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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2017 in all areas

  1. No, no... Murder is warping the minds of the innocent to become mass murders... Or do I have that wrong? Maybe I have it wrong...
    2 points
  2. To me Rape is like any other element, it has a place and should be put in these places because it fits. You use it as a means to either …. 1: haunt them (hes still out there somewhere) torment them (I can never love again) and generally shatter the person they were, but thats not to say the person can not become stronger in spite of it. its about the how and why. 2: give another character as the rapist, motive, revealing hidden parts of their personality if needed, expressing the kind of monster they are/are not and just painting the picture of the level this “bad guy” would go to. 3: explains why a character is where they are now, if it happened in the past and is a driving force, give a character a traumatic experience that is used to drive them. 4: TERROR!!! mostly used when dealing with actual monster monsters, demons and aliens, that this THING did THAT to me and now im …...
    1 point
  3. 100% agreement. And this has been brought up a few different ways here, too, so it's not just you. I find that the current generation (sorry...) is the worse for being easily offended and wanting to live in the bubble of "nothing bad ever happens"… "But, Officer, I assure you, I only robbed the bank and killed people and, you know, sodomized some with that pole...in the name of research! I'm writing a how-to, do-it-yourselfer book on striking it big and laying more people than you can believe!" Damn it, now where am going to sell all the kidnapped souls in my basement? (Okay, throw the tomatoes now, I'll see myself out.) On a serious note, definitely a good thing and idea. Understandable in the context of the time period and all, but... Children! Damn it, children! That's probably not the best message to be sending...
    1 point
  4. Only if you’re writing a how-to-guide with the intention of carrying it out…. imo. I’m on the fence when it’s confessional, because this is one of things you shouldn’t fully act out in the name of “research”, like a bank robbery or something equally sinister.
    1 point
  5. Careful with the mulch, it ran an arm and a leg!
    1 point
  6. It’s Canada’s 150th today! Happy Canada day!
    1 point
  7. Yeah, people suck… Not me personally of course, but everyone else.
    1 point
  8. Because rape is one of my fetishes, I’ve written several purely pornographic rape stories, and by and large, they attract a lot more readers than most of my consensual-sex stories. (The ultimate reader-magnet seems to be father-daughter rape, given that the stories of mine that have the most dragon prints are titled “Daddy’s Rules” and “Darla’s Dad.”) So I think “shock value” only tells part of the story; some authors write rape scenes because they know that such scenes appeal to a decent chunk of their readership—whether the readers will admit it or not. But in non-porn stories, I agree with Tcr that rape is not “lazy writing” if it advances the plot or character development in some important way. (The same goes for murder.)
    1 point
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