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Posts posted by JayDee

  1. 18 hours ago, neo4812 said:

    wait really? i just made that up! i had no idea it was from a play!

    I check out forum activity sometimes and saw the post out of context and, for some reason had a mental image of Charlie Brown as a really angry Joe Pesci-a-like, and thought I’d post the joke!

    After all, Chuck probably wouldn’t really get made as he was only Sicilian on his mother’s side.

  2. Spoiler

    Chapter 7 comments I sent to IBD included “Nina from Tekken! Bones from Star Trek! and… Vi from LoL maybe?” and IBD came back and said I got ‘em right, so that was obviously good enough info/character from what you guys had there. I mean,  Nina was named I think but I identified which Nina!

    Spoiler’d it ‘cos character spoilers.

    The old tabletop game does sound like it woulda been fun.

  3. I don’t really have the reflexes these days, 12 year old me wasn’t too shabby tho’

    I think she came out fine – the versions I know best are the old very two dimensional bios from the early Street Fighter IIs and also the live action movie version that was somewhat different physically, but still managed to give Bison a bit of a kicking. She’s a heroic type who fights hard, but you also have her dealing with trauma rather than it just “got brutalised, moving strraight on,”

    As for a lot of the others I either don’t know ‘em too well/at all, or haven’t seem stuff with them for ages. For Kyle, he seems like how he’d be, moving from one shitty fucking dystopian hellscape of hunter killers to another one, Bathory from Bloodrayne seems like a pretty unpleasant Nazi, although obviously hiding it , from the stuff we see. Ya really expanded well on what I remember of her in Bloodrayne.

    I’ve enjoyed both arcs so far!

    Edit: Without spoilers, one of the arc  2 characters seems kinda different to how he does in game, but that’s probably explainable by the game version being a computer program of a dead guy, while the one in the story is pre-death and lacking access to nukes for when someone messes with a girl he likes. On the other hand I think I managed to identify two new ones before they’d even been named when they were first shown!

  4. 1 hour ago, Sparrow said:

    You know @JayDee, you’re the first person who’s read this story, including IBD, I think, who’s actually noticed that. Or at least has mentioned it to me.


    I haven’t played the more recent Street Fighters so I don’t know if it made it into ‘em, but I bet anybody who played the old Street Fighter II and variants’d remember it and make the connection! I had a good nostalgic blast on SNES Mini when it came out – Those early voice samples were something else. Half the time I thought it was announcing “CHIP PAN!” instead of Japan.

  5. 16 hours ago, Guest foxkidsboy97 said:

    hey JayDee,

    what happens next huh 

    Do I meet the characters

    You awake to find yourself in a forest clearing. Distantly, you can hear singing. It is pretty fucking tuneless. Oh fuck, it might be Bieber. To the east here’s a sign which reads “Quit looking East”, and to the West is a very suspicious tree stump.  If you choose to examine the previously unmentioned mudhole Go to 35. If you choose to win self-determination for the Republic of Molossia go to 63. If you want to know about the unsightly rash spreading across your buttocks go to 28 (Charges may apply).

  6. 13 minutes ago, InvidiaRed said:

    So…Duncan was ‘mother’ to Loki’s kids?

    Heh, look, you can’t blame me for sticking the wrong name in there, I mean original canon had a Jotun in the role :p


    Big Z booty call.



    J-man was there to save the day along with Glykon. Duncan will be back by spring time there will be consequences

    Spring shall spring!


    Despair induced Suicide.

    I mean… that might well be a sensible reaction to zombie apocalypse for most folks. The psychologic pressure can’t be fun.

  7. 16 minutes ago, InBrightestDay said:

    In case anyone else is feeling left out, I did also leave reviews for @JayDee and @InvidiaRed’s stories.  It just took me longer to get JayDee’s done, because I fell asleep. :D

    My writing does have that effect on people! :p No, I kid, I kid, I expect you’ve been tired as heck with the work ing lately. Invidia might be a bit slower replying – recent status updated suggested away for a bit!

    Thank you for the review! I just saw it after dropping the review on the latest Mortuus Orbis part! Hugely appreciated getting it, gotta love reviews :)


    The Succubus' Gift

    Yay, a Mike and Lupa story!  It's really nice seeing them together again after A Gamer Girl with Bite, and this whole thing was really sweet.

    Thanks! Some of the flavors may also have been salty. Lupa didn’t comment.


    69 Hoe Lane.  This is sooo Shannon's house.

    All the other demons looking for “666 Goat Road” or something, but Shannon’s got other interests.


    Something I like that you brought up, because incredibly I'd never thought of it, is "why don't the angels fix Lupa?"  I'd sort of mulled over a similar subject for WitS, but that part of the dialogue exchange ended up being cut.  Kizzy doesn't entirely answer the question, which is very much in character for her, but she does give a hint when she says that Lupa isn't diseased.  I sort of read that as Kizzy saying that Lupa doesn't have to be fixed.  It's similar to some people with disabilities (though I hardly want to generalize about all of them), and in Lupa's case she got superpowers out of it too.

    I figure it’s a bit of a call back to Kizzy reassuring Lupa that being a vampire doesn’t automatically make her evil – her living mortal life ended when the vampires came, but then her new unlife started… and that ends with a true death. And, yeah, she does get both superpowers and superweaknesses out of it, like sunlight or the need to drink blood. 


    Lupa's tsundere-ness is on full display here, especially in that great moment where we see her through Mike's eyes, see the beautiful dress she has on and the warmth in her eyes, they kiss and then...

    “¡Cabrón! You’re letting all the fucking heat out! You think of the energy bills?”

    I freaking love it.

    Probably it’s only Shannon bringing back other mortals that they need to keep the place properly heated anyway, with Kate imprisoned! Although wouldn’t want it to get all damp, I guess. Mike’s used to it by now anyway, probably sees it as Lupa’s messed up way of showing affection.


    Shannon's sweater is also really funny, since it almost feels like there's now crossver between these holiday party stories and she's been reading the Rudy stuff.

    Shannon would definitely enjoy George’s stories!


    I like the bit after Mike turns down the first Shannon-based present, and Shannon proves very affirming there.  Lupa still has some self-confidence issues (and living with a demon whose identity is pretty much just "seductress" might not help with those), but it's nice to see her friends reassuring her.  And of course Shannon's "the kind of hell bitch who makes jewelry!" made me smile.

    Shannon’s jewelry is quality stuff! None of your QVC crap. That bracelet she made for Kizzy way back when all this story universe started allowed her to bind an angel with her own power, and that wasn’t even the intended use! Yeah, Lupa probably sees herself as “Shannon’s dumpy friend”, but there’s nothing wrong with her! Especially worrying maybe how much better at the social life her housemates can be – even Kizzy is a really good active listener.


    The actual amulet is nice, allowing Lupa to feel like she's human body temperature when Mike touches her, instead of just lukewarm or cold (I can't remember if she's supposed to be room temperature, like a corpse, or actually magically cold due to being undead),

    There’s definitely something a little supernatural about her temperature, and how it changes so quickly when she gets blood, but doesn’t freeze solid when out in subzero temperatures. I figure most of the time she’s probably noticably cooler than the room she’s in, but probably only by a degree or so, like she hasn’t quite warmed up fully, but then her temperature just doesn’t change at extremes of heat or cold ‘cos of the supernatural side not obeying yer laws of thermodynamics properly. Or something.


    but I did wonder what it did for Lupa and...


    The word slipped out.

    Man, we're damn lucky I wasn't drinking anything when I read that, because I would have spat it out laughing.  The fact that Lupa can now get stronger from blowjobs is extremely Shannon and both funny and sweet. 

    You spit, Lupa swallows… :p It’s probably not just blowjobs, although I didn’t get around to writing a petrative sex scene :p


    You know me well enough to know that Mike's reciprocation was something I enjoyed.

    It’s kinda a retread of the oral scene in the gamer girl story, except with them now having a much deeper relationship, and Mike being better at it. Glad you enjoyed it!


    And I like how the ending works.  This story is evidently standalone enough that everyone else can read it, but the ending does fit this into the timeline of the other K-Team stories, dropping it right in before the final chapters of You!

    Thanks again! Yeah, another little callback to the line from Lupa in You! that Shannon figured out the way to get her in to get Kate out, but for anyone who hasn’t read that it really just continues the mentions of Kate being imprisoned earlier on – me trying to keep it self contained as much as possible, so I’m glad that it really worked there with the standalone element!

  8. 15 hours ago, InvidiaRed said:

    And leave me bereft of a learning experience? Have you no shame?

    I have none whatsoever. Except maybe for writing the Spyro story.

    12 hours ago, GeorgeGlass said:

    FYI, I completely support JayDee’s comment, “Keep track of the hands.” My version of that advice is, “Writing a sex scene is like writing a fight scene; it’s all about where the limbs go.”

    This is a great way of putting it!

    If you’re writing a fight scene and somebody ends up elbow-deep in the other guy’s fudge factory, it’s what you’d call a really dirty fight.

  9. 5 hours ago, Thundercloud said:

    Thank you! The proper response in Swedish here would be “God fortsättning” when you want wish the Christmas and New Year mood to continue.

    Oh, cool! That’s super positive.


    I had a friend who complained that in my stories you could tell who the superheroes was because they were hung like horses...it felt a bit unfair until I checked the record. ^_^

    “That one’s definitely a superhero!”

    “That’s… that’s just a background police horse.”


  10. 5 hours ago, Thundercloud said:

    Hope you will manage to get story done when the muses align for you. Maybe there is plot piece missing that you need to add to make it work. The stories with the gang IMHO works best when you combine their personalities and anxieties with them doing important stuff. 

    Could be! I’m always happier to finish stuff than leave unfinished stuff sitting in me hard drive.


    The detail with the magically warded windows sound like a perfect reason for Lupa to make an extra effort for it to work.

    She came for the friendship, she stayed for the magic protections woven into the fabric of the building… :) When she moves into her own place later, with her husband, Shannon’d put the effort in to add the same wards. (“It’s ok. I’m not running out of anime fan clubs anytime soon!)


    Quite some time until The Woman in the Statue will happen….or are the timelines not synchronized?


    They’re taking place in two different universes and time moved faster in one for a while, but it’s only really confirmed in single lines here and there across different stories – way back in the second part of my slumber party story that introduced Kizzy and them it confirmed Eparlegna had done some really nasty shit on another Earth (referencing the whore story). I think we agreed that time moved relatively faster on the Statue universe for the period that Eparlegna was sealed up there, and so there was a line in the last part of Jude’s Tale that Luzurial had been bound for close to 75 years “relative time”. Then time starts running at the same relative speed after Eparlegna got out. The idea was pretty much entirely so if there was ever a crossover written featuring the mortal characters it would be less of a pain in the ass to mesh together, and also so that there could be some resolution between Kizzy and Shannon and Luzurial without having to wait 75 years in storytime. Incidentally, I wrote a first draft entirely of that resolution storyline that is complete but needs an absolute fuckton of work doing to not be the absolute unreadable boring unsexy garbage it currently is, and also to fit better with InBrightestDay’s better rounded version of Luzurial.


    Your You! story is already on my planned reading list after halloween...but now I have even more reason to read it. Thanks for heads up about how the story connect.

    “It’s really short!” is definitely the most positive reason I got! Even at under 5000 words I was running on empty with jokes by the end.


    Sounds like a good idea for a story.

    That’s what I hoped! Bah. Maybe I’ll retool it to be not at Christmas. 

  11. 8 hours ago, InvidiaRed said:

    That, or they’re both convinced the other one is cheating because of inhuman reactions on multiplayer games :p I’m saying both because of how funny that is. Just rivals until they end up on the same team then that’s where the fun really starts. If Lupa ever ends up in a high stakes gaming tournament. Duncan should be there.

    Lupa: “Huh. Not fucking cheating then. Fucker’s actually just really good. Fuck. Guess I’d better be fucking polite, fucker’s fucking earned it.”

     Mike: *dragging the swear barrel along*


    Shannon gets on with everyone :) RMR might or might not be a real person, or just someone Shannon made up to make a point.  Nah I totes can make them.

    Is it just me, or does Rigor Mortis Rick sound like a 1990s console mascot? A sonic the hedgehog type… “Hungry werewolf Kate got into Rick’s harem! Help Rick travel across varied platform worlds to collect enough body parts to put a lover together and defeat the wereworlf to reclaim the tender parts!”

    ...oh god, I really am a monster.

  12. Third review! Thanks yet again :)


    @InvidiaRed on January 02, 2021

    The Succubus's Gift

    JayDee you really don't give yourself enough credit.

    Eh, I got no self-esteem whatsoever and actively fucking despise myself but am too weak-minded and lazy to change so…


    for the new year positive affirmations.

    ...oops. Ok. Starting tomorrow.


    Your work and style is a delight. It was worth the wait for a sequel to A Gamer Girl With Bite. Enough hints that there's alot going on in this world. I find it funny that Lupa has similar hang ups to to religion and the holidays enough to remind me of Duncan.Strange as that sounds.Part of me says they're unknowingly on each others friend's list due to their shared love of Gaming.

    That, or they’re both convinced the other one is cheating because of inhuman reactions on multiplayer games :p Lupa used to be a good Catholic girl. Then the vampires came. Now, she’s friends with an angel and a demon and smart enough to realise their takes are true, but likes to claim atheism. Sometimes just to see if she can get a reaction out of Kizzy, who wouldn’t let it bother her – Kiz would side with a decent and kind atheist over an asshole religious person!


    The Ms.Clause sweater was hilarious. Personally, as I read it the picture of a full on DP with the reindeer made me snicker.

    Haha! With the sweater I’ve gone with the horror “nothing is scarier” trope – whatever a reader imagines Mike is seeing on the sweater is probably accurate and probably more effective than I could have shown. :D


    Shannon is my favorite character. I don't think we've seen Rigor Mortis Rick. Yiffying is an... experiance. For a furry hell. Would the furry be themselves or would they be their fursonas? Truly a question for the ages. I should totally ask InBrightestDay ahaha.

    Shannon gets on with everyone :) RMR might or might not be a real person, or just someone Shannon made up to make a point.

    I was just referencing the older internet meme of telling furries to “Yiff in Hell” which was on a sliding scale of seriously meant to goofing around. I guess if they’re furry in their very soul it’s the fursona. Imagine, you’re a demon, you’re good at your job, but you’re just not effective against the guy who likes all the stuff you’re doing to them. On the other hand – @InBrightestDay – theological implications of furries who make deals with succubi and end up in Hell? Any thoughts?


    Rooting for Shannon, even if there might be unforseen circumstances

    I hear in Australia they’d drop the ‘for’. Shannon’s had worse unforseen circumstances –She did end up in Hell :p

    Thanks a final time! You and the others have been very kind to my scrappy effort :)

  13. Second review! Thanks again, appreciation continues!


    @Thundercloud on January 01, 2021

    Review of The Succubus' Gift
    Sorry for the late review...I read your story with great delight directly when it was posted but then family matters kept me from doing a review...and then the review I wrote was eaten by the Internet Gods.

    No problem, just happy to get feedback! I’ve been trying to get into the habit of writing my reviews in Word and then pasting them to AFF which gets around the review-eating issue (it happened on a long-ass one I wrote once and I swore a bunch)


    Thank you for the great read that left me eager to write more smut...and do stuff with my wife. New Year fireworks is a good background sound for having loud sex.

    Nice. Also, you’re welcome!


    Anyway I am probably not the right one to judge since I have read quite a large part of the stories that frame the background for this holiday enrtry but I think you did a good job with reminded me of the previous stories. Not all the detail is probably needed for this particular story to work...but including it sounds like a worthy goal if it makes more people check A Gamer Girl with a Bite. I really liked that story.

    Thanks! I’ve got kind of a soft spot for that one, too. Mostly the idea of the Demon Huntress Hunter game… But also Lupa and Mike’s relationship I think got a good start. I stuck in extra detail to try and round it off as a stand-alone. Having it be Mike’s first visit to the house really helped with that as it could be used to have him note details or thoughts on stuff. There’s a reference in there to his first meeting with Shannon which is a story I’ve got half-finished and had Lupa really panicked and insecure about him meeting her succubus housemate and hiding.


    Spolitry part of the review
    I lauged at the adress of the residence and could not help wondering how Shannon convinced the others that this was a good place to live with its decorations. I suppose Shannon lived there before and the other are too used to her antics that they don't care.

    That’s it! So, as I’ve got it worked out in my head – when they were all at school together ‘undercover’ Kizzy was living with Shondra and Jackie who thought she was 17 and basically fostered her, Kate was living out of a trailer with Katie, the more traditional werewolf who very drunkenly bit her when she was a wolf, and was trying to socialise her properly with humans, and Lupa was squatting and not let the others know where she actually lived (used her vampire mesmerism to get around shit with officials). Shannon had the big house though some sort of infernal financial business, and supposedly lived with her Mom, (ie, Shannon herself changing her appearance), so when they all found out what was what and got out of school, it made sense for them to move to Shannon’s. Kizzy wouldn’t care about the decorations or house number – as long as sex is consensual she’s not prudish about what adults do to with each other, Kate can get pretty horny herself with some animal and human instincts competing, and Lupa rolls her eyes at most of Shannon’s antics but is happy to share with friends in a place with magically warded windows that let her sit in a sunbeam and not burn.


    The interaction when Mike arrive at the house was a good read. I liked how Lupa had made an effort to give him something to watch. As the scene progressed to him being asked to unwrap his present I was a bit torn between thinking that it sounded like a great idea and worrying about if Lupa really had thought it through.

    Haha, yeah, you worry if Lupa thought it through, Mike worried if Lupa thought it through and Shannon worried if Lupa thought it through. Everyone worried! They got her insecurities in mind – Shannon has no problems with threesomes and open relationships as long as feelings don’t get hurt, but she could no doubt see Lupa lying awake, remembering her boyfriend in her mouth, and deciding she didn’t care for it after all. Hence Shannon not splashing her succubus lust around and even wearing a thick sweater over her upper body -but she’s good at people and figured how Mike would go anyway.


    One thing that might be worth to mentionwas by the way was when Shannon does her rigior mortis joke Lupa responds by talking about Shaz...I think I recall that Shaz is the gangs nickname for Shannon but first when I read it I was wondering to what story Shaz refers to.

    Thanks for the heads up! I’ll look at it when I try for a proper polish. Might just need the Shaz nickname at the start of the question. I think at one point they were probably all talking and someone messing around said something like “If Kizzy is Kiz, then Kate is Kaz, Shannon is Shaz and Lupa is… Luz?” and Shaz stuck as a nickname. While Luz definitely didn’t Because it’d make Shannon sad, at least until she heard about the outcome of The Woman in the Statue, and maybe even then for a time.


    The actual sex scene with Mike and Lupa was great. I especially like his muffled response as Lupa enjoyed herself...about the actual ending I would like to read the story about Kate's situation and the resolution. Thank for the good read.

    Thanks again! I did  want to do more sex there, but simply found myself running out of time and the worry that if I tried to do too much I wouldn’t finish it. I think I pitched it right with them planning to game then screw some more.

    As for Kate’s situation…

    Started with a blink-and-miss it telephone conversation between Kizzy and Shannon in Fucking Halloween Party where Kizzy said she’d asked Kate to go to a house to see what they think is a demon summoner to try and talk with them.

    My story You! takes place in that house, starting with the summoned demon’s appearance and shows what happened to Kate next. That Shades and a Snake’s Heart story I did at the last halloween was set a while after You! and had the lingering impact of the trap’s magic on Kate after she got out of the house. You’ve read both the halloween stories already, so if you did want to check out You! for more of What Kate Did the good news is it was written entirely as flashfic chapters of less than 1000 words, and there’s only 5 of them so the whole thing is shorter than a single part of most normal length stories :)

    The story I was trying to write for Christmas was going to tell the story of Kate’s human side being brought back into balance, and explain what happened directly after You! but, among other things, I was finding it too hard to make it self contained in few enough words, because it relied too much on the end of You!


  14. Three reviews for The Succubus’ Gift! :D

    Thank you for the reviews folks, I hugely appreciated the feedback here. Thanks for your time!


    @GeorgeGlass on January 01, 2021

    Okay, yes, this is a little unpolished (How can boots feel underdressed?), but it's still a fun read. I also appreciate that even though this story is part of your larger universe, it's self-contained, such that I didn't feel like any important details or background info were missing. 

    ...maybe they’re toon boots, hiding out in the story to avoid Judge Doom and his vat of… nah, I got nothing. I’ll fix that up so it’s Mike feeling underdressed in his unfancy footwear! I’m planning to take a look at it again in a couple of weeks and polish off any other glaring bits that stick out and fix ‘em. Problem really that I found my original idea just wasn’t working out so I had to start again from scratch!

    I’m really glad it works as self-contained– that was something I really wanted to achieve after last year’s holiday special! And got the fun in too, yay!


    Some other notes (with SPOILERS):
    --Plow Drive? Hoe Lane? You're such a rake.

    Haha! Probably a Rake Street too, for folks to progress along. No doubt the town planning department was infiltrated by someone with a filthy sense of humour at some time in the past… the machinations of Hell go deeper than we ever realised!


    --Love the bit about Shannon's Christmas sweater. Of course, given that reindeer sex has become a thing for me, I may be biased. :)

    I like to think it is still less filthy than some of the real world efforts. She’d enjoy your Reindeer stories, so it might even be fan art :D


    --The household of supernatural creatures reminds me of Being Human.

    Ah, yeah, definitely not an entirely original concept of the odd folk house share in these universe stories. I think even as a kid watching Munsters re-runs I wondered how a Frankenstein’s monster and a vampire had a werewolf kid. Just doing me own thing with it :)


    --That pendant is a nice gift indeed!
    --"I powered it with the orgasms of ten virgins from a Naruto Fan Club at a college over In New Jersey," made me chuckle, especially because of how big the Naruto fandom is here on AFF.

    I liked the idea of Shannon’s “Turns out Naruto’s really popular!” and they got a lot of non-virgin members too :D I wrote a Naruto story, something like 14K hits and 4 reviews which Google tells me one AshuraAnderson on hentai-foundry linked with this description “ Pure crack. Hinata/Sasuke feat. Naruto. Technically cuckolding, technically NTR, anal...but Naruto gets turned into a big black cock. Somehow manages to be hot and hilarious at the same time.” which I’ll take as a positive!


    --Nice bit about undead girls not needing to breathe and thus having an advantage when it comes to deep-throating. (In one of my Steven Universe fics, I did something similar with a couple of the Crystal Gems, who are silicon-based and also don't need to breathe.)

    Vampires aren’t known for their gag reflex either!


    --It's sweet that Mike knows immediately that Lupa is swallowing his load by choice.

    I did think about having her claim she didn’t want to make a mess of her dress (which would be not entirely true), but it ruined the timing of her realisation of the pendant’s secondary feature.


    --"...getting some presents blasted up her ass." Ha. Even better that Shannon is actually not out getting laid but doing a good deed by trying to free her imprisoned friend.

    And you know what works for blasting presents up an ass?

    The Holiday Cannon

    Available from all good meta-fictional sex toy stores and probably also Amazon.jp

    I included that final paragraph both to play off Lupa’s assumption (dramatic wossname) and also to pay off the earlier mentions of Kate being imprisoned. I’m glad it worked!


    So glad you found the time to write this!

    Thanks again, I’m even gladder you wrote the Reindeer continuation!

  15. 15 hours ago, InBrightestDay said:

    If you’re waiting on me, you should probably go ahead.

    I spent a while thinking about this, trying to write Meaningful Gifts, and eventually came to a decision...and by eventually I mean earlier today.

    Meaningful Gifts began as a story called Cold Comfort (which itself was based on a heart-crushingly sad story on Literotica that I wanted to do a happier version of).  Then, while I was coming up with the idea of MG, Halloween happened, and I had an idea for a story that was very similar to MG, but took place at and after a Halloween party, this one called For One Night Only.  I had assumed I would never write Cold Comfort, and would only use the ideas for Meaningful Gifts, but the more time I spent trying and failing to keep MG distinct from For One Night Only, the more I began to think it might be better to merge the elements I liked from one of those into the other.

    End result: Meaningful Gifts is not going up.  Instead, the elements of the relationship I really like will, I think, be absorbed into For One Night Only, which will go up on Halloween.  In addition, there is a good possibility that I will eventually end up writing Cold Comfort after all, though I don’t plan that to be a Holiday Party release.

    I’m really sorry for anyone I’ve disappointed here. :(  I know my promise to write MG was part of what caused this party to happen.

    There’s no need to apologise – yes, some disappointment but totally tempered by the Halloween story to come! It’s not just cold comfort for us! Plus, even if you hadn’t said you’d hopefully do one, a few of us were trying hard to get something done anyway so no hassle on that. I hope you’d get a chance to read and review anyway, some good stories this year! Elfs with plenty o’ posterior padding! Mind control! Neurotoxins! It’s all there!

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