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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. Mad World - Gary Jules
  2. That's a wicked song! Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister
  3. 7426 are you gonna dance with us?
  4. 7422 Plushie Dancing -->
  5. 7421 Please, join the fun! The one who reaches infinity first gets a plushie! (Of course, reaching infinity is a pretty wicked prize in itself! lol)
  6. maidenhair

    I Am...

    I am wishing that I had the weekend off
  7. I'm glad the day turned around for you! Sweet dreams!
  8. Wow! I came in to wish you a happy birthday but now I think you might need a hug more! What a way to spend your big day. Here's to hoping it improves for you. And I'm sorry about your dog. I hope he heals quickly. One of our dogs recently had knee problems so I can sympathize. So here's a big wish that your day gets better. I wish you joy, laughter and love today and always!!! Happy Birthday!!!
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