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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. I tend to update mostly at night or in the early morning but that's only because I'm a night owl and I tend to get most of my writing done at night. There really is no rhyme or reason to when I update. When the chapter's ready, I post it. -rinda
  2. It all depends on who's point of view I'm writing from...whether a male character or a female one. -rinda
  3. Welcome to AFF!
  4. Writer's block sucks! That's my personal opinion, at least. :)

  5. I actually think that Bleach is beautifully rendered. And it makes the transition to anime well. But honestly, anything that it lacks in the art department, it makes up for with a complex, intriguing storyline. :)

  6. Thank you for the kind review. If you're interested in anime/manga at all, I would readily recommend Bleach. It's a wonderful story. :)

  7. Thanks for the smile! *smiles back* I love your artwork! It's absolutely gorgeous.

  8. Thanks for the smile! *smiles back* I love your artwork! It's gorgeous.

  9. Well said! Linda
  10. I was never good at reviewing until I began posting my own work and realized how important the feedback from the readers could be. Since then, I've really tried to leave reviews on the fics that I read. I, too, like to positive reviews so unless I can be constructive, I still only review those works that I like. I just wondered, if like me, we could all be a little better about leaving reviews? Linda
  11. I personally love reviews but have discovered this site is not a good place to get them. But I've got a question for you. To those of you, who like me, love to receive well crafted reviews---how good are you about leaving reviews for other authors? Just curious. Linda
  12. I agree completely in your assessment of Bleach as being more hetero. I can see where it would be tempting to look at all these strong, handsome men with a yaoi bend but I don't see it with most of them. A few...yeah, I could be convinced, but the majority scream their heterosexuality loudly. I haven't read too many HimexIchi pairing fics so I haven't overloaded on them yet but it does seem very predictable to me. Thank you for your kind words regarding my TosenxHime fic. It was an interesting perspective for me. I didn't want to do GrimmjowxHime, which seems VERY popular these days. I also wanted to try Orihime as the aggressor for a change. She's always portrayed as so docile. Anyway...thanks!
  13. Kenpachi Zaraki...hands down! He rocks!
  14. I so agree with this...even when she's older. I guess I just see their relationship differently. I'm also not a big fan of Ichigo/Rukia but I think it's just been overdone.
  15. I think it sounds fair and is a good idea
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