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Everything posted by Shinju

  1. Shinju


    I think it goes without saying that if you are a fan of AFF then in all likeliness you got some kink.
  2. Unfortunately when I was a little girl praying for big boobs I forgot to ask for perky. =( I used to do push-ups and they looked fabulous, but after the beginning of my physical problems my body just went to hell. This is the month I am going to ask my doctor if breast reduction surgery is right for me; it could be why I'm having so many problems in the first place. I'm scarred. I hate surgery. I cried like a baby after they pulled my wisdom teeth . . .
  3. I like money. Anything I can do to make more of it would be great.
  4. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth while reading that. And I only read the spoiler.
  5. Take it from me, forcing labels on your children fucks them up royaly. You will never be able to undo this kind of damage. Take it from me, if your four year old son wants to wear red lipstick so he can look like mommy or put on some ruby red slippers so he can look like Dorthy, let him. When you see your pre-teen daughter looking at girls, don't go up to her and tell her not to become a lesbian. Chances are, with men being such bastards, she'll be better off with a chick anyway. My point is, no matter how much control you think you have over your children and influencing their decisions, you have absolutely no control over this. Just face facts and give up. Sure, you can choose to continue, dropping them little hints and clues that mommy and daddy want you to grow up strait. But you are only hurting them and yourselves. You cannot imagine the self loathing that they feel when the people who are supposed to love them unconditionally tell them, subtly or strait out, that they will not be loved the same if their sexual orientation is something other than expected. You have to understand they can't help themselves or the way they relate sexually to other people, and when to try to make them think that they can, it just makes them hate themselves when they can't. I guess it all comes down to how much of your child's mental sanity are you willing to risk to try to make them into what you want?
  6. Yes, yours was it! Gosh thats a great story. Thank you for posting, much appreciated. Checking out the other links too. They're my new favorite paring.
  7. Shinju

    If I Were...

    I would create a world based on Tanith Lee's Bitting the Sun. If I were a penguin I'd . . . .
  8. ^ is less lazy than me. < was kind of hoping ^ would tell me to kill a few people, then get sent to a slam where they tell me I'll never see daylight again and finally dig up a doctor and pay him 20 menthol Kools to do a surgical shine job on my eyeballs. < has been watching too much Pitch Black.
  9. because I am hiding underneath your bed. Why am I hiding under Shirotaka's bed?
  10. I am no longer aloud to date men without my father frisking them first.
  11. Fight Club! Okay, name this one: "You see the world through John Malkovich's eyes. Then after about 15 minutes, you're spit out into a ditch on the side of the New Jersey Turnpike!"
  12. Dingbats Ignite Genitalia In Tubs Around London T R A N S A T L A N T I C
  13. If my family found out the kind of shit I write, it would become official that I was the one person in this branch of the family with a bad case of crazy.
  14. Shinju

    Title Share

    Crazy (the Gnarls Barkley song)
  15. ^ is correct. < is strung out on Christmas candy. V likes candy.
  16. Shinju

    If I Were...

    I would ride in Ricky Bobby's race car. If I were invisible . . .
  17. Shinju

    Five words

    plowed into her like a
  18. "You killed Kenny, you sillybugger" --South Park
  19. friends with benefits at a distance. Vagina's are like ___________.
  20. A Spoon Full of Sugar from Mary Poppins
  21. Having food. There was a time I couldn't really afford it. The plus side of living with parents is that you don't have to dine off of Top Ramen three times a day.
  22. Ellen (played by Sharon Stone) from The Quick and the Dead.
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