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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. A day of protest to halt internet censorship interesting concept!
  2. LOL yes, my yahoo group got slammed but I appreciate it! Knocking the beta out as fast as I can so i can jump in with both feet and have some fun with it, well, evil fun, but fun nonetheless!
  3. She's the original author, trust me! My end of it is coming soon, just going to take some time to get the rest up is all
  4. Yup, the RTE makes things SO much easier to do! And thank you again! I've got the link in to that one on all the chapters!
  5. And we're all linked in to your story in the text! I am so excited that you're posting here! I squee'd to the head admin. I NEVER squee either!
  6. Oh yes, I can link to another AFF story! And, trust me, yours is clean enough! If not, I can do a beta run through it for you without a problem! And it won't be long before you start seeing my end of things, trust me!
  7. First, let me remind everyone that the first 25 chapters were written by the most talented Aya Macchiato from ff.net as the sequel to Harry Potter and the Descent Into Darkness so I have no idea what her thought process was or anything like that when it came to things. She had 25 chapters complete and one very short partical chapter for 26 where I will be picking it up. Now, onto replies... To Unneeded... 1.) I can't host the original story here as it's not mine. It's complete and the author of it is the only one that can post it here. 2.) Oh yes, I will be continuing it! I have the brief notes she had on what she had planned and my own wicked, twisted ideas of what's going to happen to work with, so more is coming!! 3.) I'm sorry, I can't give a link to the fic, that's not allowed. I've given where it's from and the name, best I can do for that!
  8. Chances are, the issue is we deleted someone underage. When we do that all the reviews that they left are also deleted. Nothing to be paranoid about!
  9. Edits are DONE! Now to just to wait for covers and actual release dates!

  10. Edits for Little Red are DONE! *happy dances* Only one left, Dark and Stormy, then all three are FINISHED!

    1. Danyealle


      and my life can quit being a living hell and my brain stop melting!

  11. I'm sorry to hear that, Melrick. The big C is a horrible thing and there is nothing i can say to make it easier. Just roll with the punches the best you can. Will keep you and your father in my thoughts.
  12. next greatest excuse for plagiarism"Sorry about stealing your story. I didnt really think of it as stealing since you dont get any money or anyting for it and if you tried to the creators of naruto would probably sue you. But its deleted now. I had a lol at your reviews to it and that creepy persons. You dont have to get so mad about it. And why didnt you just send me a message. Oh and I accidently deleted my story too in the process lol. Hehe too bad for me, I dont update it anyway. And...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Danyealle


      and to add the wrongness... she's 14

    3. BronxWench


      And HoS'd, with bonfires and pitchforks and marshmallows!

    4. RogueMudblood


      actually, the age about fits what I was thinking ith that sort of comment; only I was thinking 12.

  13. in order to help we need to know the name of the story and what section its in
  14. my soul is being sucked out by edits! GAH!

  15. Warring Plunnies = BRAIN DAMAGE for the author!

    1. RogueMudblood


      *hands the plunnie Dany likes better a flamethrower - gives the other a carrot* hee hee hee hee hee

    2. Danyealle
  16. Deck the halls with titanium sporks, use them all to... i won't finish that thought * insert evil snicker here *

  17. EFO#1 has decided my Sesshomaru blanket now belongs to him... he wants to die!

    1. ApolloImperium


      He's an EFO... All your stuff belongs to him, didn't you know? Or did you miss that memo?

    2. Danyealle


      The Sesshomaru blanket is sacred! (and cost me a small fortune grumblegrumblegrumble) EFO is pissed as i hung it back up on the wall (it was only down to be washed anyway). The EFO has a death wish!

    3. ApolloImperium
  18. A very Blessed and Merry Yule to all!

  19. I have a new addiction and I am not pleased! I need this like I need another hole in my head... *grumbles and bangs head on desk*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ApolloImperium
    3. Melrick


      "Manual stimulation" isn't something to be ashamed off. Unless you do it on a bus or something, I guess...

    4. Danyealle


      LMAO Melrick! True that and no that isn't it :P

  20. I've got release dates! EYES SHUT Release Date: February 2012 SHIFTER TALES: HEY THERE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD & IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT Release Date: March 2012

    1. RogueMudblood
    2. Danyealle


      * sticks fist in the air ala Freddie Mercury* Just gotta go through edits first GACK!

  21. Danyealle


    We're not done yet. The big boss has to work today so she'll finish when she gets home. But we do have it hidden and action WILL be taken! Just reality intrudes so much.... I'm sure you know that.
  22. Danyealle


    Gotcha! Grabbing what we need now. Just give it some time since I'm the only on right now (it's like 4 AM so everyone sensible is asleep). But, rest assured, we take this VERY seriously and will be handling it!
  23. one more moronicus stupidicus and i'm going postal... fair warning everyone!

    1. sumeragichan


      Can I quote you on the moronicus Stupidicus? That one's just classic. XD

    2. Danyealle
  24. THIS!
  25. Professional editor assigned and my ego will be taking a pounding shortly...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danyealle


      Oh they don't say anything to you an are nothing but supportive it's just when you get it to do the corrections and see how many you wonder why they bought it in the first place! But they make you sound wonderful and do a bang-up job!

    3. Melrick


      From what I've read from published authors, it seems that a really good editor is worth his or her weight in gold.

    4. Danyealle


      They are! And, honestly, the ego pounding is needed to keep it from becoming the size of someone like the being we got the C&D order from. It ensures you know you aren't perfect.

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