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  1. Death’s Cold Fingering is one of those stories where I think “Well, it’s kinda fucked up but at least nobody has to look at it if they don’t want to!” and then I get reminded that actually the mods have to check all the stories for codes and disclaimers and such and feel a little bad. I mean, if If I’d posted this on old school gurochan’s /lit/ board someone would totally replied “So, can Anthony fuck Rita Pedal Bin style in part 2?” by now. and that’s not the kind’ve fic you want to even skim. On the plus side, I don’t do celeb! BronxWench review: This is one time when I think not having played the game won't make a damned bit of difference. Poor, poor Paul... Rita was most persuasive, and after all, it's not like Sofia was going to complain. On the other hand, consent is consent, and it's really not enough to assume the dead won't mind. Sort of the ultimate #metoo with one hell of a karmic kick at the end. Good to have you back and posting! Thank you for the review! I really appreciate it. I mean, I even like getting the negative reviews so the positive ones are really nice! I always err on the side of caution with consent issues and they definitely didn’t ask first so it got a Rape tag without a moment’s hesitation. Paul wasn’t really capable of giving informed consent to fingering Sofia’s shade either. A baseball bat to the head definitely counts as a form of coercion, right? Paul should have been strong and stood up to his punky necrophile girlfriend about right and wrong. Done a bit of Educatin’ Rita. Although, really he was coerced too. Rita’s the repulsive one here! I don’t know that I’ll be posting much more – I have a lot in my scraps folder of notes and half (or much less) started stuff. I still dream of getting the Willow gangsnuggle story finished, I’ve got a first draft that I originally did for the Fate/Fun/Finesse prompt before deciding to make it You! 5 which basically just has Lupa pissed off under a silence spell thing that I might manage to make half readable, and that’s the closest to done. I'd be nice to write more though, when I have the time. I miss it. I miss reading stories as well – I used to read a hell of a lot more. It’s Good to see you getting your writing published out there!
    1 point
  2. The Taking of Felicia Hardy remains in zMisplaced Stories [ADMIN use only] > Spiderman, and I am sure when I posted it in 2009 there was an X-Man domain but not a seperate Marvel domain. This was a long time ago and there’s been a lot of booze since then, and the only reason I haven’t done the decent thing and taken it down and re-loaded it on the Marvel side myself is because it’s got 12 reviews, which is an insane amount for me. Well, it had 11 but today another one: Donglibog review: Just read part 1. Really enjoyed it. I kinda like the fat guy character. Many thanks for your review! I really appreciate the feedback. Per the disclaimer at the start part 1’s plot and several elements were requested by KZ-01. Now, KZ-01 had a favorite fantasy and that was a smokin’ hot woman with a guy who was ugly as fuck in same way – fat, horrible features, Ted Nugent shirt that sort of thing. I say had, but for all I know KZ-01 still has the same desires. He made quite a few requests and the Felicia Hardy one appealed to me so I wrote it! Now the reason for explaining this is firstly to say I don’t take total credit for the fat guy character and secondly to let you know that KZ-01 inspired/requested fat guys appeared in other stories that you may also like if you can find them! Sadly I don’t have the links, but someone can probably help. Anyway, I appreciate the review, thanks for your kind words.
    1 point
  3. And it’s a 10-day weekend!!
    1 point
  4. I “played” a visual novel game on steam last september. It was short but free to play – with achievements! - and apparantly has a premium version with a buncha sex off of Steam. Anyway, afterwards I did a first draft of a story, maybe 1000 words, and then forgot about it. Then, recently, when I felt up to trying to finish the half-done final part of You! I found the draft in the same folder and took a shot at finishing it over the last week. It became my 31st story in AFF’s Games domain Death’s Cold Fingering. You may be able to guess I couldn’t think up a non-shit or even half coherent title. As with many PWPs the story takes a few actual events from the game, described in my half-assed prose, and throws in sex with them. It’s at least one death less violent than most playthroughs of the game, and almost certainly has less sex than the premium version, because all the free one has is sliding puzzles and violence. But what the hell, I’m just a fanfic hack. Anyway. Just using the old review/reply thread for a bit of extra Authors Notes which I’m sure’s allowd somewhere in the rules. Sometimes think it’d be easier to have all my review reply/extra notes in one long thread rather than spread out per subdomain.
    1 point
  5. And my day off is no more. Got called in for second shift. Jeeez
    0 points
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