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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2018 in all areas

  1. I love writing tips. Like I LOVE them. I can spend hours on google searching for specific tips and soaking in every little ounce of advice I can get my greedy little paws on. Then I abandoned facebook and joined twitter. There I discovered a treasure trove of editors and publishers posting practically hourly, and I was so excited! And then I discovered that 90% of the writing pages I’ve found on twitter are full of shit. Full of sweeping generalizations, no concept of word economy, conflicting advice within the same article, or just baseless friggin judgments. SMH. I feel so disillusioned right now.
    2 points
  2. BronxWench

    Wrong tags

    It looks to me that many of them involve gender-bending, so the pairing might still be Harry/Draco, but one of the two will be a female version. Now, here’s the question: are gender-bender stories located under the actual gender of the character, or the assumed gender of the character? I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not sure, even after as long as I’ve been moderating here, but my inclination is to think they’d belong under the assumed gender. I’m going to ask among my fellow mods and admins, and if we all come to a consensus that these belong in the Het category, we’ll move them.
    2 points
  3. Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been on AFF. I’ve been a bit busy, but alright. Personal update since the last time I was on here: I’ve recently found out I’m autistic, which explains a lot about how I’ve experienced life and makes me happy because certain things make a lot more sense now. I’m on Tumblr a lot lately, and love the autistic community there because everyone is so nice and supportive. Anyhow, I’m going to have my story Just Under the Surface on hiatus for a while. I’m also thinking of starting a new fanfic that’s for the show Sherlock.
    2 points
  4. So, I’m on vacation this week. Not going anywhere, just getting caught up. Caught up the yard, and am now working on the house. And the archive.
    2 points
  5. I thought it was high time that I started a thread for general news and discussion about my stories and such, so here it is. As I’ve mentioned in other threads, I tend to have 20 stories in progress at any given time. The stories I’ve made progress on most recently are “Country Summer” and “Make It All Better.” This does not mean, however, that these are the next stories for which I’ll be posting new chapters, because I’m a flighty bastard who works on whatever story he feels like working on when he has time to write. This is basically the only process that works for me; if I try to force myself to work on one particular thing, the result is often writer’s block. I re-learned this lesson recently when I tried to make myself finish the last chapter of “Splinter” (just to have the story finished), only to stall out on that story and every other one. But now I’m back in the groove.
    1 point
  6. Success today, ark survival-free and even worked a bit into ep 12, maybe I’ll get that done this weekend? Maybe, maybe?
    1 point
  7. 2 brief announcements: First, I’ve moved this thread into a forum that allows guests to post in it. Second, I just posted the sixth and final chapter of “Splinter.”
    1 point
  8. I actually just sent the last chapter of Splinter out for beta. Should have it posted soon. Not sure why guests can’t post in my Transparency thread. I just posted a question about that for the mods.
    1 point
  9. I ended up being off today, so instead of using that time for something worthwhile I took advantage of the opportunity to finish the latest chapter of “Make It All Better.” I’ve written very few stories in which I’ve become so attached to the characters. The only other one would be “Eddie Forever,” which I took down because I am trying to convert it into a legit novel (by adding some subplot to replace the underage incest sex scenes).
    1 point
  10. Thank you! I figured not everyone would love the “cycling perspective” thing, but I’m glad you liked it anyway.
    1 point
  11. Lana and Lynn knew some of the details, but no one besides Lola knew about “the rounds” before that night. Lola knows how to keep everyone exactly as informed as they need to be. Lynn’s pretty much going with the flow. She gets to look cool and maybe beat people up, which is good enough for her.
    1 point
  12. Indeed. Although maybe he’ll endeavor to do better now that he’s coming into the home stretch. Keep in mind that Lincoln/Herb’s votes don’t count for Lola/Lana/Suzi. You’ll have to wait and see from whom Lincoln will get his final bit of nookie...
    1 point
  13. Well, they’re all sharing a room, so they’re pretty much going to have to.
    1 point
  14. Hey there. It’s actually been taking me a lot longer than I expected to finish the final chapter – partly because I’ve been really busy with RL stuff, and partly because I’ve been lacking inspiration recently. But I’m working on it right now, and earlier I made some progress on the next chapter of “The Miss Cutie Patootie Pageant” and the first chapter of “The More, the Merrier.”
    1 point
  15. Hello again, It's been a bit of a while. I would have written sooner, but I've been out a while. I just got done reading your drones story and you said to reach you here if we liked what you've done. As you might remember, I've become somewhat of a fan of your stories over the last little while and if you're interested, I think I have something for you. A story that you may not have heard of, but has a plot and pairing in it you might be interested in. If so, message me back saying so, if not give the word and you'll never hear from me again. Yours, G3ae
    1 point
  16. Re: “Auntie’s Home” Thanks for giving “Auntie’s Home” it’s first review. Ellie didn’t actually get pregnant in “Mommy’s Home”; she was just fantasizing about Eric knocking her up. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen in THIS story, though...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Re: “Fun in the Oven” Thanks! I do have one other in utero sex story, titled “Father’s Love,” if you want to check it out.
    1 point
  19. Re: “Quiet” Thanks! I’m particularly proud of this story.
    1 point
  20. Re: “The AngelPlay Winter Catalog” I have not written a sequel, but it’s certainly possible that I will. I’d probably do a summer catalog next – something with some nice swimsuits for your furry little girl.
    1 point
  21. Re: “The Couch Gag” Thanks! It was definitely meant to be funny; I only gave it the “Angst” tag because of the way the characters react in the end.
    1 point
  22. Re: “Backstage at the Loud House” From Flagg1991 on November 13, 2017 Thanks, Flagg! I’ve been tied up with RL writing this month and haven’t been able to spend much time on fanfic, so your review really brightened my day. Whom do I remind you of? Maybe I’d like their stuff. Or maybe I’d hate it and realize that I”m no good at this. Or maybe I’d discover that I have an unauthorized clone. Or that I AM the unauthorized clone. Or- Okay, the point is, Thank you!
    1 point
  23. Re: “Snow” Thank you and thank you!
    1 point
  24. Hi, Lunarsilver! I have, in fact, thought about doing a gender-bent version of “A Beach Like No Other” – not least because I’m curious about whether it could work. But I’m still letting that idea percolate to see what bubbles up. FYI, just as the Queen of the Beach is an allusion to straight-shota artist Glassfish, whose artwork inspired “A Beach Like No Other,” the King of the Mists (who created a paradise for men and girls) is an allusion to the lolicon artist Fogbank. (He read the story and enjoyed it, including that bit.)
    1 point
  25. Thanks! That depends on in what you mean by “similar.” You might check out “May’s Family” or “The Playground.”
    1 point
  26. Wendy is dating a burly manotaur with a red beard, and Wendy’s father is a burly man with a red beard, so Squatchie is commenting that Freud was right about girls wanting to marry their fathers.
    1 point
  27. Because I just can't imagine Stan ever using the phrase "upside your head" with a straight face. That's part of why I like writing Stan. After Dipper getting tossed into what seemed like a good situation that turned bad (in the shotaverse), I wanted Dipper to next be in a situation that seems bad but turns out to have a bright side. Hey, I don't expect everyone to like it. Although this story contains something for everyone (well, almost everyone, but we'll deal with that later), it also probably contains at least one thing that a given reader won't like. Thanks! And don't worry -- we're all done with incest. On to even weirder stuff!
    1 point
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