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Everything posted by Shinju

  1. ^^ I LOVE your Mikami Icon. When I got my glasses I made sure the ones I bought looked kind of like his. I'm so lame. Anyway, I am a total review whore. I like "update soons" and I like flames because I make sure that the next chapter contains even more of what the flamer was flaming. Kind of like a giant "fuck you" if they continued reading.
  2. Article here: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=4581943&page=1 Yeah, so, apparently there's this man that's pregnant. At first, I first I freaked out when my mom told me she had seen it on Oprah, because I thought that rabid Death Note MPREG fangirls were going to have a field day with it, but as it turns out it was a woman who got a sex change and become a man legally, and kept all her womanly organs. So yeah . . . . how do they actually er, "make" a woman into a man anyway? I mean, there's nothing there, where do they get the skin???
  3. I made it into a story called "The Nazi's that work at the electric umbrella company." Enjoy. And by electric umbrellas I'm talking about umbrellas that are futuristic in nature, like my idea that umbrellas should fly about following you around and hover over you when raining so you don't have to carry a stupid umbrella everywhere you go. This gives me the perfect excuse to put my idea on the internet. Paisley Neon Electric Umbrellas Might Obsessively Never Open Unintentionally Losing The Romantic Atmosphere Minor Inconsistencies Cause; Retarded Optimistic Scrutinizing Company Overseer's Put Impossible Calibrations So Inconsistencies Like Inconvenient Coincidental Openings Validate Only Large Catastrophes, And Not Only Coincidental Openings, Non Intentional Openings Signify Imperfect Specimens. You're right. That was fun. SHIROTAKA - I challange you. If we are going to go to Wikipedia and type in longest word ever, then try this one out for size!!! Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu - The name of a hill in some God forsaken country. Mwa, ha, ha, . . . ha, ha . . . ha, ha. =P T A U M A T A W H A K A T A N G I H A N G A K O A U A U O T A M A T E A P O K A I W H E N U A K I T A N A T A H U
  4. I've just discovered John Amsterdam from that new show New Amsterdam. I don't care if the plot is shaky, I just feel like taking a BITE out of him when he's on screen. Mmmmm, Amsterdam.
  5. Shinju

    I Have Never....

    I have never been to a female strip club.
  6. Shinju


    ^ BANNED for being a forum virgin.
  7. Um, NG, I'm a girl so I don't think so . . . does it count if someone else came on your face by accident? G/NG: of the crime of STEALING???
  8. Monkery: Not the usual definition of a monastery, but as in monkeying around. IE: Quit it you two, I'm tired of your monkery!!!
  9. Shinju

    The Rhyme Game

    In truth he did not know how he would fend, But then he looked up in the sky,
  10. Shinju

    The Why Game

    Because the original number was supposed to be 6969, but Christian's censored it once they got the joke. Why are we all so horny all the time???
  11. Okay, dirty little secret number, what am I on now, three? I recently lost like, 30 lbs since mid-January (kind of like Solaris) and my brother's wives keep asking me how I did it and I made a bunch of stuff up not telling them that I'm somewhat eating-disorderish at times and basically starved myself. I'm still injured and can't really exercise much, so trust me, I didn't lose it that way. I still don't eat that much, but when I'm around my sister's in laws I eat like a mother fucking pig. I swear, last time I was with them I had a HUGE meal that was more than I usually eat in an entire fucking week.
  12. Somehow, my busted, supposedly unrecoverable hard drive ended up I think in the hands of my older brother's friend. And I'm like "Good God, I hope none of that can be recovered . . . " I had just downloaded some stuff like Boco no Pico and Papa to Kiss in the Dark, shit I'm not really into but had to watch just out of curiosity. And I was going to erase it. But then the day before I was gonna, my hard drive died.
  13. I wish I had someone close enough to to have a masturbation contest with
  14. . . . . >_> . . . . better move quick before someone starts slamming us with the rules!!! That awkward moment when you are at the super market and you realize that there is someone else's hand on your boob, and you turn around expecting to see your boyfriend and laugh, and instead it's some random dude.
  15. If it is the same girl and she likes your friend instead, and you guys are like, the same person, maybe she played inie meenie minie moe? Or perhaps he's spent more time with her, or when your back was turned he suavely put the moves on her.
  16. You're my hero, shinigamiinochi. I aspire to be just like you. NEVER LET THEM TRICK YOU WITH THEIR CLEVER LIES!!!
  17. So it was a different girl? The other guy and you might not have that many differences, but maybe this other girl and the girl that slept on the couch with that guy just had different morals. I mean, it's just common sense for a girl who does not want to be molested in her sleep, not to say that you are a molester or anything. It's just that I don't think I've ever been to a male/female sleepover where some guy hasn't tried to feel me up whilst I'm unconscious, so I can understand being wary of something like that. Perhaps she is shy?
  18. Oh, holy shit! I completely forgot about the fucking forum orgy! Did anyone ever get me out of hell???
  19. First AND last name or just first? Did you want this girl to sleep on the couch with you? What did you want?
  20. So apparently Colin Firth (Pride and Prejudice, Brigit Jone's Diary, about fifty-gazillion other great chick flicks) went on the Daily Show and told Jon Stewart about the time he was at a this one place and went to the restrooms where someone took a photograph of his penis when he was at the urinals. First off, wtf??? Secondly, if someone tried to take a picture of you while you went pee, wouldn't you knock them the fuck out? I know I would, and I'm a chick. Thirdly, what kind of sick person tries to take a pic of someone's johnson at a a fucking urinal? And fourthly, I HAVE AN A&E SPECIAL FETISH, WHERE CAN I FIND THIS PICTURE?!?!??? I'M SORRY COLIN, I'M SUCH A HENTAI!!!
  21. Wait, I don't get what you just said, are you jealous of your friend because he slept on the couch with a girl you like or is your pride just injured because she chose him and not you? Is this girl the same girl you fell in love with when you were 10???
  22. Not that I'm bragging about having a magical vagina or anything, but there have been occasions where I have made men cum twice in a row. And then there was that one time I gave that one guy head in the shower and he came so hard he passed out . . . actually, come to think of it, that could have been dangerous if he would have hit his head or something . . . Erm, anyways, like chicks who can have "waterfall" orgasms, I think it depends on the guy. There are some guys who can go four times in a row and others that can only go once a night. Some guys can have multiple orgasms and other's can't.
  23. I hate the way dr.s treat people with panic attacks, especially when you don't know your having one, it makes you feel horrible to have them treat you like an idiot. I had a panic attack in my sleep, woke up not being able to breathe, mistook it for an asthma attack (which I do have) and had a friend drive me to the hospital where they made me wait for three hours, wheezing, feeling dizzy and feeling like I was going to die, and being treated rudely by the lady downstairs. Some nice lady in the front made sure the wait was only three hours for me instead of six, and then I felt hella dumb because the doctor told me it was panic and not asthma. And I was like, wtf? I just WOKE UP like that??? shinigamiinochi, although I've never actually passed out, I know the terror.
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