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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. Welcome Avarion! I think that quite a lot of us hung out at AFF reading before either choosing to join the forum or simply stumbling in one day by accident. Whatever brought you here, I hope you find many fascinating people and things to enjoy. I can sympathize with your concerns regarding your style. My writer's block got so bad that I simply walked away from writing completely for years but it can be a joy rediscovering your own unique voice. Good luck with it and just have faith in yourself. While I probably shouldn't be giving advice, it seems to slip from my mouth and fingertips of it's own accord! Anyway, welcome to AFF. There's some excellent DBZ and Potter fics posted here as well as lively conversation to be found in the forum.
  2. Officially, you can catch the first two episodes here http://funimation.com/blackbloodbrothers/ at Funimation's site. You can also probably find all the episodes on YouTube. I personally have rented the first two DVD's. I watch a lot of anime online but I try to rent and buy as well. Call me old fashioned but I think if you don't support the artists making the stuff you love, it will eventually vanish. Another recent favorite of mine that you might enjoy is Ergo Proxy. It's a complicated little story but wicked cool, in my opinion. But I definitely think you'll like Black Blood Brothers. It's got vampires, humor and a decent storyline. Let me know what you think.
  3. Cal, I can't speak for anyone other than myself but I know that you're not a troll! lol And I do realize that you're just poking fun to get a rise out of us anime lovers. But I also realize how much people want to protect and defend the things they love. And sometimes, it's hard not to take such things personally. Afterall, you are attacking our incredible good taste! Now if you really want fireworks, try posting one of your colorful reviews of a Harry Potter book and see what happens! As far as making fun of the animes that you love, I wouldn't dream of it. You've got several of my personal favorites listed there so I'll just stick with applauding your good taste! lol I'll even go so far as to suggest you check out Black Blood Brothers. I think you might really enjoy it, based on your little list there. Just, please, don't review it here!
  4. Welcome everyone!! The forum's a fun and friendly place. And the fanfiction here is the best! So...welcome!!!
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