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Everything posted by maidenhair

  1. Okay...I gotta admit that was a tough one. You sent me running to imdb.com! "Studs Lonigan" with Jack Nicholson, who was also in....
  2. The movie game! The poster will name an actor who was in _____ movie, with _______actor, who was also in..... then you come in and finish sentence, taking the actor listed, saying a movie he/she was in, and a costar of that movie, who was also in.....next person and so on. Here's an example: Jim Carey was in "The Mask" with Cameron Diaz, who was also in... (next person could say) "My Best Friend's Wedding" with Julia Roberts, who was also in... (and the next person leads with a movie Julia Roberts was in) So, to start... Johnny Depp was in "Edward Scissorhands" with Vincent Price, who was also in...
  3. I don't think your degree of happiness or misery is related to your sex. Now, your lack of sex may affect it but male or female, it doesn't matter. Happiness is an individual thing. Same thing with sex. Men can have mind blowing orgasms, women can too. Women can be bitches and so can men. We're all weird and wonderfully different.
  4. curiousity got the better of me and here I am
  5. I just had a wonderful craving....chili cheese fries....hmmm....I need to eat something! lol

  6. Not guilty!! G/NG: Including food in sexplay?
  7. Those are nice dreams too! I had a dream that a friend of mine was shackled to the wall. I was trying to get him out and ended up chained up too. I would really wonder about all these dreams of confinement and bondage if I knew it weren't related to a fic I'm working on.
  8. *dodges in effort to keep head in one piece then distracts attack panda with some bamboo* *pokes person below my magic wand* (it's quite lovely made of rowan with rosewood inserts )
  9. You got me! (Now whatcha gonna do with me? ) Zyx? (*crosses fingers*)
  10. *scratches head wondering how wombats determine the winner* I am the Multiverse!
  11. *dodges penis enlarger* I'll pass! *chucks confused looking sperm whale*
  12. If my borderline psychotic co-worker ever discovers that I keep her placated with snickers bars just so I won't be the first in her line of fire when she ultimately snaps and goes postal, she'd probably paint a target on my back!
  13. Nah, that kinda creeps me out. Maybe because I've had a peeping tom before. And there's nothing quite like glancing out your window and seeing a face looking at you. *shudders*
  14. Babies are made when said adults above get very stupid and horny as well as drunk!
  15. I'm so hot, I could make a dead man cum!
  16. ^BANNED for not reading the rules because you can not, under any circumstances, ban members whose name's begin with the letter M on Sunday. It's clearly stated in paragraph 87, section 22 under the addendum regarding special considerations, currently filed under the big rock in the basement of the ministry office.
  17. 7284 Your confidence is admirable but misplaced because I will surely be the obstinate numerically challenged individual that will claim this prize! Ah! The sweet joy of retiring a winner!
  18. "I never thought you did. This isn't about love anyway." Nya said with a shrug, crossing her legs. Wyss' eyes traveled up her long, limber legs as she spoke. It was a helluva view. "What's it about then?" he asked curiously. "It's about power. That power inside you. I can feel it. Everyday, it grows stronger. I just wanted a taste." she explained with a hungry smile that sent a chill coursing down his spine.
  19. When a woman swallows a watermelon seed, it grows inside her and *POOF*....it's a baby!
  20. I like to wander around my house in the nude...and a part of me hopes someone's watching.
  21. maidenhair

    Answers First

    Why this thread died in November '07? whipped cream
  22. If my friend ever found out that my ex-bf and I had sex on her kitchen counter she would never use it again! And would probably try to kill me and him (after she got over her shock and embarrassment!).
  23. I'm not touching that one Let's try.... WATERMELON (don't ask me why girl soaked in own juice made me think of that! )
  24. I had a dream that one of my friends got us all arrested for driving like a dumbass and I ended up in jail, sitting next to Alan Rickman. We had a lovely conversation about how stupid my one friend was. He was a really nice fellow.
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