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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly, especially about the worrying. As someone who is prone to worrying anyway, toss in even a mild case of writer's block and I'm a mess! lol It truly can be a difficult cycle to break. For me, it sometimes helps to talk it out with a friend. Not only do I gain a different perspective but quite often, new ideas come tumbling forth. More often than not, it can start the ball rolling slowly forward. And welcome to ChaosKitten, Darth Xelleon, tinyteeth and ChibiShiva. I hope that you all find many new and wonderful things here at AFF and may the curse of writer's block never shadow your doorstep.
  2. Call Me - Shinedown but even as I type, it's changing to... Cold - Crossfade
  3. ^should dance around and act crazy for the fun of it and forget about everything else! <thinks silliness is highly underrated and likes some of Sophie's songs (like I won't change you and Me and my imagination) v should listen to Weezer's new song Pork and Beans
  4. I'm glad to hear the show was good. I know you're a big fan of In Flames. I prefer Avenged Sevenfold...esp. Afterlife. The beginning of that song is awesome! AFI - Miss Murder
  5. I'm honestly not sure but I think that you should get a good idea by flirting with another man, without necessarily following through. The way the interplay of teasing and flirting makes you feel, as well as the way your body responds, could provide a clue. I hope it helps. As for another dirty little secret of mine....I've discovered that I really like to have my hair pulled during sex.
  6. Nor have I....but I keep trying I have never learned to ride a motorcycle
  7. I noticed the popups but then I thought....hey, it's free! It makes them a little easier to take, kinda like sugar-coated popups!
  8. I have never breathed fire either. I have known a couple of people who have tried only to regret their actions quickly! I have however set numerous things on fire though! I have never tried absinthe
  9. This is completely off-topic but I just wanted to say that I know exactly what you mean. There is something amazingly soothing and sensual about bathing in the dark or even dim light. I like candlelight bathing too. It's all truly wonderful.
  10. Thank you! That was a new site to me and I really like it. It's got a lot of great anime to choose from. Thanks again for the info.
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