so that’s not anytime soon, however, I can certainly torture him and make him wear clothes
    2 points
  5. For anyone who’s interested, Ghost’s Dilemma is available for preorder on July 27 from Nine Star Press: https://ninestarpress.com/product/ghosts-dilemma/ I’m really excited about this one, since I’ve made some edits and I think it’s a lot stronger now. So, for anyone who reads it, thank you!
    1 point
  6. Once again, good luck and I hope you get a good response for it!
    1 point
  7. I’m doing my best to send you some rain, @Melrick, I promise. It’s been almost dry here for two days now, so maybe it’s working… ::crosses everything, knocks on wood, shouts, “seven, nine, thirteen!!”:: Stay safe, and I hope my little loves will be safe down there too.
    1 point
  8. I deleted it.
    1 point
  9. I personally like the soul sucking bit. I’ve been trying to work in succubus feeding habits in an interesting way in my current story. I think it’s interesting anyway. May we all pray for Jeff. His future may very well be bleak.
    1 point
  10. So happy you have been able to get things rolling with this publication too. It’s an awesome story, and I’m so glad you are getting it shared again.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. It is a lot of work, but for some of the people already creating original music, the extra work to make it audio and incorporate those extra senses is absolutely worth the extra headaches. It’s exciting; it opens up new creative avenues, and it doesn’t feel like extra work if you love what you’re doing. Of course, if you don’t, it absolutely will feel like too much work. So you just gotta do what’s right for you. My advice was meant for people who are already venturing into other mediums to consider alternative and creative ways to make it work for them. We’re not just limited to the words on the page if we don’t want to be.
    1 point
  13. Honestly @Melrick if I could, I would mail you some rain. I’ve got people I love very much down there in NSW, and I swear every time I hear that there are brushfires down there, it makes my heart sink. But this weather is just getting ridiculous all over the planet.
    1 point
  14. Yesterday, I had another one of those decision-paralysis moments in which I couldn’t decide which story to work on, so I decided to do another cycle through them all. That usually takes me at least a couple of days, but I’m nearly through the list now. The next thing I’ll finish will probably be the penultimate chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant.” The next chapters of “The More, the Merrier” and “Little Rose” are likely to follow. Howdy. My weekend was uneventful, but that was fine; I really needed to relax. And yours?
    1 point
  15. Oh, yes, Dr. Hirano definitely chose those tight yoga pants to be appealing as well as functional.
    1 point
  16. Re: “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” Glad you’re liking it.
    1 point
  17. I initially filled in the chart with what each character was wearing in “Hot Yoga,” just to give myself a place to start with regard to their wardrobe choices. Then I looked at the Phineas and Ferb Wiki to see what Pedro and Sally wear. (Being typical cartoon characters, they always wear the same outfit.) Roger always wears a suit on the show, but he wouldn't wear that to “yoga class,” so I just made up an appropriate outfit for him. Clothing is a little bit important in this story because it shows how the situation has evolved since the events of “Hot Yoga.” In that story, everyone was dressed for an exercise class; they didn't know it was going to turn into an orgy. This time, in contrast, everyone knows what they're getting into (except maybe Sally and Pedro), so although they are still dressed for the exercise class that everyone else in their lives thinks they are going to, what they have on underneath may not be merely jockeys and sports bras.
    1 point
  18. Made good progress on the next chapter of “The More, the Merrier” tonight, this time mainly with regard to Balthazar, Melanie, and Roger. Also spent some time on the Victoria’s Secret site for research purposes. (Is it better or worse when that’s actually the truth? ) This story is chart-intensive. Not only is every chapter outlined, but I have a big table showing what each character is wearing (top, under top, bottom, under bottom), and each item of clothing is color-coded according to the chapter in which the character takes that item off. (I decided this was necessary after I discovered that in “Hot Yoga,” I mistakenly had Jenny take her pants off twice.)
    1 point
  19. Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the alternate ending. I should be more open-minded about dark endings. They’re fun to write.
    1 point
  20. Re: “Auntie’s Home” Well, that’s not ALL that’s left...
    1 point
  21. My streak of productivity continues: I just posted chapter 4 of “Auntie’s Home.” What is more, I’m making good progress tonight on the next chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant,” so I expect to have that off to beta in the next few days. Made a bit of progress on “The More, the Merrier,” too. I’m having a lot of fun with Adyson and Gretchen in this story; in chapter 2, they’re going to do something that may or may not be physically possible. But, you know, they’re cartoons, so physiological correctness be damned.
    1 point
  22. My stress-writing continues to be productive. Last night, I posted chapter 1 of “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl” (beta-read by JayDee, who has my gratitude), and just now, I posted chapter 7 of “Country Summer.” I also expect to have chapter 4 of “Auntie's Home” ready for beta in the next day or two. I realized today that I now have nine incomplete multi-chapter stories in progress (not including the ones that don't have any posted chapters yet, most notably “Wishful,” which I'll be starting on soon). So I made a list of them and the date on which each story last had a new chapter posted. 4/18 Auntie’s Home 5/10 The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant 5/17 Make It All Better 6/10 The More, the Merrier 6/16 Little Rose 6/18 Delta Delta Delta 7/02 Multiversity 7/11 Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl 7/12 Country Summer So I'm going to be working on new chapters in roughly that order. (I say “roughly” because I'm always subject to the whims of inspiration or lack thereof.) I'll be adding “Wishful” to the rotation at some point, but I won't start posting any other new multi-chapter stories until at least a few of the ones on the list above are complete. Also: With the one-shot “Imaginary Tokyo” now completed, a new one-shot story has leaped out of the “ideas” file and onto the List of Twenty. Its working title is “Tension,” and it's about a single mom who gets sick and tired of her teenage son and daughter’s constant bickering. The mom realizes that her kids’ feud is the result of unresolved sexual tension between them, so she makes them *cough* resolve it. Finally: Indeed, SWP1, Gretchen will not be the only female who gets DPed in TMTM. There’s a reason why I added two more male characters to the ensemble.
    1 point
  23. Whereas some people stress-eat, I stress-write. Between dealing with my parents’ deaths and some nasty stuff at work, the first thing I want to do when I get home is throw myself into my imaginary worlds. As a result, I’m finishing things left and right. I’ve just posted “Imaginary Tokyo” (in which a man describes his travels in a land where anime tropes come to life), and tomorrow I expect to post the first chapter of “Mia: Confessions of a Dickgirl.” And I think the next chapter of “Country Summer” will be ready very soon after that.
    1 point
  24. As with most of the stories on the List of Twenty right now, progress on the next chapters of TMTM and “Little Rose” is slow but steady. Here’s what currently appears to be closest to being finished: --Chapter 7 of “Country Summer” --Chapter 3 of “Auntie’s Home” --”Imaginary Tokyo” --Chapter 1 of an as-yet untitled dickgirl story
    1 point
  25. The alternate ending of “Splinter” is posted! I think readers who were hoping for something darker are going to like it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Of course, as one story drops off the List of Twenty, a new one leaps on to take its place: “Wishful.” My friend Jomahawk, who has beta-read for me for years and has asked for very little in return, offered to commission me to write it, but because I don’t do commissions, I’m doing it as a thank-you.
    1 point
  26. Melrick

    England's 'heatwave'

    @WillowDarkling Much of NSW is in its worst drought for well over a century, so it’s getting awfully dry. I just hope we get plenty of rain before summer gets here, otherwise it’s going to be a bad bushfire season.
    0 points
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