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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Anesor

    Why do you write?

    I’m not quite that much doing it for the art. A lot of my stories go counter to the fandom tastes, including my first. But I really want some feedback from my audience, or why go to the effort to write, polish, and post? I need the feedback to know that others partake in. So to circle back to the original question for my writing, 3 parts creativity (then what happened? what if? +common sense vs dramaz, etc) makings things, finding another way... 2 parts feedback (comments, thumbs up, money) Comments and discussion are the best. Money has the perk of buying me things I need. Thumbs ups are like the ugly sweater from your aunt at christmas, appreciated but don’t fit well). These feed my tiny writer’s ego, without which I’d wander off and do some other creative pursuit. 1 each for frustration at bad writing, challenge/competition, achievement. These usually act like spurs to get started or continue when I hit a bump. So that makes about six parts of why, without the two parts, stories dwindle into stasis. I have plenty of ideas, and christmas cards that need making.
    2 points
  2. Alrighty. Still working on my story but I suppose I can do my format for it Title: Liquid Lust Tags: ….. M/F, Xenophilia, Mind Control(…?) Summary: After being literally dragged into a closet by her best friend and husband at a Halloween party, a woman decides to take a sip of what they’re drinking… Okay, I suck at summaries but it’s the best I can do for right now without giving away exactly what happens lol! The one thing that won’t happen is death, I promise!
    2 points
  3. Life is nature’s way of keeping meat fresh…. (to quote Doctor Who)
    2 points
  4. Fresh is best. Even if its 160 pounds of talking beef, bread, lettuce, tomato, and cheese
    1 point
  5. Funny enough, IIRC, the summer heat wave many years ago (in a house w/o AC) as a kid is how I started sleeping nude.
    1 point
  6. I had an MRI on my shoulder today, and I have to say, there is nothing like being held motionless in a tube for 35 minutes to get you doing serious mental work on your writing projects. Among other things, I figured out what the first scene of my next novel will be, and I worked out the details of the sex scene in the upcoming chapter of “Multiversity.” I should spend more time in tubes.
    1 point
  7. SFW rating This rating means "Safe For Work", meaning no sex or anything explicit. If you wouldn't want your boss - or grandmother - reading it then do not using this rating. Adult rating Simple drabbles, songfics, and poetry usually belongs here. Stories that are rated "Adult" can also include things such as strongly suggestive imagery or situations, heavy groping, insinuations of sexual activity, adult language, and violence -- the key is that stories rated this way are generally nonexplicit in their descriptions. Adult+ rating Most AdultFanFiction.net Stories fall into this category -- these are Stories that are clearly for mature audiences only. Stories that might be given the "Adult+" rating include things such as explicit sexual activity, unapologetic violence, descriptive fight scenes which allow for all due blood and gore, and a limitless adult vocabulary. Adult++ rating No holds barred here, really -- this rating should be applied to all Stories that are not for the faint of heart. "Adult++" is how we suggest you rate a Story that involves heavy or off-the-wall kinks, the darkest of plotlines, intense psychological mind games, excessively gory or disturbing depictions of torture or death, unusually graphic descriptions of sex, gratuitously crude language, or the addressing of acutely controversial subjects.
    1 point
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