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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2012 in all areas

  1. I think reviews are marvelous, and I love getting them. I'm also aware that most of my fandom works aren't in the more "popular" arenas, and the traffic past my little fics is meagre as best. How sad for me, but those are the breaks. Still, I'll write whether or not I get reviews. But they do make me very, very happy.
    1 point
  2. *points at custom title* Cough.
    1 point
  3. DemonGoddess

    Mobster M/M

    As stated many, many times before JennMarie was deleted for being underage at time of sign up. Not once, but multiple times. She was well aware of the requirement for being 18 or older to join and use the archive. This is NOT a new policy, the age requirement. It's been in place since the site started in 2002. That she consistently flouted that rule is, quite frankly, her issue. That I deleted her content and profile is not an issue, but simply something that HAS to be done with underage users as they're found. Perhaps you've not read the prior posts, but you know, these children who do this don't give a rat's ass about the consequences that their presence can have on the real people behind the site. Which is EXACTLY why we're so aggressive about finding and deleting them and their content. To PROTECT the real people behind the site. As to dextrousleftie, read this topic. As Apollo pointed out in her answer, there was a valid reason behind the deletion. We don't play favorites, as I'm sure you can see. There is a Terms of Service in place for a reason. Users who sign up agree to ABIDE by the ToS and Content Guidelines. If someone has continuing difficulties with following that, then yes, eventually they can and will be removed. It is patently unfair to the bulk of the users who do their damnedest to follow and do what they agreed to at sign up, for us to not deal with those who choose not to, repeatedly.
    1 point
  4. ApolloImperium

    Mobster M/M

    Actually, the email that we provided is valid as that is the email address from which we received her rather whiney email about being disciplined for violating our ToS, so if you aren't getting a response then she is probably off sulking. If you are getting a error, then she must have deleted it and we have no further contact information for her. As the owner, I can emphatically state that while I understand that many users would like her to return, we will not be contacting her to ask, even on behalf of users, to return. She violated our ToS with complete disregard for the possible legal consequences I could face by being on the site underage - While it may seem prideful, I refuse to send that type of email to someone who apparently couldn't care less if I paid huge legal fees, ended up with a criminal record, or even in jail.
    1 point
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