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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Avaloyuru

    Why do you write?

    Hmmm, why do I write, very good question! While I’ve written a few original creation stories, I have recently returned to fanfiction. I write for a number of reasons, foremost being the idea that I’m completely infatuated with at least one of not a few characters, the setting, the whole ball of wax so to speak. I never fall for the actor, just the character because actors will come and go but a well-written character can live as long as fanfiction writers continue to breathe life into them. Although I was first introduced to him in 1973, I have returned to my first love, Tolkien, and have become almost obsessive about his writings. Unlike other authors and storylines that I have followed, Tolkien was a bit of a disorganized writer. The world and the characters he created are extremely vivid to me, yet there are numerous gaps in time creating almost endless possibilities as far as what the characters can do and what can be done to them. Although I take his characters to places he never would, I also view my writing as a way of paying a form of homage to someone I see as a great literary icon.
    3 points
  2. My entire original universe started off as a PWP, and I started to wonder, “how did they get there?” Wham, stories upon stories, and a plot bunny breeding ground.
    2 points
  3. It all depends on which idea you think will make for the best story. But it doesn’t have to be all or nothing; you may decide that there is an element of the reviewer’s suggestion that you want to weave into the story direction that you have in mind.
    2 points
  4. I’ve found that there will always be those who want to give you advice or suggestions but I believe going with your own idea is important. Everyone not only has their own writing style, they have their own ‘story’ to tell. For me, I’m open to listening to what others may have to say, however, however, it’s mostly a moot topic. This is because when I write there is a set process as I’m sure we all have to some degree. It all starts with your idea, how you see what’s going to happen and what you want to happen. I know I’m new to this site but not new to fanfiction writing. For my part (as a few others I used to talk with) I write this type of storyline because I have found myself to be at times obsessed with a specific character(s) and even the essence of their origin whether it's a movie or a book. I want to be able to sit back and know that although in fanfiction certain characters are not mine, the story is. As with any writer, wanting your particular audience to appreciate your work is part of the 'endgame' yet we also write for ourselves, for the love of the characters and the story.
    2 points
  5. its your story, do what you think feels right for it.
    2 points
  6. The title says it all. You know what sucks? Spending hours and hours toiling away at a story that you know will A. never make you any money and B. is taking time away from, you know, all the other important things you should probably be doing besides describing Severus Snape's balls, to the point where you think the only reason you still do it because deep down, you're some kind of weird masochist and you must have serious problems. Then all of a sudden, you get a review, and the clouds part. As a fellow writer, I get you. Since I have some free time on my hands, and I want to liven the forum up a bit, I'll review any story you throw at me. I like originals the most, but I'll review fanfiction too. If I am unfamiliar with the fandom, I'll review the writing style and sex scenes. Regarding my tolerance level of sex: Lol. Take your best shot. I like it graphic. No GoT (sorry, that series and I don't get along) Please put in a link to your story. WARNING: I'll be honest. Other than that, play ball! One free review. No strings attached. Must be your lucky day, huh?
    1 point
  7. I just saw the most amazing thing on here: HOW DO YOU GET A GIF FOR YOUR BANNER??
    1 point
  8. pippychick

    Why do you write?

    That’s strange. For me, I’d say it’s the opposite. I’d say I write pornographic material, but it begins with character, and ends up as a fantasy of what they might get up to if they were going to go completely and utterly wild. Usually, the where, how and why that happens along with the necessary plot points for character motivation is what makes the story. And I make concessions to character that go through me sometimes. For instance, I personally detest the word “pussy” but because my pov character would absolutely think in those terms, I have to use it and let it infect my narrative voice. At least for a while. Well, for as long as I’m writing him… well, them. They’re both like it.
    1 point
  9. GeorgeGlass

    Why do you write?

    Definitely, many of my stories originate with my feeling that I have a good story to tell. With regard to porn stories, they always begin as fantasies, and I write them up because I feel that they become hotter if they have an existence outside of my own head.
    1 point
  10. indeed. so after mind blowing sex, indicating that while she might enjoy a …..8th? round of it, would purr to decline? “you fucked my dry, I couldnt take another round with you” she purred. ???
    1 point
  11. Tcr

    The review i've got

    I'm thirding the put you first... It's your idea, after all, as has been stated. You know where you want the characters to go. That said, as DP noted, listening to the readers can be helpful too. As long as keeping with the established character and situation. For example, in mainstream DC comics, as far as I'm aware, Batman would never backhand Robin, force him to eat rats, or even call him retarded... (I'm excluding All Star Batman and Robin, that's just toilet paper in my humble opinion)... If you were writing a Batman story and someone suggested that, I'd be inclined to ignore it. If, however, you're writing Batman and someone suggests a threesome with two hot models... Or just in bed with Robin (yes, this actually happened in a comic, though I don't remember what number...)... I'd say go with it... (I'm rambling again, aren’t I?)
    1 point
  12. pippychick

    Why do you write?

    I should probably reply to this thread when I’m not having one of those ridiculous crises of confidence that strikes every so often… but let’s pretend I’m not. So here goes: I think the two reasons mentioned in the article are a load of claptrap. It might apply to novel writers, but it certainly doesn’t to fanfiction authors, who can’t sell what they write, so therefore the second reason can never apply. As for the first, I don’t think many of us start writing (original or fanfiction) with a fully formed story in our heads. I think it comes to us during the process. Why do I write? Getting down to the nuts and bolts. I love the language. I like words, and I like playing around with them. I’m not educated, so I don’t always know the correct terms, but I know more or less what I’m doing. Also, despite the crisis mentioned above, I suspect I’m actually quite good at it, unlike, say… football. So I write. And I don’t play football. I like writing casually, sure. I also like writing less casually. I like writing where I take my time over word choices and put a lot of effort into building and maintaining a specific atmosphere. The horror story I wrote for JayDee is an example of that. There’s lots of water-based description going on there that happens when I’m describing ordinary things. i.e. her hope bubbled up in her. The S&M story The Hook I adored writing, because of the atmosphere of despair in it. Fanfiction is an art in and of itself. Lots of people who hate fanfiction will disagree with me here, and they’re free to, but I won’t change my mind. Let’s imagine I’m my usual confident self for one moment. I’ve now got years of fanfiction writing experience behind me. I’ve written in a lot of different fandoms. There’s a slightly different art to writing fanfiction for a literary medium, to writing for a visual canon, like a film or tv series. The echoes you need to include are different. At this point, I’m like a master art forger who can knock out a fairly credible da Vinci, but can’t paint for themselves. I’m not less of an artist. I still haven’t found that key that makes the original work sparkle in my head the same way as the fanfiction does, but if I ever do, I probably won’t look back. In that case, the second reason will probably seem to apply. But it won’t be the first why and wherefore. It won’t be the driving force. That is and will always be the need to play about with words, to use them to create a feeling, or an atmosphere, or to say something that can’t really be put into words, only alluded to by way of a story. If we could say these things out loud just like that, we’d never have made stories. Stories grant us power we don’t otherwise have. It’s a good feeling, even if you tend to write rather awful things. Ok… can I go back now? *huddles back under rock*
    1 point
  13. Second, better, normally, to go with what you were intending. However, if stuck, or the their idea works better, sure, use it, or as clover suggested, to the opposite. In the end, it’s your story that you’re sharing with them. Paying attention to the reader can help too. For instance, toward the beginning of Dale’s Game, I wasn’t certain where the main thing near the end would occur, but Dirty Angel made a suggestion (I think she was joking), and it fit perfectly to the character, so I went with it.
    1 point
  14. I always will vote for your own. Sometimes it’s fun to take suggestions from readers, especially if you’re stuck on something and need a little boost. At the same time, I 100% believe you should follow your own inspiration whenever you possibly can. If you’re torn between a reader’s idea and your own, follow the inspiration. By that, I mean what you’re picturing in your head. What words do you keep rolling around on your tongue? What events are you excited to sculpt and play with? Go with that. Personally, I think it’s more fun, when readers make suggestions, to go in the opposite direction to avoid being predictable. Take your readers by surprise when possible, keep them on their toes. Though that may not be as important if you’re writing a pwp.
    1 point
  15. Guest

    My ancient Egyptian girlfriend

    Your name is Jim your 18 years old your parents are archaeologists ever since you were a child you went with them to digs you are with them now in a ancient pyramid helping them you end up finding the resting place of the 18 queen your choice what her name is her parents were poisoned by a there enemies having her take the throne but not long after the enemies attacked and killed her you see a painting of her she went around topless and cloth that barely covers her hips upon seeing her beauty you got an erection and because this is your first time in a few weeks you had any time away from your parents decide to masturbate after you cum you see you got cum on the sarcophagus you want to clean it up you then noticed that it has a crack in it before you can even touch the sarcophagus the top came off and the mummy inside sat up and looked towards you and she started to come towards you as she was walking to you you tried to get out but unfortunately you find that you are stuck inside you turn ready to face death as a man you then noticed that her exposed rotting skin is changing looking until it looks like it was never rotting she removed the bandages revealing that she looks like she never died she then says "Thanks for being me back to life" when she sees that you are confused she explains that before her death she cast a spell that when she gets cum on her body she'll come back to life when you ask her how you can speak perfect English sex planes she explains it's a side effect of the spell that she instantly learn the language of her future husband shocking you then before you can react she takes off her the cloth that barely covers her hips getting completely naked then kisses you unable control yourself you start feeling her up you notice her skin is a soft as a newborn baby when you start to fuck her you discovered that she was a virgin after fucking her she talks about how your going to be a good king of Egypt you ask her how long do she's thinks it been she says a few days until you shock her by revealing to her how many years it's been you sneak her out of the pyramid without your parents nothing and gets her some modern clothes after that you left her somewhere so she can learn what she missed out on you tell you'll be back after telling your parents that you are doing for today after getting back you tell your parents you are going back to the hotel with them not ever expecting a thing you get back to her as fast as you can you find her in a sad state but see that upon seeing you she gets happy she then asked if she can stay with you as she doesn't have a home anymore upon getting to your room you start to think about away to convince your parents to let a stranger come back you with out telling them that she was the ancient mummy that you guys were looking for but you didn't get to think long before were pushed on to the bed by the naked ancient Egyptian queen wanting to have more sex as you was fucking her your door unlocked and your mom walked in saying that "Some grave robbers already" but stopped there seeing that you are fucking a girl she says "Sorry come find us when you are done" then leaves after finishing you both go meet up with your parents who tell you that some grave robbers took the mummy before we got there so we'll be going home tonight and the ancient Queen asked "Where are we going" after your parents asked her a few questions when they found out that she has no family or even a place to live they decided to let her come when you get home your mom takes her shopping when they get back she shows you the sexy clothes that she got which was mostly tight tops mini skirts and thongs that night which she kept insisting she asleep with you (which your parents only agree to because you two already had sex) she gets into your naked (she lives to sleep naked) you see that she shared her pussy and she told you that she wants a good night fuck making you wonder how was she a virgin when she died with how much love sex (you find out that she was saving herself for her future husband) in the middle you see that your mom is making breakfast and your dad have left to give the report to their boss not looking after breakfast was done the ancient Egyptian queen comes into the kitchen naked pulls down your pants and asks you to fuck her while we eat breakfast then before you can answer she starts to ride your dick while she starts to eat some times she'll turn to feed you not even notice the horrified face you're making due to her having you fuck her in front of your mom your mom not happy with what she doing tries to stop her but you hear say "What did you want a turn with the future kings dick" afterwards gets off and tells your mom to take her turn your mom disgusted yells at her you see that she was not happy you and your mom hear her say a spell you then sees that your mom is looking at you funny before you can ask her what she did your mom gets on her knees and started to suck your dick you hear the ancient Egyptian queen say something about that looking fun after your mom makes you cum she drags you to her bedroom where she has you fuck her you go find out what she did to your mom she tells you that she didn't want any of your future harem to argue with her after you asked her what harem she reveals to you that she plans to make a new Kingdom with you as king and her as Queen with a harem of women for the two of you your choice what happens next and who she decides who gets into the harem. Jim is the only one who fucks the ancient Egyptian queen and women she adds to the harem the ancient Egyptian queen can have lesbian sex with anyone she adds to the harem. The ancient Egyptian queen name is up to you and what she looks like is up to you but she has to have D cup breasts and long hair. Your choice what you parents look like and age but the mom has to be a milf. The women who are added to the harem can be single dating someone who married but if they are dating someone who married after she gets added she stops having sex with her boyfriend or husband and only have sex with Jim and or the ancient Egyptian queen.
    1 point
  16. I suggest roaming the archive, choose one with zero reviews that has been up there for a while.
    1 point
  17. StAraqiel

    Explain Your Avatar

    Yuri Golovnin from Hoshi no Ouji-kun. He’s a cute gay shota.
    1 point
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