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  1. Trust me, we’re not implementing degrees of tags. So stick to adding the 3+, and I can’t wait to read this one!
    3 points
  2. Add in another human and you’re covered by 3+. Now, [xeno] might be applicable too. And if this isn’t related to some new president of the United States, I think that requires its own tag, with big warning all around it. - DP
    3 points
  3. HI there, I would like to throw in my two cents as well, if thats alright. Personally I think it depends on how the parasite and the man interact with each other. The parasite is inside then man’s brain, and self-aware, but does not actually influence the actions of the man (during sex). → no 3plus tag (maybe a voy tag if you want to be careful?) The parasite is controlling the man’s actions completely, with no input from his host. → again, no 3plus tag (again maybe voy if the man is still conscious and aware of what is happening?) The man and the parasite are working together in some fashion (willingly or not) and both take separate actions while they have sex with the women. → 3plus tag if you want, but personally, I wouldn’t say anything if there wasn’t one…
    3 points
  4. Hi, Thanks in advance for your time, site staff and any general passers by with two cents. Partly as a little break from wrangling Willow’s psychology that I’ve been working on again lately, I’ve bashed out a short scene for someone else and when it came to coding it I wasn’t sure if I just be adding the 3plus tag. For the sex there’s a man and a woman, but the man has a kind of brain parasite controlling his actions so an argument could be made that there’s three involved even if one of them is only inside another’s brain. Does this need a 3plus tag? I would like to clarify that this story is in no way political and has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
    2 points
  5. In the end, such a tag system would have to factor in intensity/duration/etc, and that’d just be more work for our already overtasked moderators. Also, how often do we stick to our original plans for our stories? Tags grow in scope, or get introduced. In the beginning, I wasn’t planning on Minor1 for any of my stories; however, I’m creating a universe so adding the tag can be far easier than rewriting a character’s age so they're 14 instead of 13.
    2 points
  6. Sounds great! Really, if it’s anywhere near as disturbing as that one with the Doctor’s companion, Ace… or that one with the crocodile monster rape/evisceration in the sewer, I am really looking forward to it. Snuff and necrophilia are fine, and kind of logical conclusions given what you’ve said about the fic already. It’ll be interesting necrophilia if it’s the bloke that’s dead by the end. Hmm… I think Guy N Smith did that one once during a rape scene, when the attackers head was suddenly severed… ‘Phobia’ I think it was... I’m going to have to dig that out now. Anyway! I’m not saying your stories don’t scare or disturb me, JayDee. They do, very much so, and that’s exactly why I like them.
    2 points
  7. I… I now find myself wondering the difference between [Abortion], [Abortion+] and [Abortion++] is it like one’s through planned parenthood, the others are wire coat hanger or falcon punch? “Mpreg’s the disease, Captain Falcon is the cure!” So reading through It sounds ultimately that 3plus is probably for the best – while some readers will be a little disappointed there aren’t three people going at it at the same time, and I can see where GG is coming from, the control by the parasite is central to the story and it is self-aware so it’s more than just a voy thing. And I just realised I probably need to throw a Necro tag in there too for the last paragraph or so. Better safe than sorry even if it is just solo over remains. I’m also putting a Rape tag on because it’s clearly rape-by-deception not to explain you’re actually a meat puppet controlled by a parasite. Pippychick – It’s a PWP snuff fic (brain parasites being bad for health) crossover. I’d suggest most forum users and quite a few site readers would be best avoiding it - one of those niche stories! I know you’re great at dark themes yourself but this is on the ponographic filth side rather than the arty atmospheric literature side !
    2 points
  8. 3plus is one of those tags that is meant more as a descriptor than a warning. So I suppose the question to ask yourself is, If someone started reading your story because they wanted to see some 3plus action, would they ultimately be excited or disappointed?
    2 points
  9. I’d go 3+ just because, especially if the parasite is self aware. The appropriate tag for any content involving an alleged new president of the United States is actually NMP, Not My President, and might also require a WS tag along with Contro.
    2 points
  10. You’ve got me really curious now about what you’ve been writing… I’m going to check in later to see what it is *rubs hands together* For now… I need sleep…
    2 points
  11. Well on the face of it, I’d say it doesn’t require the 3plus tag, but then it kind of depends. If the parasite is actually self-aware then things change, and definitely if the parasite is self-aware and getting some kind of vicarious sexual thrill out of screwing the female of the species. In both of those instances, I’d use the tag. I would like to clarify that this post – at least on the face of it – has nothing to do with the new President of the United States.
    2 points
  12. From Fairy-Slayer on January 21, 2017 Chapter 8 had all kinds of great action. I find that writing fight scenes and writing sex scenes aren’t really that different. They’re all about whose limbs are doing what where. I'm so glad the "emergency" turned out to be a good thing, and definitely a good reason to interrupt Marco and Jackie. Even better is how the interruption and explanation gave Jackie an opening to move things along for them as well. Safe Kids is Smart Kid. I figured that Star’s definition of “emergency” is probably broader than most people’s. And Jackie isn’t easily thrown off. The lovemaking was wonderful, both in the action and in the beautiful descriptive imagery throughout. It was very sensual and also pretty hot. Thank you! Given that it’s what much of the story has been leading up to, I tried to make it live up to readers’ expectations. Jackie's bashful comment about doing it a lot more was cute, and Marco's response about the blueflower incense was a perfect little compliment. Both comments just seemed in-character for them. Of course, Star and Oskar having raving screaming crazy monkeysex one booth over was pretty funny too. I had a hard time deciding whether to show Star and Oskar in action, too, or just stick with Marco and Jackie. Ultimately, I decided that the Star/Oskar fun was perhaps better left to the imagination. Marco and Star's banter when the ambush was revealed was funny, and I loved the PC talk among the villains before attacking. That just seemed like something that might happen in Star’s world. Great description yet good pacing on the fight scene, plus good comebacks as always. Also, it was nice to see Marco a bit more easygoing and even appreciating some friendly ribbing here, like they've been working his character towards on the show. What with the mineral pool, the massage, the incense, and the afterglow, I figured that Marco would be his most relaxed self at this point in the story. The villains may be inept (or just seem inept) but, yikes, they got the job done and Star is none the wiser. It will be interesting to see how it takes hold on her and what side-issues that will bring about; combined with Tom's other machinations it all has me quite intrigued. Good… Thanks for another terrific chapter. Thanks for another great review!
    1 point
  13. Pippychick – Thanks! Desiderus Price – That makes more sense than my assumption.
    1 point
  14. To me, I was thinking [abortion] is “I heard Mary Sue had an abortion”, [abortion+] being “Mary Sue went to Planned Parenthood”, and [abortion++] is “Fred inserted the coat hanger….” Somebody looking for a gory abortion fic, would look for abortion++. btw, this post has the warning code [abortion] on it!
    1 point
  15. If 3+ is central to the story, then please advertise it! We're kinda using tags to serve two roles, one to warn about objectional content, and the second is to advertise. I’ve been keeping mine to the first purpose, because that makes it easier to apply them where needed. But, if people are treating them as advertisement, that’s where it gets tougher. That’s because using abortion] for mentioning that “Ms Charming” had an abortion, is different than [abortion] for describing the fine details of the procedure, a distinction crucial to somebody looking for a fic centered around an abortion. I’ve given this some thought. We could, for instance, tag each chapter with a severity rating, *but* such a system would be very prone to leaking spoilers if you know that chapter 7 has [abortion++], chapter 10 has [MCD], with [nec] in chapter 11; plus the time to code it up, get people adjusted, etc. In the end, the simplest solution is to keep doing what we’ve been doing, tag as a warning to objectional content, and advertise via category/summary. That’s my $0.02 worth on this.
    1 point
  16. Sounds like you’re talking about my story, Partner: Mik is in a government program to care for a creature of the Sidhe race, an intelligent species they share the world with who appear to be going extinct because of the intervention of Mik’s human like race. (the story expands into a universe where they actually meet humans). Stuff happens, a popsicle is involved and stuff goes so very, very wrong. It’s massively long and there are something like twelve other stories from that world, including Companion, which was sort of a flip on the Partner idea. Link for Partner: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600100373
    1 point
  17. Nope. That’s reserved for things like dildos, vibrators, paddles, swings, and the like. Toys are external devices, and the man can’t quite be considered the parasite’s toy.
    1 point
  18. Hmm… if the parasite is doing the control, might [toy] count?
    1 point
  19. The parasite is certainly self-aware and the species have demonstrated elements of sadism so I guess there could be enjoyment too. On that basis I think then throwing in the 3plus makes sense. The key really is the self-awareness I guess so you’ve got it nailed there!
    1 point
  20. Melrick

    What's a tag?

    So, you’ve come across the word ‘tag’ on AFF or other story sites, in situations such as, ‘Always ensure your story includes the appropriate tags’. If your first response is, “What the hell is a tag, and how does it relate to my story?” then this is the FAQ for you! A ‘tag’, or ‘story code’, will look like these examples: “M/F, M/M, Oral, Anal.” You can find a more complete list of the tags used on AFF here. If your next response is something like, “Yeah but I wrote a story with a serious plot, and not just mindless sex, so including information like that might give away an important plot point!” I sympathise with you, since it’s a situation that I myself have encountered. There are good reasons for it, though, and not just because it’s AFF policy that you must include all the appropriate tags or risk having your story hidden until you fix it. You see, everybody has likes and dislikes. If we’re talking non sexual content, some people only read fantasy stories, while others won’t bother with anything other than horror, for example. Sexual content is just the same, perhaps even more rigidly so for many people. A great many will only read stories that have male/male sex, for example, or only female/female sex, and really have no interest whatsoever in reading a story with any other types of sex in it. In fact, they might even be offended by reading about other types of sex. Some people are positively repelled by rape stories, so that’s a tag that people like that will definitely want to see listed before they think about reading it. If you don’t list your story with the appropriate tags, then, aside from everything else, you risk getting nasty reviews from people that felt tricked into reading your story, or feel angry that they invested time and effort into reading a part of a story they never would have started if they had known what to expect in advance. So while you might feel that including the tags compromises your story in some way, they are important. Besides, a well written story is still a well written story, and tags will never change that.
    1 point
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