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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. First, we are looking into it. As to the second review, we need the link to it so we can look at it. Also, be advised, going after any reviewer or author can be considered flaming them whether you feel they deserve it or not. Personal attacks aren't warranted or tolerated by anyone on the site. Nor is name calling. As for ratings, there is nothing we can do about those. They are the one truly anonymous feature on the site. But it is set up to where one being cannot rate a story more than once. additional... after looking at the story i think this came from the review is not there. If the review isn't there, there isn't anything we can do about it. When you get this kind of thing you have to leave it up for us to see. Once the author removes the reviews they are also deleted from the database thus disappearing. So if you get them, leave them up then contact us either here or through TOSMail via report review so we can get a gander at it.
  2. Legend of Zelda would belong in games, not anime. That's probably why it was deleted. below are some links to help explain how to use the jump menus and get it where it belongs http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...?showtopic=5384 http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...?showtopic=3552
  3. Without the story name and what category it was in, there isn't really a way to tell. However, if it was misplaced and put in the wrong category or was put under zMisplaced Stories [ADMIN use only] then it would have been deleted without notification.
  4. Danyealle

    HP/SS/LM Fic.

    sounds like Just your regular apprentice fic By kopeke Sadly, though, that one was never finished.
  5. it might help your search if you put in what kind of stories you do write. Some won't beta certain kinds, pairings, genre's, etc.
  6. If i remember right, it was movie based so that is probably where you want to look for it, in the Movies section of the archive. Since the movie version came out a lot have been placing them in books, not movies, and we're deleting them as we find them. edit--- yup, that is where it is http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093557
  7. try here http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page that's where i look a lot of things up
  8. go look in our Hall of Shame and see how many are repeat offenders. It's very, very common for them to do it again. And the favorite excuse from the thief is it was an accident or they didn't know they shouldn't do that. Not to mention that reviewers, fans and friends always give the excuse that they made a mistake. This is no accident or mistake, sorry. But, on the upside of it, her award is gone now... from the facebook page of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.... However, since this was reported some time ago, and it appeared to take a mass throng of people to basically leave hundreds of messages on their facebook page to get them to do something about it, I am less than impressed with their actions in this case
  9. I logged into chat on another site tonight and was bombarded with a lot of angry people. It seems that popular artist on DA Yuumei has not only had her artwork and one of her poems stolen AGAIN but this time the lil creep that did it won a national award for it! here is the link to her profile where she talks about it and what steps she had taken to remedy the situation. Here is the article about the thief from January. I assure you, the comments are well worth looking at and pull no punches. Isn't life FUN? And they wonder why so many get so upset by this.
  10. the only uploadedable files on the site are HTML and text. Beyond that you would have to copy and paste. An easy way to do this is open the original Word document then save as... select Web Page (*htm, *html) from the pull down menu and save it that way then upload. That's how i do it and it saves all the formatting except centering for some reason)
  11. it should be visible now
  12. it's not missing, it's hidden because you have an authors note as a chapter (first chapter). You were sent a notice to remove it on 4/7/10. You can still access it through your authors panel. Once you remove the authors note, tell us and we'll check then unhide it.
  13. we need a bit more information on it before we can look into it, such as the name of the story, where it was located, etc
  14. It's gone. If you see anymore like this, please post them up for us so we can get rid of them. Thanks!
  15. Oh they are very thought out. Most of mine are very complex multi-chapter stories that are huge with plotlines that twist all over the place. Since i work off very detailed outlines (most times though there are exceptions to this) i have no problems going through a chapter and getting it done. I have everything thought out and worked out before i even start to write it so, yes, they are well thought through before i start writing them. At any given time i have roughly 30 outlines in various stages of completion on my computer to work off of. Those are done in off times when I'm not writing. I just have more time to do this than most people on here is all.
  16. Sounds like Love Potion No. 13 by RiffRaff
  17. It was removed because it was plagiarized from another story
  18. What's even worse is when you see the same exact wording on a review they give other people, no matter the story. It kinda' feels like a form letter thing from some of them. As for ratings.... I don't see where they mean a lot at all. Once you get over a certain number of them, giving it the rating it truly deserves if it's at a 5 is like adding teaspoons of sand to a beach, it doesn't mean anything.
  19. OK, first thing to try is this... along the top toolbar, go to members tools then login. Once there, enter your username or the email address that you have in your profile, and then press the link. Your username and password will be emailed out to you. (Please check your "Bulk" or "Spam" folders for the email, as it sometimes ends up there.) If that doesn't work, post again and we'll work from there.
  20. killed all but the following two... http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544171330 is a drabble http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093424 that one not sure of so DG is looking at it for me
  21. nuked them all but this one http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092704
  22. yeah, that one we need up for a bit LOL it'll come down when we are done with it
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