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Everything posted by Danyealle

  1. killed all but the last one and this one since i'm not sure about it
  2. it's dead!
  3. i do a 4000 word chapter in 2 hours usually and put out between 2-3 chapters a week. Sometimes i do more than that, depending on the story and where I'm at in it. I've done more than that, a lot more. I'm one of those beings that could update every day if I would cut down my chapter size. But it's not unknown for me to update both stories I work on at a time in the same day with a minimum of 4000 words each (usually I overshoot that by a bit). That's not to mention the outlines and such i do in between time.
  4. I killed the unstories, the rest is up to someone else
  5. I LIKE the font! It's bolder and i can read it easier. I had to custom switched in Firefox to Ariel so I could read it easier. If you like the old one you can go into your browser in options and set it to the standard Times New Roman and override any custom font on any page with it. For me, the colors and font are far, far, far easier to read and much easier on my eyes. Even the fiance loves it and says it's much easier to read and see than the old one.
  6. Danyealle

    SS/HP fic

    it sounds like Hex-Crossed Lovers by HPRndRobin
  7. My first time i was utterly and completely terrified. Being that my partner was the same age i was and had the same experience level, it didn't go well. No, it didn't hurt like many said it did but it wasn't an enjoyable thing either since my partner was pretty clueless as to what to do (I'm older than most on this site so some of the information most have now wasn't easily available then). All in all, it wasn't a fun experience or enjoyable for me. Hope that helps.
  8. I understand completely! I have stuff that I pull up, entire stories, that I don't/can't remember writing. I just look at them all -like and go wtf? Where did that come from and when did I do it? Then again, I look at my current work and wonder if it's actually me that did such a thing. The being that failed high school English classes repeatedly couldn't possibly write the stuff I do. Maybe it's aliens? Or I'm possessed? Who knows!
  9. It seems to be up and fully functional as of now. At least for me, everything is working right.
  10. Fate Book 2: Evolution By Danyealle-sama X-Rated I've just posted up the first chapter of the book that is the sequal to my published novel. So if you like werewolves, demons and all manner of shapeshifters, you will probably like this Summary:After being newly mated and moving back to South Carolina, Dani and Darious, along with Mayhem and Marcus take the first steps towards starting a new life together. With the ups and downs that come with such new things, there are many suprises and things to deal with beyond what most would normally have. This is an original story with original characters http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600101497 Thanks! Danyealle
  11. Try Canis Lupus it's a Snarry fic (so slash obviously) and it's complete. It's the only one that i can think of off the top of my head that is complete
  12. by sheer dumb luck, i happen to beta for someone who is writing a story like this. Here it is... As It Should Be
  13. Because i want something to point people to, can we please have a FAQ that this is NOT allowed, even if the story is hidden?
  14. Mine is a play on an old saying I came across somewhere: Meddle Not In The Affairs Of Dragons Because Thou Art Crunchy And Good With Ketsup. Since i write mostly in the Inuyasha fandom i thought it would be a funny play on it is all
  15. There is a Harry Potter/Star Wars crossover somewhere in the archive (Harry Potter section). My brain hurt even trying to come up with that conept
  16. read this off to the fiancee, the comic nutcase, and his opinion was he liked it. He said it sounded like a great way to go in and handle this rather than the mess that it is right now.
  17. despite what people thing, that matters not. I've done M/M stuff and I'm not a man (even won awards for it). I've also done f/f stuff and never done that in real life either. So, honestly, your real experiences don't mean diddly in this areal. What matters is you use your imagination and make it seem real with the way you describe it. And pointers would depend on what you want to do. If you're not comfortable with this or it's your first time, try something soft and go more for the feel of the scene rather than graphic details. Once you get more comfortable, go for more details with stuff that is more graphic and such. But just a big hint on something that seems to be a problem with so many: keep an eye on where you place hands. Characters don't generally have more than two of those things and I've seen too many that describe things like a human is an octopus with 8 of em.
  18. what domain is it in? (category like Anime, Naruto, Original, etc.)
  19. here are some Harry/Remus ones: Research and Development A Picture is Worth a Thousand Wanks In a London House Of Wolf and Man
  20. a No Sex code =nosex to denote stories that have no overt sexual content crack fiction code-cracfic to denote humorous stories whose main plot is serious stupidity, not meant to be taken seriously
  21. Danyealle


    My opinion is that you just know when you've done enough. You find the point or something jumps out at you that tells you that you're done and just need to go with it. It's not something that you can explain beyond that, it's just instinctual is all. That's not a bit help I know, just something that has always worked for me.
  22. story chapter 19 is gltiched
  23. Titles are hard for me and always have been, like summaries. I've done tons of them. The only thing that I can tell you is you make something that stands out and gets attention. I've used song titles, such as Kryptonite, to lines from the anime i write it, Supreme Conquest, to chunks of old sayings, Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, to odd words that most people don't know. Anything to grab attention. Odd, from my perspective, works for titles. Try to come up with something that no one else has used. Getting attention for a fiction is something that isn't always easy. From what I've seen, the Naruto section is one that is fairly busy on this site, in the top three of traffic along with Anime and Harry Potter. So you are competing for readers with many other authors in a way you don't have to in some of the older domains like Buffy or Inuyasha or slower domains like YuYu or Yugioh. So you have to do something to get attention. To do that, don't be afraid to use the forum or other sites to promote what you do. There are many other sites out there that devote to one fandom or one pairing in a fandom. Try posting there as well instead of one site. The more sites you post on, the more hits you garner. The biggest hits I get come not from AFF or ff.net, the multi-fandom sites, but the site Dokuga where a specific pairing is allowed. Fans of that pairing only congregate and send my hit count high. AFF helps to get the name out there but don't be afraid to branch out. I will admit that once you establish yourself as doing good or fair work and putting out consistently does help in the hit count. Once you've been around for a while and develop a bit of a reputation, you do get better hits because you're known and people remember you. But that can be ruined if you drop off the face of the earth for a long period of time or allow your skills to erode and just put out less of a quality of work than you are known for. Try not to fall into those ruts and plug on. If you keep going then you will find that you will get recognized for it. Honestly, though they mean nothing at all in the real world, awards do help. Try to get your stuff submitted for them and encourage others to vote. Asking for reviews, from my point of view personally, doesn't do anything one way or another. It may encourage some to do so but most won't bother. On the whole, 99% of those that read fiction will never review and nothing you do will change that. Just keep that in mind and don't let it discourage you. Realistically, AR/AU stories, in most domains, don't do as well as things in canon and never have. Most want canon stories. Though AR/AU have a niche, they, as a rule, don't do as well. But they have their following and those that adore them. I don't read Naruto fiction, I've never seen the series so I wouldn't be one to ask about that fandom, so my comments are more general from someone who has been around for a few years. Hope they help and don't get discouraged. We were all noobs once.
  24. contact me at Danyealle@GMail.com and we'll discuss it
  25. OK, the fiction is located here on AFF (link) but it's not finished. I've found the full but censored version on ff.net but I was looking for the uncensored version. I found the LJ and IJ entries for it but they aren't working. Does anyone know where else I might be able to find the last couple chapters? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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