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  1. Well, this is quite a few more replies than I expected to see. :). So, thanks :). First off, in alphabetical order, because… A little OCD or something, maybe… Maybe I’m just a little nuts… lol. BW: I can hardly argue the supportive side :). After I posted, I took the advice of my beta and went looking through to see the reviews, better understand, and I notice that there are a lot of ones, at least in the F/F side (which is mostly what I write) are lacking. So that did help to ease some. I think a lot of the lack of motivation that I have right now is just everything piling up and burying me below stress, which will, hopefully, disappear after Christmas. That stress, the addition of anxiety and a touch of depression are enough to ruin anyone. (I think it doesn’t help when I’m ramming head against wall trying to get over the wall blocking the other side of a chapter, either ;), lol). DP: Thanks for the advice. I’ll have to start keeping track of the prints. I always notice that there’s a few people (between five and ten) that seem to spike it within the first few days after putting a new thing up, but maybe I’ll have to keep track a little closer and see what that says. It sounds like a contradiction, I know, when I say now that I know people are reading it (the prints alone are enough to say that there is, for sure, one person reading it), so I’m guessing someone out there likes it… For now. The self-doubt that I have just reared its ugly head in light of personal situations and stresses. George: Well, been on here for seven months, yes. Only posted my first (that is Blood and Honour (BaH)) within the last month (after about a year of subtle pushing from my beta). I do agree, the fanfic side definitely has the advantages of having that built in audience and, certainly, because of that is likely to get both positive and negative reviews on a much larger scale. The universe for a fanfic has been set, whereas one has to be developed for the original. Thinking somewhat logically now and distanced from the overwhelmed feeling of yesterday, you make that excellent point. Not to mention that, right now, (and, once again thinking logically) it’s the early chapters and the development is only just starting. So, people may well be hesitant to want to review because of that, as well. All in all, thank you all. The inspiration and motivation is still below normal, but at least it’s there again. I guess I just needed to let everything out.
    4 points
  2. That’s what the forums are for. We can let it out, talk about an idea, hash out a sticky plot point, whatever we need. We’re all banging our heads on the same brick walls, and mine has a pretty deep dent right now. But it’s getting better as I remind myself NaNo is over, and I can edit as I write again.
    2 points
  3. Yeah that's the story! thank you so much I scoured aff for hours last night trying to find it but atleast I know now
    2 points
  4. This is one of those times I really hate having to delete teens. He initially had joined the site before he was 18, which is WHY the stories posted here before the new account were deleted. Most of the time, it doesn’t bother me to delete, but I hate to do it with talented young ones. But, still, have to do it.
    2 points
  5. Not sure if right place, but just needed to ultimately let loose… Sorry if not... Begin questionable personal rant: Started Blood and Honour, no problem. Lately, just been lacking inspiration and almost the desire to do so. Been stuck on a scene, can't seem to think a path through the wall right now. Been feeling pretty down about that much. i guess it doesn't help not having feedback to try to improve (... should I be saying that?)... Admittedly, work doesn't let much time to do it, either... Then some personal things happened over the last week and any will to even think about it just left. So there's that to it that's sapped the will... So, I sit, staring at the screen with words typed on it and doubt everything... Damn insecurity, nerves, anxieties, and depression... (Hmmm...too personal?) And nothing gets done... All that runs through my mind is the questions of are people liking them? Pity? Are they accidentally clicking in and getting back out? Is my writing so pathetic that I should just stop entirely? Staring at the words and everything that's happened, I doubt the possibility of a positive answer to them, despite what my Beta and good friend would say… I don't know where I was going with this... Just a ramble about nothing, I guess. Result of an exceptionally terrible last couple weeks. End questionable personal rant… Anyone who reads this through to the end... what are you doing here? Go write something ;). Maybe just letting this out will help some, get back on track... Let me get back to Blood and Honour and Hell Fall so as not to disappoint adoring fans. (On a side note, if this wasn't the place... Forgive me, administration, I began mercy...) Tcr.
    1 point
  6. Overall, Tcr, you’re in the right place, even if the feedback in Original>Misc is low. I find AFF’s forums to be much more engaging than FB! Keep writing. - DP
    1 point
  7. When I think about Trump’s wall, I can’t help thinking about Hadrian’s Wall.
    1 point
  8. Being new and writing originals isn’t an easy task. My first story got almost no reviews and I was sort of discouraged at one point but you have to push on. Like DP said, as long as people are reading, and lots of people read and don’t review, then you know you’ve at least got an audience for your work. Don’t let the lack of reviews get you down it happens to everyone and if you hang around the forums long enough, you’ll see it’s a common complaint among writers even in the popular fandoms.
    1 point
  9. I like to believe that she wears them all the time, specifically for Lincoln. Oh yeah. "Tell me I'm pretty!" is her catchphrase. It's always my pleasure.
    1 point
  10. I found him on Fiction Press, but he hasn’t updated the story since 2012: https://www.fictionpress.com/u/569912/erasmuss
    1 point
  11. I figure that in the Loud House, nothing is more meaningful than silence. Lucy's pheromone-induced horniness synergized with her existing need for intimacy. So Lucy is totally glad they did it, too. I choose to leave it a mystery whether she wears them all the time or whether she wore them specifically for Lincoln. Lincoln needs intimacy, too. I loved writing that scene. I had a lot of fun with the idea of Lana just going completely bonkers during anal sex. Lola is precocious, and she's got a talent for getting what she wants. For her, sex is just one more tool to put in the bag. And yes, that is a bit sad. I'm not familiar with that character. Is she vain? On her, in her… Thanks for another terrific review!
    1 point
  12. They both knew that none of it was real. It was more like a glimpse of a road not taken. Exactly. It was really all about the symbolism of the act, not physiological reality. Apparently, I do not. I have changed “vulva” to “canal.” I knew that some people would be disappointed by the characters’ not continuing their incestuous sexual adventures in waking life. But this story is really about the wonder of having even one chance to fulfill one's fantasies, and I think the characters all consider it a gift, not a tease. I'd like to think so. That was all you, my friend. You live in a Gothic mansion? Thanks for all the reviews!
    1 point
  13. It’s tough to get feedback. My stories (ignoring the round robin), have 3 posted reviews, and those stories aren’t short either. I did delete the old first story (that’s being replaced by three) earlier this year, and that IIRC, had 3-4 reviews. And I’ve been on AFF for 2 ½ years. So, to have a one review in a month, that’s better than my average. The one thing I do, and it helps, is I record the hits about every day, and I plot them (libreoffice’s calc), and seeing the consistent jump after posting a chapter/episode does let me know that people are reading, and enjoying it enough to come back for another instalment. Now, the round robins we’ve been starting to have, in 2015, and I’m pushing on the 2016, are good because they help give you a bit of exposure, perhaps pick up a new reader or two.
    1 point
  14. Thanks for the reply, DemonGoddess. The self doubt has always been there, nibbling at the ear, whispering the bad. Most of the time, they could be deftly silenced. Sometimes not so much. This past week, it just seems nothing has gone right. Everything bad just forming a party with everything invited, except the good essentials. But I'm rambling again. Anyway, just thought maybe throwing it out there might help.
    1 point
  15. I don’t write, but I get this way with my drawing and painting and such. ESPECIALLY when outside forces are interfering.
    1 point
  16. Me too! He was writing StRiF when he was eighteen!!!!! He’s an incredible talent.
    1 point
  17. Thanks, Bronx! I knew other people have wondered about the story. I just hope he’s ok. The last time I tried emailing him, the email came back, so he must have changed it.
    1 point
  18. Hi everyone, I figured Kari would spread the news quickly, nice to see her smile without the worry in her eyes, this has been pretty hard on her. I appreciate all the well wishes and yes I am pretty happy about today’s appointment as well. So the good news is the cancer’s growth has not only been arrested but the MRI showed a 15 to 20 percent reduction in tumors. What that means is with monthly treatments there is a very good chance I can live a normal life span without further surgery, which is fine by me, getting tired go getting opened up, though only I need one more surgery to hit 25 well still need my back fixed LOL. Been writing again, and just posted SITG chapter 20. Things have been going pretty well here last month or so, making me a little paranoid but we can use the good news around here, been pretty dark times this last year. Thank God for Angi or I think we’d have all gone nuts. Nothing like a baby to keep you grounded and moving forward. So all in all, things are very good here and I hope everyone is doing as well, thanks again everyone.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Melrick

    Questions about OOC

    Just keep in mind that no matter what, if you dare to write a character even slightly OOC then you're pretty much guaranteed to get at least one insanely rabid fan wanting to jump down your throat and rip out your spleen, regardless of how well you justify your actions. Now ask me why I write original stories and not fanfic.
    1 point
  21. SirGeneralSir

    Questions about OOC

    i have seen many stories where a character is way ooc but its never explained and i think thats the real issue. if you just start to write a fanfic on anything and don't explain the changes in the universe that would effect the character, then most would think that its going to be based on canon data, but as a writer you have no obligation to do that and it could be too much useless information that means nothing. example: canon version Bob is an elite knight from ..... some mystical kingdom and holds a strong standing of honor and loyalty to his king. fanfic version Bob found his king in bed with his wife/girlfriend and became enraged, turning his back on the kingdom forever, he became dark and twisted into a black knight. in that little quick thing i made we have an explanation of the change in story. but really like many will tell you, its your story and you can do anything you like.
    1 point
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