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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. Antonio Banderas in Desperado..."Let's play!"
  2. 7371 Thanks for the offer but I'll pass! lol How are you doing today?
  3. 7369 *looks down at chest...freckles, a few moles, other important pointy parts...* Nope, no hair! lol Honestly, I think your Vegemite would probably be better! Pickled pigs feet makes my skin crawl! It was fun chatting with you. You may yet convince me to try that strange veggie stuff but I doubt i! lol Have a great night.
  4. 7367 Why would I want hair on my chest?? LOL That is a lovely little smilie there! And I think it's a fair deal. Those are considered "good eats" 'round these parts!
  5. 7365 Yes, you have convinced me to stay the hell away from that congealed sump oil! I'll tell you what....I'll try it, if you try pickled pigs feet.
  6. 7363 I'm back, btw...I would love to have seen your face when you read that! You know, you should contact the Vegemite company and see if they can hire you on as a spokesman! You've won me over!
  7. 7361 (I swear I've gonna forget the darned number one of these times! ) *makes her own notes to avoid the combination of Melrick and candy stores* I love brownies! Chocolate...Yummmy! And this may be a terribly American thing to say but vegemite scares me!
  8. 7359 Brownies rock! I love chocolate...way too much! lol I have a major sweet tooth! Give me candy and I'll follow you anywhere....hmm...probably shouldn't have told you that! Oh! Do you eat vegamite?
  9. 7357 Good try though! You get brownie points for effort!
  10. 7355 Sorry...just choked on my tea! lol I realize that I don't know you well nor have I known you long...but I'm not THAT naive!
  11. 7353 Remember that we've already established who's the devil in your avatar!
  12. 7351 Damn! I forgot who I was talking to!
  13. 7349 I was 18yo. But I was a young, naive 18. Unfortunately, I'm still a bit naive when it comes to some things.
  14. Unexpectedly pleased??? I just realized what you meant!
  15. 7347 Well, actually she was shocked at first. But to her credit, she calmly asked me if I meant to visit or stay. When I explained that I fully intended to live there...that I had investigated immigrating already. She thought about it and said that I wouldn't be seeing much of them if I did! lol
  16. 7345 I suppose so when you put it that way! lol When I was younger, I wanted to move to Australia. You should have seen the look on my mother's face when I told her! lol
  17. 7343 Nah, that doesn't work for me...sorry. I'd have to be right back here at work at seven...without sleep! No thanks! lol
  18. 7341 It's Friday evening there, right?
  19. 7339 How are you this morning? Or is it morning for you...my brain's a bit addled!
  20. Wonderful! I love that strip! Okay...here are a few of my favorites... The Simpsons - Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true! - Homer Donuts. Is there anything they can't do? - Homer South Park - Screw you guys, I'm going home! - Eric Cartman Doctor Who - People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. The angels have the phonebox Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy "In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people mad and was generally considered a bad idea." I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. Terry Pratchett's Discworld Novels - The Archchancellor polished his staff as he walked along. It was a particularly good one, six feet long and quite magical. Not that he used magic very much. In his experience, anything that couldn't be disposed of with a couple of whacks from six feet of oak was probably immune to magic as well. - Soul Music "Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind, indistinctly. "Mind you, my firstname is Bad." - Interesting Times Rincewind could scream for mercy in nineteen languages, and just scream in another forty-four. - Interesting Times "Give a man a fire and keep him warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he will be warm for rest of his life." Various anime quotes - "You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them." - Ichigo (Bleach) "Now I'll show you how real vampires do battle!" - Alucard (Hellsing) "And what's the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge." - Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
  21. That's a good point that I didn't think of. Sorry
  22. Whoa! I innocently walked into a maelstrom here! I probably should keep my mouth shut but I have a problem doing that sometimes. So I really wanna address this. I want to reply to several of your points BelleKeat because...well, because you really kinda pissed me off! You say that you're not trying to be harsh or offensive while being harsh and offensive! First off, I'm not a big yaoi fan. I've read a few fics that I've enjoyed but it was the romance and the characters that I liked. I'm just not a fan of male on male sex. Personal preference, I suppose but as a woman....men attract me. The thought of sex with a man is exciting. I'm sure that gay men feel the same. I am offended that you feel erotic het fic always reads like an anatomy book. You have obviously not read any good erotic het fiction then. I disagree that yaoi is somehow superior to both het and yuri as well. Yaoi is not more of an equal partnership. That is solely based on the people involved. Sexual preference is unimportant, dominance is what that's all about. Good sex, for me at least, is a give and take. Sometimes, I like to be in control but there's an excitement that comes with surrendering it as well. Basically, you came into a thread devoted to het fanfiction and began not only bitch slapping het fiction fans but spouting the glory of yaoi. You provoked the reactions you got. Personally, I think yaoi fanfiction should get a better representative!
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