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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. I'm not really sure how to classify these books. My friend calls them supernatural chicklit. He's not completely off! lol The books center on Sookie Stackhouse, a small town waitress who is psychic. Turns out to be a curse rather than a blessing for her. A huge public announcement is made by the vampires of the world, announcing their existence. They come out following the development of an artificial blood. This basically changes the world. As Sookie becomes familiar with a local vampire, she discovers there's a lot of supernatural creatures out there that aren't so sure the vampires made the right choice. The books have strong supernatural themes, some horror and a bit of romance. I don't know if any of that helps but they're well written with strong, complex characters.
  2. 7400 such a lovely round number
  3. You shouldn't feel like that. A book is a book. If you enjoy reading it and it allows you to escape for a little while, then go for it! I'm always reading manga and my friends tell me that I'm reading comic books. I just ignore them. I'm also preparing to start the latest book in the Charlaine Harris - Sookie Stackhouse series, From Dead to Worse. The books are about vampires and all sorts of supernatural creatures. They're set in the southern USA which is home to me so I just love 'em!
  4. I was wondering if you should add the new captain of Division 3 Shuusuke Amagai? I really like this character. He's very laid-back and easy going, plus he's a major wuss when it comes to drinking! He's really the first captain to be appointed based on his strength in battlefield. Zaraki earned his position by fighting and killing the former Division 11 captain but Amagai brought his entire squad back intact from a long and bloody battle. I think there's more to the character than it seems. He's also kinda cute!
  5. Okay, I was going to keep my mouth shut but I really suck at doing that. Death Note is a wonderful anime. Yes, it's dark. Yes, it's morbid. Yes, it's bizarre. But those aren't bad things. I like the anime (because of all those things! ) and I like the manga that it's based on, as well. The writing is amazing. It's multi-layered and complex. This is not a storyline where you can easily anticipate what lies around the corner. Messianic and Utopian themes are very dominant in this story. But again, that doesn't present a problem. They're used to show how even good and true intentions can be corrupted. Also, I think, to show the thin line between good and evil sometimes. The characters are weird but intriguing, at least to me. They're also flawed. It adds a depth to them that's rarely found in shows these days. Even Light, who on the surface, appears to be perfect. He begins this crusade with the best intentions. But he's the living embodiment of how power corrupts, and in his case, how it can drive you freaking nuts. To me, the struggle between Light and L takes is fascinating to watch. And honestly, I was surprised that the writers would have the balls to kill off such a central character. But they did then they picked up the storyline and moved on. I will admit that I'm not as big as a fan of the later stuff but I still love it overall. I never really picked up on the traces of yaoi that you're talking about but my mind doesn't seem to work that way. I have terrible gaydar! lol I know that any anime with a lot of male characters, especially attractive male characters, interacting closely is going to spawn a rabid yaoi fangirl brigade. This one's no different. If you don't like Death Note, I can understand. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But trust me, it's nowhere near the darkest or most bizarre anime that I've ever seen! lol You might be interested in the original, one-shot manga written for it. It's very different than the later one or the anime that was developed from it. ( http://www.onemanga.com/Death_Note/0/ ) But then again, you might hate it too! B) The only character to really survive in it's second incarnation was Ryuk, your apple loving shinigami. Oh, and FLCL rocks too!
  6. I'm not really into StarFox fanfic but I wanted to say hi! :)

  7. I agree completely! I write because I enjoy it but moreso because I need to get it out. The stories, both original and fanfiction, take on a life inside of me. The characters...the storylines....they eat at me until I exorcise them through writing. I realize that sounds kinda crazy! lol But it's true. It's always been like that for me. I write because I love it but also because I have to. It's just a part of me. I do enjoy reading my own work, when it's good. lol And I love reviews because I'm getting feedback from other fans. They know the original work and how good it is. To have another fan compliment my handling of a much beloved treasure is an amazing feeling. But even if I didn't get reviews, or worse...get bad ones, I'd still write. It's just like it's a part of my soul that I need to express. Some people use music...others art...for me, it's writing.
  8. maidenhair


    As far as I know....yaoi and slash are the same thing except, as you said, different genres. Shounen ai used to indicate more of a romantic relantionship versus full on erotica. At least, that's my understanding. I'm not really a fan of any of it. I still remember how disturbed I was when I when I stumbled blindly into an unlabeled slash Snape/Harry fanfic years ago. Back on topic for a moment, if I may....So you're say that WAFF is basically used to indicate a sappy anime?
  9. 7377 Well, aren't you lucky! You'll need that extra day to sleep! lol
  10. 7374 More than half over! It's a holiday weekend?
  11. 7372 I'm not a spoil sport! And I'm doing much better now that I'm home with the weekend off!!! See, your weekend is ending....but mine is just beginning!
  12. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am so thankful for my crazy, drunken friends who brought me burgers at 3 AM!
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