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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. 7066
  2. 7062
  3. 7059
  4. 7055
  5. 7053
  6. happiness
  7. I'm apparently more virtuous than I realized since I've been banished to the First Level of Hell - Limbo It's an interesting little quiz! Makes me wonder if I should harder on being bad!
  8. 7048
  9. 7044
  10. 7042
  11. 7039
  12. 7037
  13. I've read all the posts regarding this matter so far and I've remained silent because I really had nothing to add that hasn't already been said. But silent support is rarely enough. So here, for what they are worth, are a few words of support to you, Jaxxy. I honestly know little of the legalities of the situation. I applaud your efforts to stand firm in the face of potential censorship. While at the same time, I don't wish to see you or anyone else face criminal charges for attempting to uphold my freedom and rights as a writer. I don't know the wisest path in this situation but I needed to say that I will back you with whatever course of action you choose. You have created and helped maintain a home on the internet for fans of all types of fiction. A place where we can express our creativity freely. I deeply appreciate and love this site. I thank you for all that you've done and please know that you have my support.
  14. 7034
  15. Okay! First off, allow me to issue a warm welcome to angeicmar, Minikitkatgirl, and Slowhand! I hope you find only the best fics that tempt your interests as well as lots of fun and stimulating posts here in the forum! Now to angeicmar...good luck with your screenplays! I understand your trepidation regarding sending your babies to an agent. It's a scary thing! But it's worth it when you receive the acclaim you deserve for your hard work and inspiration! I have to say...Yeah! Bleach! I'm a big anime fan and Bleach is my favorite. B) Also, I gotta agree with your assessment of a room filled with two penises. That's action I'd have to become involved in! Minikitkatgirl....It's great to welcome another comic book fan. I applaud your taste in comics as well as Hugh Jackman. The man makes me weak in the knees! And Slowhand....I just love your handle! That is too cool! Welcome to AFF and thanks for bringing your love of music and anime to the forums. You obviously have excellent taste as shown by your love of Eric Clapton, Bleach, Cowboy Beebop, FMA and all the others! I think you'll find a lot here to enjoy.
  16. 7032
  17. cookies
  18. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am torn between curling up with a sweet, funny British romance movie or the latest Terry Pratchett book that I just realized I've never read. Either way, I am going to need chocolate!
  19. I am glad for the love and laughter in my life. My world would be a cold and lonely place without it.
  20. Shun! (Shun the non-believer!)
  21. 7030
  22. The Rocky Horror Picture Show with Tim Curry, who was also in...
  23. 7028
  24. I love pink, especially pink and black together. I have never tap-danced.
  25. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am tired...very, very tired
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