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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093876 the story is right there and not hidden
  2. My latest adventure with it.... yeah... i know how to type that in.... NOT!
  3. It's called Darkness by RhiannonoftheMoon it has a sequel called To Shed A Little Light Both are wonderful stories. Enjoy!
  4. Heavily Medicated for the protection of others

    1. BronxWench


      ::pushes spiky paladin between Dani and me::

    2. Danyealle


      ohhhh do i get to decorate the spikes with pretty pink ribbons?

    3. BronxWench


      If it makes you feel better, by all means! :lol:

  5. As it's a new one, we'll get it this go 'round with the sweep.
  6. The problem is you put it in the wrong place. You uploaded it to the Anime subdomain when it belongs in either Inuyasha or YuGiOh (depending on where it's set determines where it goes). Just use the jump menu along the side in the authors panel to navigate to the proper domain and then upload it. We delete wrongly placed new stories when we find them, that's what happened.
  7. In order to help we need to know where the story was located, the domain (such as anime, Harry Potter, Cartoons, etc).
  8. Looking for some completed, good slash fics, preferably Dean/Sam. Longer ones are preferred, no oneshots please, and they have to be complete. All suggestions welcome!
  9. Gotcha! We'll take a look at it!
  10. here is the FAQ on how to cite and footnote.... http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/15097-citations-and-footnoting/
  11. yee-ahhh.... We'll look into the 'fics' and see what we can determine. Thanks for the report!
  12. to help, we need to know the title and where it was located such as anime, Harry Potter, Cartoons, etc.
  13. yeah, again! And, no, i wasn't on an anime site It was for a downloader i have and i was all WTF????
  14. and you all thought they were bad here.... I just got this one elsewhere.... now, you tell me.... how the hell I'm supposed to read kanji when I only read English??????
  15. Just for you, SK
  16. Where was it located? Such as Naruto, Anime, Harry Potter, etc. Once we have that we can check.
  17. Got Anne Rice, JK Rowling, HP Lovecraft, Dan Brown, Stephen King and a few others that made me want to hurt myself
  18. It wasn't an anime site and you were there the night i had the rant about that it the shoutbox
  19. The problem is, it was put in Anime when it belongs in YuGiOh. You can put it here.... http://ygo.adult-fanfiction.org/
  20. What's the name of it, what section did you put it in and what fandom is it? Without those, we can't do much, sorry.
  21. try PaperDemon.com They have a great site and don't censor like DA does. The adult stuff can be found in their Red Curtain area
  22. I watched this documentary last night (link to Wikipedia page on it) and found it very interesting though I no longer have school-age kids. I highly recommend it for any parents of kids either in school or have yet to reach school age. Though I'm unsure as to how accurate all the information is in it, it raises some most interesting points that are seriously worth pondering and debate. Enjoy!
  23. If I'm thinking of the same author I believe she pulled her work because she's being published. As many publishers have a 'no fanfic' clause in their contracts many pull all their work in preparation.
  24. Got this tonight from one of my anti-malware programs so it's a legit thing... Surprise spam trojan on Facebook
  25. Yet another thief that thought they wouldn't get caught. Shame on you!

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