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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2018 in all areas

  1. Aww, well no one can help getting distracted by plot bunnies: they are so gosh darn cute after all Of course @CL Mustafic we expect you to finish all 37 of them!!! As an update, I was inspired by this thread and all of you to up my WIP list to three! THREE WHOLE STORIES As another, unrelated update, I now hate this thread and all of you
    3 points
  2. I think I would like to crack open all your skulls and steal your brains and smoosh them into mine. I’m working on one. ONE. One WIP. I can’t even wrap my head around working on a second at the same time. Soooo the obvious solution is brain thievery + bio-engineering? Hm, maybe I should think this through.
    2 points
  3. Huh, looks like I have 8 posted to the archive. I really should finish those. Most of them are anthology type works that are only loosely connected between chapters, so in theory I could stop at any time and declare them finished or add chapters later on. I have 5 unposted works in progress, a short list of plot bunnies, an original fantasy erotica I am developing to the side, a for fun sci fi series I may try to self publish one day, and an actual novel I want to traditionally publish in a couple decades when I finish it. Running multiple stories at once, I think, can actually be a good thing because it prevents you from getting bored or numb to a particular work. On the other hand, works written in proximity may end up being too similar. Which is where I am at now, trying to distinguish one work from the next. It doesn’t help that they are mostly challenges in the same format. My main issue its that writing for me is ultimately a hobby and I have other things I need to do. I’m also dissatisfied with my current level of work and feel like I am not improving enough, which doesn’t help my enthusiasm.
    2 points
  4. First of all, the staff did not delete the story in question. We do not delete stories without explanation or without having given warnings as to the problem, and ample time to correct those problems. In this case, the story was warned for an invalid disclaimer on 4/13/18. We would not even hide the story until 4/20/18, and if it was hidden, we give at least 30 more days for the author to correct the issue before we would delete it for noncompliance. We state that clearly in our review board warnings and in our emails. Second, I have been in receipt of far too many emails regarding this account. I have at least two people claiming to be the account owner, and offering the most nebulous proof of ownership. Furthermore, if we do have to assume ownership of an account, we do not leave profile modifications such as what appears on your profile. Were I the site administrator, yes, I would delete the account because it is in clear violation of our Terms of Service as has been pointed out by Pittwitch. Account deletion is sadly not my purview, however, although I am recommending it in this case. I have no idea who modified your profile, or what the issue is between you and whoever is making the profile changes, but I strongly suggest you either invest in better security for your computer, or find better friends, because this is not the place to work out your personal issues regarding either of those goals.
    2 points
  5. I direct you to our “uptight” TOS: http://www.adult-fanfiction.org/tos.php Most importantly this section: You understand that the account you create is solely for your use alone and that you are not to allow other users access to your account. It is your responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of your log in credentials. If you allow other users access to your account, AFF cannot be held responsible for any loss of information. The only exception is joint accounts for co-authors and AFF must be notified if this is the case, otherwise the account is subject to deletion. If there is unauthorized access to your account, it is your responsibility to notify AFF immediately. By accessing AFF and/or creating an account I agree that I am at least 18 years of age and legally allowed to view adult related material. I can find no staff action deleting the story in question.
    1 point
  6. I’m glad we’re able to inspire!
    1 point
  7. I guess this snowy weather is what we Midwest people get for making fun of all the north east people getting all that snow last month! ok mother nature we get it, you can stop teaching us a lesson!!!!
    1 point
  8. Hello, I’m DP and I thought I had a WIP habit, but @CL Mustafic beats mine. I started focusing on Jefferey at the start of the year because I want to resolve the outstanding WIPs before moving on the main story – however, there is one plot bunny that’s festering that I may have to work on.
    1 point
  9. I saw this post and was going to pass it up because it’s absolutely embarrassing how many WIPs I have that are in various stages of writing and editing, but, maybe, if I post this it will shame me into getting my butt back in gear. (sort of like when people post pics of their pets with a sign around their neck, you know?) I have 37 WIPs and yes, I’m (sorta) working on all of them. Of those, 8 are finished and awaiting editing so they can be sent to the publisher or self published, 14 are half to three fourths finished and the others average anywhere from 3 to 6 chapters. The sad thing about this all is that even with all these stories unfinished, I can’t stop myself from starting new ones. *hangs head in shame*
    1 point
  10. I have 20 active stories. And God help me, it's only 20 because that's the maximum number that I allow myself to have at any given time.
    1 point
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