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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2018 in all areas

  1. My cat found a christmas bow. Like the kind you stick on presents. I have no idea where he found it. He’s not an outdoor cat. Our christmas stuff is packed away in the attic only accessible through a closed off staircase in a closed off closet that he has no way of getting into… and he’s been playing with it nonstop for three days.
    4 points
  2. Happy Canada Day to our saner neighbors up North!
    3 points
  3. Like JayDee, I have an awful lot of stories posted, so I’m just going to list the ones that have received no reviews. Fanfics: Cartoons > Phineas and Ferb > The More, the Merrier - Dragon Prints : 1800 I’ve only posted 1 chapter of this so far, and said chapter is pretty much all setup, so I’m not completely surprised that there are no reviews yet. Cartoons > Mighty Magiswords > The Princess Hire-ees - Dragon Prints : 683 I’m guessing that Mighty Magiswords doesn’t have anywhere near as large a fan base as the other fandoms in which I write. Cartoons > ThunderCats > Brides of Evil - Dragon Prints : 8317 I’ll be honest: This fic just isn’t very good. I co-wrote it with somebody on Inkbunny; our collaboration wasn’t a great experience for me and did not result in a great fic. Originals: Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Little Rose - Dragon Prints : 2750 This story is only 1 chapter in, so I’m not too surprised by the lack of reviews thus far. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Curfew - Dragon Prints : 7106 Now this one’s lack of reviews surprises me. This story, about a young woman who is raped by a pack of specially trained dogs, was partly inspired by the popularity of one of my earlier stories, “Caitlyn’s Punishment,” which was about a woman whose sadistic husband forces her to have sex with a series of animals. (That story has 13 reviews, which is by far the most that any of my original stories have garnered.) Maybe the appeal of that “Caitlyn’s Punishment” had more to do with the sadistic husband than the animals, I don’t know. Erotica > General > Pony Dearest - Dragon Prints : 6120 I'm not totally surprised about this one. My furry stories don't tend to be big hits on AFF (unlike Inkbunny, which is exclusively for the furry crowd). What is more, although this is a story about anthropomorphic ponies, it's not an MLP story, so it may not appeal to a wide audience. Original - Misc > General > A Perfect Mismatch - Dragon Prints : 2661 Well, it turns out y’all did me a favor by inspiring me to make this list, because in doing so, I realize that I put this story in the wrong place: “Original – Misc” instead of “Erotica.” I have just moved it. In any case, this story is part of an anthology series titled "Tales from the Glory Wormhole." Although authors can post their stories anywhere, the “hub” for the story is located on Hentai Foundry, where people can read the intro to each story and then click a link to go to the story itself. So reviews get posted on HF and not AFF. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Dear Hazel - Dragon Prints : 3750 This story takes the form of a letter written by a man to the woman he desires. For that reason, nothing actually happens in this story, and maybe that’s why it hasn’t attracted any reviews. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > The Small Hours - Dragon Prints : 13625 Underage furry incest PWP clearly draws readers, but maybe not the reviewin’ kind. Also, it’s a very short story, so maybe people don’t feel like the time they spent reading it justifies writing a review. Poetry > Free Verse > Twins: An Incest Poem - Dragon Prints : 4941 If anything is less likely to attract reviews than underage furry incest PWP, it’s probably underage incest free-verse poetry. Erotica > FemSlash - Female/Female > The Single Mothers' Support Group - Dragon Prints : 24128 Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Keene's Really Good Week - Dragon Prints : 24042 Erotica > General > The Playground - Dragon Prints : 12998 All three of the above stories are furry stories, so there we are. Erotica > Threesomes/Moresomes > Satisfaction - Dragon Prints : 24595 I’ll confess that I’m disappointed by this one’s lack of reviews. I think it’s some of my best work in the feel-good incest genre. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > A Day at the Beach - Dragon Prints : 59977 More underage incest getting plenty of hits but no reviews. Erotica > Het - Male/Female > Everything She Needs - Dragon Prints : 20904 This one I understand, because it’s a sequel (to a story titled "Wild Side"), and sequels are never as popular as the original. (The exception is when the sequel has the word “Daddy” in the title and the original does not.)
    3 points
  4. Okay, I’m going off to play Dragon age, inquisition for the hundreth time, and it’s all @JayDee and @BronxWench’s fault. <3
    3 points
  5. I think you’re right about this one having had reviews, because I vaguely remember reviewing it. I might have made some comparison between your version of Valerie and Foxy Brown. It’s actually a really fun little show, about a brother-sister team of professional adventurers. (One of its working titles was Dungeons and Dayjobs). It started life as an internet cartoon; you can find a bunch of the shorts on YouTube. Yeah, the distribution of effort was about the same in my case. Clearly, I need to spend some time on Reddit. I had to visit Wikipedia to figure out what that was about. And it’s not grammar Nazis; it’s actual Nazis. (88 is apparently used by some neo-Nazis as a code for “Heil Hitler,” because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.) And JayDee, thanks so much for reviewing “Curfew”!
    2 points
  6. From a personal standpoint, I’d love to have an update feature that sends me an email. But from the other side of the issue, I also know it’s not as easy to code in features as people think because we’re working with what’s become a custom piece of coding in the archive. We can’t simply add in features we like, as we can do in the forum, because there’s no library of features for us to browse. Our coder has to write something that will work with the rest of the code seamlessly, and that’s not always possible. In a perfect world, i.e., one in which I win a huge lottery, I’d give AFF the money to purchase a brand new, super powerful package for the archive, and hire lots of minions to carefully migrate the databases to the new package. The reality is that we’re all volunteers running this place on a shoestring budget which barely covers the cost of hosting the archive. There isn’t anything left for buying software. We do amazingly well with what we have, though, I think.
    2 points
  7. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I think you might have reviewed Just a Cat when I still had a HF account! Would have lost all the reviews I both received and made when I deleted it. And no problem! Curfew is a great little story, and hopefully story 89 is just as good!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Re: “Curfew” I think this is one of those stories you mentioned that attracts readers, but not ones who necessarily want to identify themselves. I once read a story in which a woman had some kind of pear-shaped leather thing forced into her mouth that she couldn't get out without help, and that made me think of it. Thank you! And I really appreciate your taking the time to read and review this story and knock it off the "zero reviews" list.
    1 point
  10. I’m tempted/mulling it over.
    1 point
  11. Are you offering to donate your services? Because right now, paying coders is not something we can do, and we can’t ask manta to forsake actual paying work to design features for our archive which might not even work as planned, while we scrape together a minuscule stipend hardly reflective of the time and effort she expends. I do what I can by donating my time (and spare cash when I have it) to making AFF work. If I could code, I’d be offering that as well, because I believe in what AFF represents. This discussion crops up from time to time, and it’s really sort of frustrating. We’d love to provide the kind of snappy software which makes users drool happily, full of bells and whistles. Hells, as an infrequent contributor to the archive, I’d love it myself. But the reality is that we’re not backed by a deep-pockets not-for-profit like AO3, and we’re not a for-profit site supported by mainstream advertisers like FFN. We are an independent site dedicated to allowing adult members to write, free of censorship, and that means mainstream advertisers will RUN from us, and not-for-profits, despite their avowed dedication to progressive principles, will draw the line at some of the content we permit. Yes, we could get backers… IF we change what AFF stands for. I don’t see that as an option, do you? I’ll step off the soapbox now.
    1 point
  12. 88? Beware, that might definitely get the attention of the grammar nazis
    1 point
  13. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    Had a quick check and 88 stories posted? Better get another one loaded quick before internet neo-nazis think it’s a subliminal message! Unless, you know, it is a subliminal message for neo-nazis in which case, um, you’d probably want to leave it. I guess. I see a lot of your unreviewed are also originals. Obviously this here is AdultFanFiction rather than AdultFictionPress and I sometimes feel that the original stories are something some readers are less likely to look for. The site analytics may prove that wrong though! Just thoughts as they occured on some of yours! Mighty Magiswords – No joke, I’ve literally never heard of this fandom. Generally if something from America doesn’t take off/even get released in my third world country I usually hear about the bigger pop culture stuff through internet discussions, but not this’n. So, yeah, I could see how it’s a less popular fandom! Brides of Evil – I can see where you are coming from. My one and only erotic fiction co-writing attempt was also kinda a bad experience. I basically did 95% of the work, the other person did 3%, 2% didn’t get done at all and they reposted it. I may strip out their contributions sometime, but leave an original idea credit (their contributions were literally the original suggestion of people to use – RPF – and a few lines near the end, most everything else was me) and re-do it as a fanwork. I found it a lot easier to take requests/prompts/challenges and then show a first draft to the person who made ‘em to see if there’s anything they’d like me to add, remove or modify. Much more satisfying experience. On the other hand, years ago I used to do play-by-post non-adult roleplay and that was quite fun. Huh. Curfew – That’s definitely a topic with a bit of a fanbase on AFF. I’ll add it to my “to Read and review as soon as I have more time” list, because reasons. Dear Hazel – Some stories in letter format have been very popular over the years, but I could see how it might be a tough sell. The Small Hours – I think it can be similar with some of the gory stories. There is definitely a reader base, but a lot of them dont want to leave a record they liked it or something. Also, at least with the gore fans, there’s a percentage of incredibly self centred and cruel folk who read them who aren’t disposed to review. Not so sure if that also applies to the kinks here. Satisfaction – feel good incest also appears to be the leading porn type at the moment, based on the number of folks on reddit complaining how they have trouble finding videos with anything else. A Day at the Beach – nearly 60K hits and no reviews is just plain rude. I can’t help ya with that one though. Thanks to you, and everyone else, for the thread contributions!
    1 point
  14. I’ll ignore that link in your signature….. I had the rate bomber attack one of my earlier stories, Alaska Trekkers, before the feature went away. At the time, I was rather new to AFF, and it nearly discouraged me away; to get that downvote seconds after uploading a new chapter … in hindsight, that sort of response time hints at a bot to me. As they never said anything, all I could do is guess, and the tags are a likely culprit – but that’s the way my main characters are, I like ‘em naked.
    1 point
  15. CloverReef

    The Unreviewed

    omg, that is the worst! Just seems so incredibly inconsiderate to me to ask someone to put hours or days or weeks into working on something and not even a friggin thank you.
    1 point
  16. JayDee

    The Unreviewed

    I suppose I am a glass half empty kind’ve person. I see flaws in nearly everything. With the exception of The Price, by Pippychick, which I am again not going to link and review whore for. But, you know, if you happen to see a link to it somewhere, and click it, and read it, well the decent thing… I don’t really hold in my head concerns when folks don’t review – when I did the list above I had to stop and think about some of them to try and figure why they’d been overlooked. I never really thought ‘bout it before this thread. One thing that annoyed me in the past was when I did a story for someone and then they gave me literally no feedback on it. It’s like “Jesus, it’s your request, if I’ve missed something you need to get off let me know!” Back in the day some of the low ratings would make me laugh. It’d be obvious a “seconds after loading” downvotin’ had happened literally because of the tags or summary. I had one story that got rate-bombed with 100+ 1 ratings over night which I guessed was because someone really didn’t like the story.
    1 point
  17. My stuff varies on the main characters, sometimes they’re gay or bi, sometimes not, depends on the story. Though, my Dale’s Game does have the main characters as gay (in a homophobic world), so if you’ve not read it @CloverReef, feel free to read and review it I am planning a sequel and it does have a short prequel in the 2016 holiday stories. For me, by relaxing the requirement for perfection, it lets me actually post, and posted material is much better than holding out for “perfect”. When I wrote The Repair Guy, I deliberately experimented by going for short chapters and one-pass proofreading; the result was, I finished that story in a couple of months, not years, and I’m overall happy with how it turned out.
    1 point
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