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  1. Lakeside picnic with mum on a sunny 25C winter’s day. Not a bad day.
    5 points
  2. So I’m not going to be around much for the next month or so (not that I’ve been particularly present of late anyway) because I’m moving to GERMANY!!! So you kids play nice while I’m gone and hopefully the German internet company won’t take the whole 3 weeks it says it will to hook up my service. Auf Wiedersehen!
    4 points
  3. Desiderius Price

    The Unreviewed

    It comes down to those self-doubts one can have about their own stories. Are they any good? Do people like reading them? Is it worth my effort to take these from an outline/rough to a more polished form for posting? Is this suitable to actually be published (for originals)? In the absence of reviews, I can’t answer these, not really. So, having the dragon prints going up consistency after posting/promoting at least hints that some people are reading it, and coming back to read with each installment – it’s not guaranteed, it could be a different group of suckers each time, or, it could be some habitual readers; my assumption is that it’s a bit of both.
    3 points
  4. Mal

    The Unreviewed

    This is an interesting thread. I’ve often wondered about the different “genres” or domains… or whatever you guys want to call them and how working in one realm gets a writer more attention and potentially more reviews because of that genre’s proliferation. For example, if you go to the Harry Potter archive, there is barely a damn story there that doesn’t have a review, as someone already pointed out. The same seems true of the Original’s archive, a great many stories there get reviews even when the dragon prints are low. However, if you venture into the (apparently) very taboo world of the Celebrity archive almost no stories get reviewed, even when the prints are high. As I work exclusively in the Celeb realm at this time, I’ve often found myself jealous of how many reviews writers of other genres get. It also got me to thinking does the genre one writes in have more of an effect on the number, and quality of the reviews one receives, even more than the quality of the writing by the author? (Quality, at least as its determined by the number of dragon prints a story has received) I have five stories on this site, and as far as I can tell (comparing them to other stories in the celebrity archive) I do very well for myself in terms of the number of dragon prints I receive. But, I also get no reviews. Here is a listing of my stories with the Dragon Print count and number of reviews: Billion Dollar Harem: 100913 / 4 Felicity’s Fate: 5186 / 0 The Orb of Janus: 5698 / 0 The Mile High Rape Club: 3936 / 0 Emma Watson’s Blowbang Spectacular: 3949 / 0 As you can see, despite having good dragon print count, my stories have almost no reviews. This is true of most stories in the Celebrity archive. However, in the Originals or Harry Potter archives, for example, stories with far less count have a lot more reviews. Does this suggest a certain degree of passivity on the part of those who read celebrity fiction, a level of protectiveness from those who read HP or Original? Or is it a taboo around Celebrity… This is something that has had me curious for years as I’ve always wanted to see more reviews for the stories I write. I also wonder if the number of reviews I receive is offset by the fact that I have a thread on the forum dedicated to my primary story, where many of my regular readers comment. Then again I see many authors have their own review threads too so… I don’t know. I would love for someone to explain to me why my preferred genre seems to be the black sheep of the fanfiction world…. Anyways, I thought this was an interesting thread so I wanted to contribute. Thanks to Jaydee for starting it!
    3 points
  5. Why, oh why, am I researching bullet-proof caskets?
    3 points
  6. Yep…. “Turned Gay By The Existential Dread That I May Actually Be A Character In A Chuck Tingle Book “
    3 points
  7. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I don’t necessarily see Dragon Prints as a sign of quality – it’s a sign someone clicked, not that they read it. I guess at most it says “This summary/codes/title/pairing/fandom was appealing” and a big multiparter, where the parts are posted at intervals rather than all at once, will often have many more hits than a oneshot purely because each new chapter will bring it back to the front page, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any better. The oneshot could be amazing! For the celebrity thing… eh, I’ve said my bit on why I stopped doing ‘em, so purely in line with this topic - I sometimes think with celebrity stories folks don’t want to be commenting/reviewing positively on something the celebrity might have a lawsuit about later – but I guess the same could apply for many copyrighted works. I do know that if, say, I commented on a rape fic about a celebrity and them someone linked them to it on twitter, or a talk show host bought it up (as occasionally happens, it ain’t just mean tweets! Or, hell, a lot of these folks are waaay more into the internet than before, prolly find thm theirselves) I’d feel pretty bad for ‘em. Maybe other folks think the same thing and are less keen to have their reviews in that context, but quite happy to masturbate over it? But even that theory doesn’t hold up because there are people out there happy to use internet anonymity to tell someone to their twitter/IG whatever account that they hope they get raped/murdered/not allowed to be in another Star Wars movie. And those angry folks seem like they’d not be bothered reviewing celeb porn. Hell, some of ‘em are probably making the deepfakes. Having a quick look at yours, I see that three of ‘em only have one part, and the other one only has two parts – every single one of my unreviewed stories is a oneshot and I think that can have an impact as well, maybe more so than the domain thing (unless it’s a nosex multiparter in a really unknown fandom with other really niche tags or something!). Might even be more that factor than the celeb factor, because as you have with your big multi-parters once you get regular readers they’re keen to offer input, and feedback and interact, and guess about how things will go and so on. Just a thought. When I was writing celeb stories I got the vast majority of my reviews by email, maybe you’d get some by sticking a “Hey folks! If you don’t want to post a review, email me your thoughts!” message?
    2 points
  8. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I’m just using domain in the sense of AFF’s subdomains because when I went through my stories I did it by subdomain originals and movies etc. Genre’s a better term for general fiction discussion and you can have same genre stories in different subdomains. I’d say least likely to be reviewed on here is a oneshot nosex original story, or little known fandom. People’ll definitely review a shitty story with a fetish they like, often to say they want to see more of it. I speak as a writer of some pretty shitty stories with reviews of that nature! Same with certain popular fandoms where a particular character or theme will get reviews just ‘cos folks want to consume any media they can with it. That’s how it seems to me. I’m sure you’re right that getting replies directly to the forum means you’re getting less on the story – those regular readers’d definitely be making at least some of the same comments as reviews! Gotta rush, will comment more later!
    2 points
  9. I keep trying to tell everyone that Existential Dread’s gonna be the next big fetish.
    2 points
  10. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I’m not posting links ‘cos this isn’t a review whore thread. As most of what I write is one shots I am used to getting one or two reviews a story, with the odd one getting more and the multiparters occasionally getting 20+ Given my often niche subject matter not a big suprise! Anyway, I got to thinking about hits vs reviews – I have a story with 60K plus hits and considerably less reviews, but also I have a few stories with no reviews at all. And I wondered if it was worth looking at them to see if there’s any specific reason why they didn’t get even the pity reviews so many of my others got! So in order of dragon prints these are: Games > Fallout > No Mercy in Novac - Dragon Prints : 15278 15K reviews. Even with this likely representing one or two masturbators revisiting a few times, it’s quite a lot of people who’ve been interested enough in the fandom and the summary with it’s promised “gang of horny rapists” to click, but then haven’t liked or hated it enough to leave a comment. My strong suspicion with this one is that a lot of them have seen the note that this is a re-write of one of my earlier stories and either didn’t want to try again, or understandably felt this was a likely sign of poor quality hack work to salvage the porn scenes of 2007 JayDee. Games > Mortal Kombat > Sindel's Lullaby - Dragon Prints : 7000 I suspect that what happened here was the many readers who liked “Shokan Lust” didn’t pay close enough attention to the codes/description on this very different story, realised what they were getting after clicking and noped the fuck out. 7K though. Harry Potter > Crossovers > Nightmare at Hogwarts - Dragon Prints : 5798 This is my only HP fandom fic to get zero reviews, and for getting reviews HP fandom used to be like shooting fish in a barrel. You could literally write a necrophile sex dwarf and people would give it an honest appraisal. The only reason this one has so many dragon prints is because it’s been on AFF since I started re-loading my stories on AFF in 2007 after taking them down that first time (and accidentally not saving that hot Kate/Dad Angel fic I wrote. I’m a dumb fucker). So I think the reason for no reviews is niche appeal, less popular character, Het content, teen version of old character, and Freddy not being Freddy enough. S’a piece of shit story tbh. Cartoons > Josie and the Pussycats > Just A Cat - Dragon Prints : 3925 I thought this’n did have reviews tbh. Maybe the user’s content was deleted? Anyway, kind’ve a cheat to include since while it has no review on AFF it did get reviewed as part of “Fanfiction Friday” on the old Topless Robot site, and numerous reader comments that quite failed to understand it wasn’t intended as a serious literary heavyweight work, but just a 70s cartoon Afro-American woman with a penis nailing a white dude. Because that shit’s hot. Shut up. It is. 0 onsite reviews can’t be wro… fuck. FWIW this is probably one of my better unreviewed stories, but it is a fairly small fandom and dickgirl-on-male is not everybody’s cup of spunk. Movies > Southland Tales (2006) > Nobody Now Dragon - Prints : 2984 Movie that tanked at the box office, and didn’t make a whole lot of sense even when you read the prequel comics but still had some fun scenes and and dialogue and folks playin’ the roles. So on that basis, and the very niche amputee fetish, not surprised it didn’t get a lot of folks who looked at it happy to leave even an anon review. Another one of the batch of stories I re-wrote to be about a fanwork, although the original one wasn’t actually posted anywhere – they rejected it at CSSA which must take some doing. Games > Viewtiful Joe > Hulk Davidson has Sylvia for Dinner - Dragon Prints : 2726 A vore request/story exchange I did for a fandom I knew sweet FA about, so it probably scores poorly for being a lesser known Capcom property, not being especially close in character to the actual property, and featuring people eating. Cartoons > Extreme Ghostbusters > The Goth and The Goatherd - Dragon Prints : 2028 Not all of my re-write attempts were very good. Shoehorning this one into EGB didn’t really work. Not surprised at the low hits or low reviews – again, lesser popular fandom and niche content. Games > REsident Evil > Control Takes Jill - Dragon Prints : 1565 Niche content, but big fandom where folks usually don’t mind violent rapey gory stories. I guess It was just wrong place, wrong time. Not my best work as I was having a hard time writing anything at the time, and then forgot to post it here for ages (was a request topic fic I wrote as a reward for another forum’s thread) Just one of those things. Originals > Fucking Halloween Party Dragon Prints : 1267 Since Reviewed! (That you reviewer!) There’s some nice sex in this one and again actually cheating to be here – it did get reviewed when originally posted as part of the Halloween special multithread, but I wanted it on my own profile to keep alla the character stories together, and 1200+ people checked it out and didn’t really care either way! I certainly am not suprised of my four stories with no reviews and low dragon prints two are originals because that’s a harder sell outside of specific topics anyway. Maybe shoulda gone for “Cocky Succubus’ Halloween Party” Games > Elder Scrolls Oblivion > Decorative Destruction - Dragon Prints : 991 Someone wanted Jar Jar Binks to go to the Elder Srolls universe and rape a specific NPC with a tiny part in the game. I owed them a story and wrote it. Readers saw Jar Jar and scrolled the fuck down. I expect it’s 900 Star Wars bot searches. Weird idea. Had some nice descriptions I think, but I haven’t been back to check. Games > Elder Scrolls Morrowind > The Orc's Weapon - Dragon Prints : 619 It’s got NoSex tag, and features a character from an older game and, well, I liked it but I can see why it didn’t take off. Was a sequel to my better written Friendship’s Gift in a way. Originals > The Man in the Tree Dragon Prints : 602 Since Reviewed! (Thank you reviewer!) I did 52 prompts, one a week, for a year. This was the week I couldn’t think of any goddamn thing worth a shit and so crapped this out. It’s deservedly forgotten to the point I didn’t remember it until I saw it. ...I started with the most dragon prints stories to be positives. Anyway, that’s my Unreviewed. How’s about y’all?
    1 point
  11. Finally, after a couple days of fretting over this, got a reasonable outline to the critical part to Ep 14…. had to sort out the full picture before I could restrict it to just the MC’s point of view.
    1 point
  12. Nope, no minors in this story. This dickgirl likes ‘em fertile.
    1 point
  13. The wee corgi lass is in the hospital. ::sigh:: I fucking hate epilepsy.
    0 points
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