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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. Today si Be Freddie for a Day day to raise money for AIDS research. We miss you Freddie, well those of us old foggies that know who you are anyway and your talent still shines on! Queen is still the best there is!

  2. If nightmare plunnies from west hell weren't bad enough, i get to now deal with tempremental angels who don't want to work with me! I wonder if said angel wouldn't mind a good beating...

  3. All stressed out and no one to choke!

    1. DemonsAngel


      *offers a plunnie or a sue* Take your pick.

    2. BronxWench
  4. Plunnies... not put on the earth to assist you but to assist you right into a straight jacket! Fear the plunnies... FEAR THEM!

  5. My brain is being devoured! They are running amok! Save yourselves and hide!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

  6. Dark plunniess.... O_O they are worse at sucking your soul and sanity than normal ones! ::: ... runs away screaming with several attached to me ... :::

    1. sumeragichan


      Have the Plunnie repellent version 3.5.... It should work... I think

    2. DemonsAngel


      *gets the mallet* Hold still dany! I'll save you! *starts whacking plunnies*

  7. There is something very wrong with the amount of joy i get from playing with hot glue...

  8. Rain, glorious rain! I'm going out to dance naked in it!

    1. DemonsAngel


      *gets the camera for later black mail*

    2. BronxWench


      ::says "What the Hells" and joins Dany::

    1. DemonsAngel


      That is DISGUSTING. Way to teach our kids to eat better people. *shudders*

    2. Melrick


      You know, I used to make jokes about Americans eating stuff like that, but it was just a joke, because obviously they wouldn't REALLY eat stuff like that. Dear god...

    3. Curious Lyss
  9. A musical note.. I have a keyboard, yes, but not THAT kind, dammit!
  10. to help, we need to know the name, the fandom and where you put it in which domain (example; Anime, Bleach, Harry Potter, etc). Without that, we can't tell you anything.
  11. There are actually several stories based on that series. They are in the Misc TV section as it has no category yet
  12. lowest high this week? Purported to be 104-I've melted!

  13. 109 today..... O_O Bloody hell! I'm MELTINGGGGGGGGGGGG....

    1. ladytsunadesama


      Yeah my car said it was 111 at noon here in Dallas. I'm sick of this heat.

    2. Danyealle


      it's bloody NUTS. Walked from the office to my apartment after work and my peanut butter cups had completely melted!

    3. ladytsunadesama


      I feel ya. I bought a new par of flip flops and when i got out of my car to wal into walmart they freaking melted! Like left me barefoot. Ive even have to bu my dog booties cause he burned his feet.

  14. ohgodohgodohgodohgod... i can't BREATH! there are friggin' TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://tv.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600091332

  15. :::... throws the three plunnies in the middle of the room then takes a chainsaw to them...::: die you lil' bastards! One at a time, dammit! Or I go insane and you get squat done!

    1. kagome26isawsome


      at least they are helping u! Say when u r done with the chainsaw can i borrow it?

    2. Danyealle


      have at it, Kagome

  16. here is the straight e-mail addy, just copy and paste it in where you need it ; technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org
  17. Remember folks... killing the author gets you no more updates! Wiith that in mind, i'll go hide now...

    1. Melrick


      So... if Stephenie Meyer wasn't around any more... hmmm...

    2. Danyealle


      hehehehe... there is an upside to this, yes!

    3. BronxWench


      ::arches eyebrow and grins evilly:: I have a list...

  18. Focus brain! You have a cliffie to write! Ignore the plunnies!

  19. I'm one card short of a full deck I'm not quite the shilling One wave short of a shipwreck I'm not my usual top billing I'm coming down with a fever I'm really out to sea This kettle is boiling over I think I'm a banana tree Oh dear-I'm Going Slightly Mad-Queen

  20. Never try to nuke a plunnie, bad things happen.... Ever seen the scene with Mickey Mouse and the cut up brooms? You get the idea then.... GAH!!!!!!!!!! Onto another plan...

  21. Plunnie Apocalypse is at hand... RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JayDee


      ...that is one creepy ascii picture after the first post.

    3. sumeragichan


      Time to initiate the zombie survival plan... *Grabs shotgun* Already for 'em... Now, let's move to a nice safe location... Anyone gotta tank?

    4. Danyealle


      Works for me Jem just cover your ankles before they attach

  22. The horde has bred and spread, world domination is at hand.... prepare the best you can and protect yourself!

    1. sumeragichan


      zombie survival plan in effect

    2. Danyealle




  23. That's because there is specific criteria for a disclaimer for an Original story. If you go up into FAQ it will explain exactly what is needed.
  24. deleted
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