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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Welcome Goblins and Ghouls! I'm offering you all the chance to participate in a scare with some flair! That is of course Tales from the Shout Box, a collection of one shot original fiction with a Halloween theme from our wicked wordsmiths here on Adult-fanfiction.org. Guidlines: One Shot (Max. 50k words) Halloween element (Ghosts, witches, werewolves, vampires, demons... things that go bump in the night) Original Fiction At the top each story MUST include the tags for your content. At the bottom include a link to your profile. Before you add your story please add a 255 character summary of your content here in your post declaring your interest. ​On the 25th of October, I will post in the archives a story titled "AFF's Tales from the Shoutbox 2015" and add collaborators (I think that's how it works). You may add more than one story as long as it fits the Halloween theme. Also, the story does not have to be sexual in nature. If you're interested please reply with your pen name on the archives, a short description of what you might write about and the title if you don't have a title that's fine just put (unknown). (Example: see below). I will keep track here of those author's interested. We might even vote on the best story or something too... who knows. Story link: Here Participating Authors ChrissyQuinn - Summary: Evan and Garrett end up in the haunted sacred circle of the werewolves after Evan claims ghosts aren't real. Title: Ghosts don't Exist, Says the Vampire to the Werewolf Tahn - Summary - Can a ghost find love with the daughter of the one he gave his life to save? Title: From the Ashes. KoKoa_B - Summary/Synopsis: News channels start to report sightings of aliens on the afternoon of Halloween. Is it a hoax or is this the real thing? Title: The Invasion BronxWench - Summary: The veil is thin at Samhain, and dark things are stirring at the turn of the year. Will Teagan survive his first Ritual? Title:(Unknown) Joe Long - Summary: Joe, Hannah and a handful of their teenage friends and family from One Thousand Apologies conclude their Halloween party is lame and head to a cemetery in the midst of the dark woods in search of Becky, the infamous local ghost. Title: Becky's Grave CL Mustafic -Summary: Will and Pete loved each other in a time when doing so could get you killed. Flash forward seventy-five years and you can still find people that wouldn't think twice about doing just that to a couple of 'faggots'. What happens every Halloween night at the abandoned and reputedly haunted house at the end of Loon Lane might not change any bigoted opinions but it will make you think twice about what's behind the next glory hole...- Title: The Glory Hole to Hell Perverted_Pages - Summary: Dunno yet, just know it's going to be ghastly. Title: (Unknown) Dirty Angel - Summary: Carrie goes to her first Halloween party and once again, with the help of her two friends Libido and Alcohol, gets herself into a situation that she never saw coming. Title: A Tricky Treat Magusfang - Summary: Gayle works in a small office and as the nerdy girl she is all but invisible to the men around her. But she decides to make some drastic changes and she garners more attention than she planned on at the office Halloween party. Title: Girls Who Wear Glasses Juleslea - Summary: Jessy hasn't been home since school started, despite her mom's constant nagging. Its only an hour away, so she has no excuse, and with the family's Halloween tradition falling on a Saturday, she no longer has a choice. Maybe she's getting too old for the stuff; maybe she's just too stressed from school; and maybe everything at home is not as normal as it seems. Title: Who Says You Can't Go Home George Glass - Summary: A man convicted of murdering his own wife and children is visited by a reporter who hopes to be the first to find out why he did it. [Working] Title: Confession is Bad for the Soul JayDee - Summary: A particularly unpleasant magic bomb will kill everybody at a Halloween party, and most of the surrounding block, if Shannon the Succubus can't find the bombmaker and get them to disarm it the only way she knows how. ie, with snuggling. Title (subject to change): Succubi With Clean Faces Tahn - Summary:You are on one side of the door, but bad things await on both sides, what will you do? Title: Death has an Ugly Face
    2 points
  2. From the Ashes by Tahn This was another story with a good bit of emotional impact. I don’t mind admitting I hear tears in my eyes at a couple points. The idea around the ending was pretty cool, it certainly got around the lack of touching otherwise. Snap by George Glass I did get an idea what was coming there, which goes to show how well you did the foreshadowing! Definitely spooky. It’s funny, I like violent stories normally, but I’m pretty glad it wasn’t detailed here. Nightmare’s Dream by Peverted Pages I thought that was pretty damn sexy! Yup, time to remember that vampires are monsters, not glitter salesmen. One odd thing, where it says “grabbed her hair**” with the ** I scrolled down for a ** footnote! What is the meaning of ** in this context? Death has an Ugly Face by Tahn's 2nd story. The fiend! It also works read in the voice of Bonny from Family Guy. Not the first character to face death with a knob in the hand. See, this is how you do 2nd person seriously and give it good atmosphere. ‘nother campfire classic in the making! All Hallow’s Eve by ThinLizzie Is it bad that I’d rather have ghouls knocking on the door than kids trick or treating? I mean, come on! Even the guard marmots hide when they tromp up the path. I read this aloud too! The old ways aren’t so bad. Well... some of them. Poem shows the counterpoints skilfully. -- Having a story in in this collection has brought more hits than my last two original fic uploads, but I suspect rather less for some of you with the big original fanbases. I hopes I am not dragging you down! -- I still have Signs going around in my head. The rest of you can suffer too. Go on. Listen to it.
    2 points
  3. I want to thank everyone who read and appreciated the humor in my story... I'm not a very funny person so I wasn't sure others would get it so this is a pleasant surprise And Jaydee thanks for catching that typo... I don't know what was wrong with me but I glanced over a whole bunch of them that I didn't catch until I saw that>.<
    2 points
  4. Fucking Halloween Party I really enjoyed this fic, JayDee. The characters are fun and well described and the sex is awesome. I really liked how each time Shannon's expectations about the killer were proved wrong. 'oh its the nerdy guy! oh its an angry jock!' Turns out not to be either. And she saves the day through understanding and seduction. Not say pulling off limbs or sexing people to death. The redemption and helping people arc on all parts was great. All in all, a very enjoyable well written fic.
    1 point
  5. Glad to help! I haven't been going through nitpicking or anything, but that one stuck out so I thought you'd like to know! I always find new typos in my work if I don't read it for a while and then re-read, sadly. Thank you for your review! Frankly, given the eagerness which Shannon took to the skills of a Succubus, someone needs to check just how her time in the torture pits of Hell was spent . I suspect she made the damned scream and groan a lot and nobody looked too closely as to what she was doing. I'll have to come up with a real demon name for Sarsa (Her full made up name is, uh, Sarsa Parilla.) Sadly, google says Eusyram is already taken. Might have to be Eusnialliv. 'k, I got more to read tonight
    1 point
  6. Joe, thank you! I'm glad it achieved scary, since neither the Sidhe nor the drui are terribly pleasant. And of course, blood had a great deal of power... JayDee, you always make me laugh with your reviews, and you probably don't want to know the Black Sword jokes riffing through mt mind as I wrote. Well, maybe you do... But yes, Teagan managed to pull out some serious badassery at the end. Best place for it, really. And thank you! Tahn, thank you! This one was a straight up original, but I may have to return to it at some point, if only because I think Dubhlainn wants some more time on this side of the Veil. And we might want to see where Teagan and Daithi wound up.
    1 point
  7. Rescue25

    Magusfang's Corner

    Not sure I like that. B
    1 point
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