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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2016 in all areas

  1. COUPLE OF KIDS LAST WEEK AT WORK: We’ve never heard of BlackAdder. What is it? KID AT WORK TODAY: I didn’t know who George Michael was until I saw the news this morning. Clearly, these kids live on a different planet to the one I inhabit.
    2 points
  2. GeorgeGlass

    And to all a good night!

    And to all a good night!
    2 points
  3. From my family to your, the brightest blessings of this holiday season, and all the best in 2017!
    2 points
  4. thismy

    She is the One

    A double Merry Christmas! I mentioned my talk about proposals, and as a sort of Christmas gift (one you may or may not like) I've written up an opening piece to how I think a proposal might go. The Proposal: Jack stepped into the bathroom, doing last minute adjustments to his hair. He and Kayla had a date night tonight, nothing too formal, but Jack had big plans. His hand went insictivly to the inner pocket of his jacket. The small box was still there, inconspicuous and concealed on his profile. Jack had been planning for the right time for ages now. He'd bought it awhile ago, of course. He was just biding his time. What was the right time for the girl of your dreams, the love of your life? Jack had mulled over this question many times, never getting a straight answer. Why couldn't they write a book about this shit? The 'Here's The Exact Time To Propose Guide: All Things Engagement.'? He realized this was a ridiculous request, but all the same, some guidance would be helpful. He wasn't going to ask his parents. They knew his intentions, of course, but asking for advice would be too awkward. And he still wanted to be the one who came up the idea. Deciding that fussing over his looks would only make things worse, he pulled out his phone, idly checking the time. 5:20. Kayla would be home soon. He stepped back out into the hall of the apartment. He and Kayla had moved in together only recently, but he couldn't imagine living any other way. Kayla and him had talked about only doing that after they were engaged, and their parents weren't always 100%, but money didn't grow on trees, and Kayla was the best roommate he could ever ask for. Obviously, she wasn't without flaws, but love was the great equalizer, or something like that. Oh, and the sex. Couldn't forget that. It's a lot easier to not get mad at your roommate when they happen to be the sexiest person on earth. (No bias of course) He stumbled idly around the apartment for another 15 minutes, unable to settle. Then walked back to the bathroom, checking himself and going over his plans. How he hoped it'd go. He'd teased Kayla before, going down only to tie his shoe, bending to pick something up, or asking her a stupid question. He'd let off recently, in part because Kayla always ended up punishing him for his charades, but also because he wanted the suspense to build. They knew the were getting married. That was by now a foregone conclusion. Kayla and Jack both knew he was going to propose, at some point, but Jack still wanted it to be a genuine surprise. So he found himself, still home alone and nervous as all hell, thumbing through his contact to a familiar name. He clicked the call button and held it up. After a few rings, an enthusiastic voice burst from the other side. "Hey cuz!" Tara answered. Jack took a deep breath. "I'm doing it tonight." "You're doing what?" She questioned. Jack didn't want to outright say. He felt like even uttering the words would ruin the surprise. "With Kayla. I'm doing the thing." Tara let out a sound that was mixture of a snort and a gag. "You don't need to call me to tell me you two are going to have sex." She laughed, sounding endlessly bemused. Jack put his foot down, and turned his head a little. He felt like he was going to burst. "No it involves me going down-" Tara cut him off. "Jack! Gross! Stop!" "God no! Let me finish. It doesn't have to do with sex. It involves me going down on one knee." He said, quickly and nervously. Jack waited for it to process in Tara's mind. There was a moment of silence, then a piercing scream. Jack swore and dropped his phone, stumbling into the bathroom counter, in the process knocking over a bottle of mouthwash. His ear was ringing like he'd just been next to a bomb when it went off, and that actually wasn't that far from the truth. Once he'd sufficiently recovered from his disorientation, Jack bent to pick up the phone agian. He was pretty sure the scream had continued for some time, and the noise from Tara's end seemed to only just beginning to die down. Jack waited until she had finally silenced to speak again. He held the phone cautiously away from his ear, just in case. "I think you caused me permanent hearing loss." He groused. In hindsight, he should have expected it, but still. "Sorry." Tara replied, shrilly and apologetic. "It's just, I'm so excited! That's amazing!" "And I'm here shitting myself." "It'll be fine, Jack. She'll say yes." Tara reassured. "Do you have the ring?" "What?! Of course. How would I propose without one?" Tara giggled. "I wouldn't put it past you to accidentally leave it at home." Once again, Jack went to the interior pocket. This time opening the case ever so slightly and feeling inside. It was still there. "No, trust me, I've got it." "Can you send me a pic of it?" She asked hopefully. "Sure, when it's on her hand." Jack quiped with a confidence in his voice that caught him by surprise. "Darn." Tara pouted. "Don't worry, you'll get to see it." He assuaged. "And she doesn't know?" Her voice chimed, nervous and excited. Jack coughed and shook his head, though Tara couldn't see. "She's clueless." He replied, and he really hoped she was. "Who else knows?" Tara asked, voice hurried. Jack laughed a little, but he wasn't sure if it was because he was nervous or because Tara seemed more nervous than he did. "Only you cuz." "Ooo now I feel special." "Don't let it go to your head. I had to tell someone or I was going to burst. And you have to swear you won't mention a single word, picture, or any form of communication to anyone until you hear from me or Kayla personally." "I swear. Pinky promise. Cross my heart." "And I want you to know. Everyone else would let this slip somehow. I'm trusting you. " "I won't let you down." Tara responded stoically. He could here the salute in her voice. Just then Jack heard the apartment door open. "Hello!" Kayla called sweetly. "Well I gotta go. Kayla's home." Jack said quickly. "Good luck cuz, love ya." "Love you too." He finished and hung up. He poked his head out the door of the bathroom. Kayla had just turned the corner and flashed him a heart stopping smile. "Hey babe. Were you on the phone?" "Oh yeah, just Tara." Jack shrugged. "She couldn't have waited to say hi to me?" Kayla asked with mock disapproval. "Yes she specifically hung up when I told her that you came in." Jack joked, though it was somewhat true. Kayla shot him a withering look. "No she had to go. Something about dinner." "Dang. Speaking of which, I gotta get ready. I see you already are, sexy man." Kayla appraised, eyeing Jack's outfit. She walked over and kissed him. "How was your day?" "Good, getting better." Jack said, leaning against the wall and trying to sound relaxed. "You?" Kayak set her bag down by the bedroom door and rolled her shoulders. "Pretty good, same as you." She beamed, looking up. "Getting better."
    1 point
  5. Melrick

    RIP George Michael.

    RIP George Michael.
    1 point
  6. Happy Birthday Sir Isaac Newton!
    1 point
  7. Jashley13

    She is the One

    Hey guys! A while without an update and I apologize but school will be letting out for the holidays in a couple days and I will have much more free time. Don’t worry, I don’t intend to make this a constant excuse. No Reality Check this time because there’s nothing to really check. I mean, I’ve had buddies ‘kidnap’ me before, but the actual events as taken from my life are not present. I realize that this past saga has been pretty much nothing BUT that, but we’ll be getting back into it soon once Jack’s Senior year starts. I’m working hard and fast on Chapter 61 and hopefully it should get done soon. First chapter of the ‘Demons Saga’. Hope you’re all doing well and I will update soon!
    1 point
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