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Everything posted by Shinju

  1. ^ Has a cute kitty for an icon. I want that kitty! < Is obsessed with wombats. V Harbors a secret crush on Worf from Start Trek.
  2. Shinju

    If I Were...

    . . . I would heal everybody's pain. If I were a monkey pirate . . .
  3. :::Catches the jar of pickles, eats several and puts the rest in the 'fridge::: :::Chucks a bottle of happy pills:::
  4. Shinju

    I Am...

    I am angry right now. I want to kick a random, large, domineering person's ass in a bar fight that they provoked. I think that would make me feel better.
  5. Shinju

    I Have Never....

    I do that all the time, but I always find them again. I suppose I just misplace, not lose. I have never eaten snake. Had a dream I did though. Haven't in real life. Am pretty interested in trying it after that dream, although I wish to become a complete vegetarian soon. I had a bite of alligator once at a corn festival. Didn't care for it much . . .
  6. I am no longer aloud to flirt with caterers at special functions.
  7. Holidays are the worst. I like Halloween if someone takes pity on me and invites me to a costume party. This year someone did, so it was good. Christmas time is the worst. It's not that I dislike the holiday, it used to be one of my favorites. But ever since I was about 19 or 20, the period of time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has just sucked. I mean really completely sucked. Every year around this time the horriblest of shit happens to me and my family. Thank goodness this year it's just me. And my poor cats my ex keeps taunting me with yet refuses to give me. My family has about a gazillion birthdays during this time, one of them mine, and I hate it. I hate my birthday. Always have. There are just tons of pictures of me from about six or seven years on with me blowing out a cake full of candles or holding a gift, my eyes just full of tears. There were a few happy years, I'll grant you that. But mostly my birthdays are just one big suckfest. I wish I could just pop a few muscle relaxers and sleep through the whole day, but people keep making me do things like go to a family restaurant and blow out f*****g candles. I hope nobody comes this year. No one ever really makes it a point anyway. But I'm so disoriented all the time I forget everyone else's birthdays now anyway, so I suppose I can call it even. This year, I don't want Christmas. If I had any way at all to get the hell out of here I would get as far away from this f*****g place as possible the 23rd-26th. I'm too injured to work and I have no money to buy anybody anything. I even f****d up my shoulder preparing the easiest food yesterday. There isn't really anything I can do without hurting myself. I had all the gifts I had wanted to give everybody planned out. But no money no gifts and I don't want anyone to give me anything this year either because I feel like a big enough mooch already having to take handouts from everyone else. Even if I did have the money, I don't have the physical stamina to go shopping. I could do it, but every day of shopping I would have to spend two days in bed. Anytime I do anything I have to spend two days in bed. This year, for Christmas, I just want someone to whisk me away to somewhere where I don't have to celebrate Christmas. A cheap motel, a friends crappy apartment, anywhere. Anywhere where I wouldn't have to go to a bathroom or something and cry my f*****g eyes out because I hate the holidays. Santa never brought me anything, the least he could do for me is this. You hear that, Santa? Just get me the f**K out of here for Christmas! Oh yeah, and most of all I want my cats back! There's my f*****g wish list for ya.
  8. I'm looking for the title of the one with the whomping willow, but the titles of any would also be much appreciated.
  9. Wow, I'm usually more of a yaoi fan, but in this case I like (Older)Rin X Sesshomaru the very best.
  10. Shinju

    The Why Game

    Because God made them extra sweet to tempt Eve. Why does God make the most tempting things the things we're "not supposed" to do?
  11. I'm glad I'm not addicted to pain medication.
  12. Because people are anal retentive retards. Why are people so anal retentive?
  13. F: Fork (someone tried to use this as a weapon on me so I guess it counts)
  14. "Have you ever been with a sillybugger, Forrest?" -- Jenny Curran from Forest Gump.
  15. Hung Unicorns Never Graze Around Restricted Indian Airbases Nowadays. Perverted Erudite Omnibuses Pretend Love Evaporates. B O N G W A T E R
  16. Shinju

    Five words

    told him she wanted him
  17. Every time I fart, somebody's head explodes in China.
  18. Crap. Never thought I'd have to own up to this one but yeah. Just don't tell anyone that I know about this. I love the semi-anoniminity of the internet. G/NG Had indecent thoughts about one of your teachers in high school or middle school.
  19. I'm glad ol' George W. can't get elected again.
  20. ^ Should not approach me with an open flame.
  21. Guilty. I once ditched a concert with a friend to go hang out with the guy I liked. Not sure if that's quite stabbing in the back, but she was real upset. G/NG: Ever slept with someone who was supposed to be dating someone else?
  22. Inside a LOTR convention. How many nerds do you think got off on that movie? LOTR fans don't flame me. I'm a nerd. I can admit it.
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